Chapter 35 - Uncomfortable Realities

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Whispers are flying around the Senate, faster than the speed of light. The Chancellor has disappeared. Kidnapped, perhaps? It doesn't look that way from his office. Everything is showing signs of a fierce struggle. The Jedi did something, some people are murmuring insistently. Padme ignores them, as she always does.

She knows that the Jedi would never attack the Chancellor. Why would they? They are loyal to the Republic. They wouldn't betray them like this. Regardless, Palpatine is gone, and now the Senate is left leaderless. Even if they can elect a new leader, this will be a delicate time for the Republic. A time ripe for exploitation by the Separatists. She shudders to think of it.

"We must make efforts to discover the whereabouts of the Chancellor," argues Bail Organa, looking around at his colleagues.

"Of course," Padme agrees, "But we cannot let everything else come to a standstill until he is found."

"Excuse me, Senators," an aide steps into the room, "But the Jedi Council has sent two representatives to speak to the Senate about the most recent occurrences. Your presences are requested."

Padme exchanges looks with Bail, a feeling of foreboding twisting inside her. For some reason, this doesn't sound good. Why would the Jedi Council know when no one else does? She's heard rumors that Anakin and Obi-Wan had been spotted in the Senate building, but she's not sure if she should believe them. It could be a lie, especially in this tumultuous time. Are the Jedi really involved in everything after all?

She follows Bail and the other Senators to the main chamber. Up on the podium, Windu and Yoda step forwards, an air of solemnity wrapped around them in an almost tangible manner. "We have uncovered some troubling information which will severely impact the future of the Republic," Windu begins, his voice emotionless as it often is. Padme suspects that he'll do all the talking. Yoda is usually simply present to represent the Jedi as a whole.

"Two of our best Jedi have discovered the truth about Chancellor Palpatine's identity," the Jedi Master continues. Padme narrows her eyes as she listens, noting that he hesitated imperceptibly on the word Jedi. So, are they Jedi or not?

"The Chancellor is the Sith Lord responsible for starting and prolonging the Clone Wars," Windu continues, pausing when the entire Senate erupts into exclamations of shock and vehement protests. Padme can barely restrain the gasp that slips from her mouth. Palpatine a Sith Lord? It would laughable if not for the identity of the informants.

"That's impossible!" a Senator yells from the other side of the Senate, "The Chancellor is concerned with the Republic!"

"The Jedi are trying to impose themselves on us again!" protests another.

"Who gave you this information?" demands a third.

When the Senators are finally quiet again, Windu doesn't speak immediately. He glances at Yoda as though quietly communicating with him. "Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi brought this information to us," he admits, "They confronted the Chancellor along with his former Sith apprentice who wants to stop his master from destroying the Republic. Palpatine fought back and escaped. We do not know where he has gone, and we have started a search for him."

A surge of shock renders Padme incapable of feeling anything else. She's oddly numb as the realization sinks in. Was this whole war solely to destroy the Republic? Could Palpatine really be so devious? Yes, she realizes, he could be. He was. It's a bitter truth. The man she'd respected, who had helped her so much when she was still a young queen, is really a Sith Lord.

And his former apprentice? That must be Dooku. Just what are Anakin and Obi-Wan doing with him? And where are they now? She intends to talk to them as soon as she can. She needs to know how Anakin is doing. It's been too long since she's talked to him, and when she last saw him, he was not in a stable state of mind. And if her suspicions about Vader are right, then Anakin is in everything much further than she realized before. Why didn't she suspect that he'd try something so reckless?

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