Chapter 22 - Rising Tensions

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Dooku is not at all pleased to have been awoken an hour earlier than he usually rises in the morning to receive a call from his master. The urgency disturbs him. What could possibly be so important that Sidious would be calling him so early in the morning.

He kneels before the hologram. "Yes, Master," he speaks submissively, bowing his head. How he hates showing any respect for the monster before him. Sidious cannot be allowed to live, not when he's planning to destroy the galaxy simply for his own misguided ideas of what the Sith should be like.

"I have heard some disturbing news, Lord Tyrannus," replies Sidious, his tone greatly displeased. A faint prickle of unease runs through Dooku. Did something go amiss? What could have happened? Because he knows something did.

Dooku waits silently for Sidious to continue. It would be best for him to remain quiet as much as possible. He cautiously tightens his shields to prevent any emotions from slipping free. If Sidious so much as suspects that he's planning to betray him, Dooku has no doubts as to his fate, and he doesn't want to die just yet.

"Kenobi was kidnapped from the Temple," Sidious explains, "I presume you are responsible?"

"Yes, Master," he hastily confirms, hoping that this is all, though something tells him the situation is much bigger. He's not pessimistic type, but the Force's feelings have never been wrong in the past.

He can't see Sidious' face, but his displeasure is clear in the Force. "I heard rumors of a trained Force user who kidnapped him," the Sith Lord's ominous voice continues, "He was hiding his Force signature. The Council suspects Vader be involved."

"Vader is dead, my lord," murmurs Dooku, "The agent I employed is not trained with the Dark Side. I remained near the Temple to cloak him myself." He hopes it's a feasible explanation. It's not far from the truth after all. He was near the Temple.

For an excruciatingly long moment, Sidious remains silent, and Dooku gets the feeling that the Sith Lord does not fully believe him but cannot find any holes in the explanation. "Are your feelings clear on this matter, my apprentice?" There's a low threat in the words, and Dooku pretends not to notice the tightening of the Force around his neck.

He forces himself to continue projecting a front of loyalty and submission. It would not be good for Sidious to feel his rising fear. "They are, Master," he answers, and the slight pressure disappears.

Again, Sidious is quiet before speaking. "Have you learned anything of Skywalker?"

At last an easier topic. "No, Master," Dooku responds, "I have spoken to Kenobi, but he is not forthcoming with any information. He insists that the boy is dead. If he does not give me anything in a few days, I will publicize that we have captured him. Perhaps Skywalker will emerge from whatever hiding spot he has entered."

"I hope so," agrees Sidious, a dark chuckle escaping him, "Unless the boy is too upset to try and save his former master. If he does not come, I want you to capture his Padawan. She will certainly lure him out."

"As you wish, Master," Dooku nods, bowing once more, "It will be done." Without another word, Sidious disconnects the transmission, leaving Dooku feeling uncharacteristically shaken. No. Sidious shouldn't suspect anything. He clenches his jaw, before reigning in his anger. Those Jedi fools. Of course, they told the Chancellor about Kenobi's disappearance. Time is fast running out, and Dooku knows he must make his move soon.

No doubt Sidious will remain on guard for any attempts at betrayal, but they cannot afford to wait long. In a few days' time, they must go to Coruscant to take out Sidious. The balance is too delicate to wait any longer. Kenobi and Skywalker must be informed immediately.

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