Chapter 9 - The Festival of Light - Rewritten

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Ahsoka isn't really paying much attention to the going's on of the Festival of Light, instead choosing to scan the perimeter. Togrutas have night vision to a point, and in moments like these, it's very useful. She's staying near Padme in case something is to go wrong – of course, it will, she knows it will. Whatever is about to happen, they would have much more likelihood of success if Anakin was here. She still hasn't heard word from him.

She can't help her surge of anger thinking of him. It's the Council's fault he's gone, isn't it? If not for what they did, he'd still be here with her. She lets her mind wander briefly back to a couple days ago when Plo told her what happened.

She's in her and Anakin's quarters when Master Plo arrives. It's been far too empty and quiet and lonely, so at first, she's grateful for the company, even if it does nothing to relieve the ache tearing her apart.

"How are you, little 'soka?" he asks.

"I'm fine," Ahsoka replies automatically, knowing full well it's not true.

He doesn't call her out on the lie, thankfully. "We still have received no word from Anakin," he tells her quietly.

"He's still out there!" she snaps. She won't settle for anything less than blind faith because anything else is too painful to contemplate. He can't be dead. He wouldn't leave her like that.

"You may have to accept the possibility he is not," the Jedi Master reminds, resting a hand on her shoulder. It's comforting, but not in the way she needs right now.

"I have to believe," Ahsoka insists, grateful when he doesn't keep pushing, instead changing the topic.

"You've heard of the plot to kidnap the Chancellor during the Festival of Light. It's been a major concern recently. If something happened to him, it would throw the Republic into chaos," Plo tells her, as if she didn't already know that. "The Council felt it would be too risky to increase security and hope we would be able to catch such an attempt in time, so we decided it would be best to send someone undercover as a bounty hunter."

The feeling of dread that has been slowly growing since he started talking only continues. He can't be saying what she thinks he is, because that's wrong and impossible and – and it means...

"Master Kenobi was chosen for the job."

No. No. Obi-Wan – he's Hardeen, she's certain of it now. He's still alive. Everything her and Anakin went through after that happened... it was all for nothing because Obi-Wan's been alive this whole time! And it's all because of nothing that Anakin is gone now, and she has no idea what happened to him. She attacked Obi-Wan and tried to kill him, and he... he hurt her. It takes a few long moments before she manages to speak. "How could you do this?!" she yells furiously, trying not to break into hysterical sobs. "If Anakin is dead, this will be all your fault!"

"I'm sorry, Ahsoka," Plo says, and he genuinely sounds regretful. "I did not agree with the decision, because I know how much you and Anakin are close with Master Kenobi. I was overruled. The Chancellor himself indicated that he felt Obi-Wan to be the best choice. Given the seriousness of the situation, and the fact that should something go wrong, he would be in grave danger, the Council decided that no one should know the truth until it was over."

Ahsoka feels tears welling in her eyes, but she stubbornly doesn't let them fall. Devastated doesn't even begin to sum up her current feelings. Master, where are you? I need you! She doesn't know what to say, so she says nothing. She doesn't want to be alone, but she only wants to be with Anakin, who is not here, because of the Council. Skyguy, please be alive.

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