Chapter 14 - A New Strategy

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Anakin had tried everything he could to dissuade Dooku from pursuing his newest idea, but the Count had put his foot down and informed Anakin in no uncertain terms that if he was going to help defeat Sidious, there was no other choice. That doesn't mean Anakin is any happier with the plan than he was at time. Sneaking around on the sidelines with a Sith Lord is one thing, but openly doing something which will attract attention isn't what Anakin had in mind.

Yes, Anakin knows he's the best one to execute the plot, but he doesn't really care. Mainly, he really doesn't want to face Obi-Wan again, something that is a given if he follows through with the plan. Anakin rolls over on his bed, running his mind through the strategy again. He must grudging admit that he is the best person who could sneak into the Temple and kidnap a Council member. And, of course, pray that said Jedi Master doesn't wake up during the attempt.

If it was anyone other than Obi-Wan, Anakin would probably think Dooku insane, but he must give the Sith Lord credit for being crafty. It's been ten days since Sidious ordered Dooku to capture Anakin. Ten days in which the Count and Anakin spent hours discussing their new plan as well as sparring and preparing for the inevitable confrontation with Sidious.

Ten days in which Anakin tried to get his emotions under control once more. With a deadline hanging over his head, he found it much easier to concentrate on the task at hand, instead of dwelling on Obi-Wan's betrayal. Part of him still aches terribly from how everything went down and wishes that things could still be the same.

He's secretly terrified to return to Coruscant. It will remind him of what happened again, and he doesn't know if he can handle the reopening of all the wounds which have permanently scarred his heart. Sighing, Anakin lets his eyes fall closed. Dooku was right again. Obi-Wan is really the best Jedi who could help him. Much as he loathes to admit it, his former master will help if it means helping Anakin and maybe taking a step towards fixing their relationship.

Although, he's not entirely certain if he wants that. Part of him wants nothing more than to have Obi-Wan back at his side, while a large part of him is too afraid to let them get close again for fear that something will only hurt him all over again. And that is why Anakin thinks that maybe they should have chosen Ahsoka to help them. He knows she'd leap at the chance to join him. He also wants to get back to see Padme. It's been far too long that they've been apart.

"Are you ready to go to Coruscant?" inquires Dooku entering Anakin's room.

"Yes," grumbles Anakin, letting his annoyance over the plan show on his face.

The Sith Lord stares him, seemingly unruffled by his irritation. He's had Padawans after all, Anakin supposes. Surely some of them were somewhat unruly at times. He could never imagine Qui-Gon listening to the rules all the time. He must have annoyed Dooku to death when he was younger. The thought almost makes Anakin laugh.

"The ship will be leaving in an hour. Be sure to be there," Dooku informs him, turning on his heels and striding out of the room. Anakin scowls after he leaves the room. The plan might be sound, but that doesn't mean Anakin has to like carrying it out. Still, since the fate of the galaxy depends on it, he'll do his best, just like he always does.


Anakin grips the steering on the small shuttle hard enough for the knuckles on his left hand to turn white as he lands it near the Temple. Seeing it again brings back memories of when he and Obi-Wan returned from missions together. He and Obi-Wan. They were the team. The galaxy worshiped them, but now everything has been destroyed. Can they repair their relationship? Maybe it matters more if they want to. Obi-Wan probably does, of that Anakin is certain, but he's not sure if he does – or can – handle it.

He's not at all the same person he was a month ago. Now, he's no longer certain what he wants. If he was asked, he'd say the pain to end. The pain that's been his constant companion and torturer for almost three weeks. As the shuttle lands, Anakin lets his eyes close as he mentally – and emotionally – prepares himself for his mission. Get in and out of the Temple with Obi-Wan. Easy, right? Maybe.

"Are you ready, Skywalker?" asks Dooku, his expression betraying his concern.

"Not really, but I don't have a choice, do I?" replies Anakin standing up. He's as prepared as he could ever be. If he waits any longer, he might back out because he's not ready to face Obi-Wan. It's only a matter of time before his former master realizes that he is Vader, and he's not at all looking forward to that conversation.

A thin smile appears on the Count's face for a moment. "No, you don't." Rising as well, he meets Anakin's eyes, "I have faith in you. You can do this."

Anakin nods, pulling up the hood of his black cloak. He didn't think that wearing Vader's armor would be possible if he'll be entering the Temple, and Dooku agreed. Instead, he donned a simple black cloak which will completely conceal his face from the cameras at the Temple. Being a Jedi, he also has all the necessary codes to enter. Perfect. Provided he doesn't have a mental – or emotional – breakdown, he'll be fine.

Drawing a deep breath, Anakin checks that the needle which will sedate Obi-Wan and keep him unconscious is in his pocket. Glancing back at Dooku one more time, he exits the shuttle, walking quickly towards the Temple. They timed the operation to occur in the middle of the night to reduce the number of the Jedi awake and around. Dooku plans to wait at a side exit – also in a black cloak – to help him carry Obi-Wan to the shuttle.

When he reaches an entrance, Anakin hastily enters the codes to allow him access. The doors slide open soundlessly before him. He lets the Force cloak his signature as he glides into the halls of the building. It had been the closest thing he had to a home until he married Padme. No Jedi are in sight, but he can sense Force signatures not too far away moving around. No sense in tempting fate. Speed is of essence.

Steeling himself against the onslaught of emotions he knows will surface, Anakin heads towards Obi-Wan's apartment, reaching out along the way to brush Ahsoka's presence. Even though she's sleeping, he knows she'll notice. By the time he gets there, his anxiety level has tripled. Twice he almost ran into a Jedi and was forced to step into the shadows. Unlike sometimes, the Force seems to be helping him immensely. No one has noticed his presence.

Now for the hard part. Anakin enters the code for the apartment door and steps inside. The sense of Obi-Wan's Force signature hits him so strongly that he's not sure he can even continue for a moment. He leans against the wall, letting the soothing feel of his brother's presence wash over him. For years Obi-Wan was always the first person he turned to if he needed someone. But in the end, it seems his love for him wasn't enough to stop him from betraying him.

It's ironic in a sense, and a slightly bitter smile appears on his face. Who could have thought he'd ever be sneaking into the Temple to kidnap Obi-Wan? And to think, none of this would have happened if his brother had trusted him. Looking around at the apartment he'd called home for years, Anakin can't hold back the tears that glisten in his eyes. This was a very bad idea. He can't trust himself not to completely breakdown before he can escape.

He forces himself to keep moving towards Obi-Wan's bedroom, drawing the Force closer to conceal his raging emotions. Anakin slowly and deliberately pushes open the door. Obi-Wan is sleeping, but if Anakin isn't careful, he'll awaken. That would add a new complication, which he can't deal with.

How could this have happened? How? Why?! Anakin chokes back a sob, shaking uncontrollably. He slips a hand into his pocket and withdraws the needle. Now he must move fast. He steals over to his brother's bed, where he lays peacefully. He looks almost the same as he did before. Why did he do it? He never should have done it! Stepping closer, Anakin reaches out, pushing the needle into Obi-Wan's upper arm and injecting the drug into him at lightning speed.

The Jedi Master twitches slightly, but soon falls into unconsciousness. Anakin stands there watching him for several minutes, one hand resting lightly on Obi-Wan's arm. He's missed having Obi-Wan at his side more than he realized, probably since he was lost in his pain over the betrayal. Clenching his jaw, Anakin picks up Obi-Wan, using the Force to help him. Now for the hard part. Escaping the Temple with an unconscious Jedi Master will not be easy.

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