Chapter 28 - The Council

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Anakin is practically a nervous wreck by the time they reach the door to the Council chambers. He feels guilty over everything he's done contrary to the Code, touching the Dark Side being highest on the list. He doesn't even know how he'll be able to look at them, much less talk to them. Obi-Wan's presence isn't helping nearly as much as it has in the past, probably because Anakin knows what happened is his responsibility alone.

He almost Fell. He touched – and used – the Dark Side to fight Sidious. He left to join Dooku before Obi-Wan. He was given the title Darth Vader. Having a Sith name – when he's not a Sith Lord – wouldn't bother him if not for the fact that the Council knows about Vader. He has no delusions that they will discover that he's Vader. Most of all, he's terrified that they'll expel him. Being a Jedi has been his biggest dream since he was a child. The realization that it could be taken away from him – it's bothering him immensely.

"Relax, Anakin, they won't kill you for touching the Dark Side," admonishes Obi-Wan, resting a hand on his brother's arm, "Struggling with the Dark Side is something that every Jedi faces – even me."

Anakin gives him a dubious look. Surely that's not possible. Obi-Wan is the perfect Jedi. He's the best Jedi in the Order! How could he struggle with the Dark Side? A chuckle escapes when Obi-Wan catches the look. "Yes, Anakin, I have touched the Dark Side before. When Qui-Gon was killed," he explains, his expression becoming more solemn. Oh. Anakin had not known that.

Inhaling slowly, Anakin tries to dispel his nervousness, reminding himself that it matters more that they defeat Sidious, then that he remains a Jedi. He agrees with Dooku's opinion that the Jedi have begun deviating from their original path, but that doesn't mean he wants to leave the Order. He steps towards the doors, trying to control his mounting fear and shielding himself as much as possible. If they sense his fear, they'll grow suspicious of him. That would be even worse because they may think he's hiding something.

"Anakin, whatever happens, just know that you've become a far greater Jedi than I could ever hope to be, and I'm very proud of you," Obi-Wan speaks, his tone both sincere and gentle.

A feeling of warmth washes through him, and he looks down at the floor. He's unused to praise from Obi-Wan. Palpatine only ever said what he knew Anakin subconsciously wanted to hear. It's different coming from Obi-Wan because Anakin knows that he means it. He would never say something unless he truly means it.

"I – I don't know what to say," Anakin finally gets out.

"Nothing," Obi-Wan replies simply, "We have a Council meeting to attend unless I'm much mistaken." He raises an eyebrow questioning at Anakin who finally relents.

"Alright, fine. Let's go."

The doors to the Council chambers open, and Obi-Wan and Anakin walk inside. The murmurs of surprise begin immediately. Though the Council had heard they were there, it's clear that no one was ready to believe it until they saw the truth with their own eyes. Anakin can't blame them. He probably would have felt the same in their places. They bow, remaining standing in the center of the room.

"Glad to see you both, I am," Yoda is the first to speak.

"We are understandably confused about what's happening," Windu informs them, eyes darting between them, "Skywalker, you were thought dead. Kenobi, you were kidnapped by the Sith." He leans back in his seat waiting for them to speak.

An almost panicked expression on his face, Anakin gives Obi-Wan a look, which he knows his brother will understand. Unless it's absolutely necessary, Anakin wants Obi-Wan to handle the conversation.

"Before I go into the details about what happened to us, I need to inform the Council of something we have uncovered," begins Obi-Wan, resolutely meeting everyone's eyes, "Chancellor Palpatine is the Sith Lord known as Darth Sidious, the one who started the Clone Wars."

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