Chapter 19 - Answers

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Anakin can't deny how much better he feels now that he finally talked to Obi-Wan and let out all his anger. Now that Anakin's finally calmed down enough to have a sensible conversation, he's preparing to answer all the questions he knows Obi-Wan has. He sits down on a small couch next to his brother, waiting for him to start talking.

Obi-Wan seems thoughtful when he turns towards Anakin. "I think you should start from the beginning," comments Obi-Wan, "How did you end up with Dooku?"

Anakin winces. This isn't something he's particularly looking forward to discussing. Even though he's significantly calmer than he was earlier, the pain still hasn't faded. It will take time for him to be able to trust Obi-Wan the same way he did before, but that doesn't mean he's not going to try to answer all his questions.

"I went out flying in my starfighter and happened to land on what I thought was an abandoned landing," Anakin explains, his tone becoming emotionless as he suppresses the emotions associated with the event, "Dooku found me there and asked me to help him destroy Sidious. I agreed, mainly because I wanted to leave the planet."

"That's the second time you've mentioned him," Obi-Wan points out, "Can you tell me who he is?"

Anakin leans back, a bitter smile inching onto his face. "I thought it would be obvious. Sidious is Palpatine. That's why I tried to kill him. Dooku and I were planning to eliminate him during the kidnapping."

He can feel the shock flooding through his brother. "That's why you told me not to interfere," murmurs Obi-Wan, finally understanding.

Anakin nods silently. "Dooku explained to me that Sidious has been working on me to make me his new apprentice," he admits, "I can see now that everything he said to me – he was simply manipulating me. He never cared. Never."

"Of course," replies Obi-Wan, "He would want the Chosen One on his side."

"If I do ever fall, I'll never join him," Anakin vows, a rush of anger at Sidious pouring through him which he accepts and releases like Dooku had explained, "I'd kill him first."

"I won't let you fall," Obi-Wan promises looking over at Anakin, emotion shining in his blue-gray eyes. Anakin knows he's telling the truth. He'll do everything in power to save Anakin if he starts slipping again.

"Dooku didn't think we could defeat Sidious alone, so he had me get you to help," Anakin explains, a wry smile on his face.

"The Temple will be in an uproar," warns Obi-Wan.

"I know," Anakin answers simply, shrugging slightly, "But Dooku was confident you could help us. Or rather," he mutters, "That you could help me."

Obi-Wan doesn't reply, but there's a distinctly regretful expression on his face. "Are you sure that staying with Dooku is wise? He is a Sith, after all." His voice is quiet, and Anakin can tell that he's being silently asked to seriously consider the question. He's thought about it before, and his answer remains the same.

"I'm staying with him," Anakin answers simply, "He helped me more than any Jedi could have, and he cares, Master. If you talk to him, you'll see for yourself." He meets Obi-Wan's eyes, filled with concern. He knows why his brother is worried. He has every right to be. Maybe Anakin rushed into helping Dooku, but it's something he doesn't regret.

"I trust your judgement," murmurs Obi-Wan softly, making Anakin pause in surprise. He hadn't expected to hear that, and something in his face clearly betrays his feelings because Obi-Wan sighs quietly.

"Maybe if I'd trusted your judgement more, this wouldn't have happened," he suggests, "You are reckless, but you aren't stupid. You might get into many tight situations, but you always manage to escape them. You can be unpredictable, and that's why the Council didn't want you to know, but I now know that was a mistake."

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