Chapter 20 - Moving Forwards - Rewritten

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"If you're having any second thoughts, Rex, now would be the time to say so," Ahsoka chirps as they walk through the halls of the Senate.

The clone captain snorts. "I was going to say the same to you, Commander."

"As if I would back out," she replies, shaking her head.

"I had to ask."

Ahsoka smiles briefly before inhaling deeply, locking all of her anxiety and fear deep within her shields. It wouldn't be good if anyone sensed it. It took her and Rex hours to create the perfect, foolproof plan, and they ended up staying awake half the night to discuss details. If they're caught, they'll take the fall for it alone. That's why they both agreed not to tell anyone. Maybe Ahsoka can't help Anakin wherever he is, but she can do her part here, putting together the few hints and clues that she has.

"It's not like we could back out if we wanted to," she mutters under her breath, nervousness skyrocketing as they enter the antechamber for the Chancellor's office. Her heart is pounding much faster than normal, and she wonders how she can face down squadrons of battle droids but be unable to take on a self-assigned investigation without panicking.

"You're resourceful. I'm sure you would have thought of something," Rex replies easily. He's as crazy as she is for attempting this. If they're even close to being right, Anakin might kill them both for what they're doing, but they're still doing it.

They're ushed into the Chancellor's office moments later, and Ahsoka discreetly hides her hands behind her back. She doesn't think she's shaking, but it's better to be cautious. Palpatine rises from his chair when he sees her, a smile on his face. It unsettles her even more than it did before. Something is definitely not right about him especially given how much time he spends with Anakin. She gets that Anakin trusts him – trusted him? – but that doesn't mean that she likes how much Anakin confided in him.

"Ah, Padawan Tano, it is such a pleasure to see you!" exclaims Palpatine. "What can I do for you? I heard about Master Kenobi's kidnapping, and it must be hard for you to deal with that so soon after your master's death."

Ahsoka tries to smile, but she thinks it looks more like a grimace. "It's not been easy," she admits, "But that's not why I'm here." She lets herself meet his eyes, deliberately letting him see a young, gullible teenager instead of a battle-hardened, clever Padawan. "I'm worried about you, sir, what with the recent attempt on your life."

"Oh no, you need not worry about me," Palpatine reassures her. "The Coruscanti guard is doing an excellent job in keeping the Senate secure."

Ahsoka bites her lip, the uncertainty in the gesture intentional. "But... the Dark Sider," she objects. "He could come after you again, or someone else. Anakin cares – cared – about you, so I thought that maybe I could offer to help protect you. It's not official or anything just..."

The Chancellor smiles at her again, though this time, it seems a bit indulgent. "Well, I can hardly refuse an offer like that. You might find it interesting to see how the Senate works from the inside," he suggests. "If you wish to help protect me then you may. I take it this is not something the Council authorized?"

Ahsoka's montrals darken with embarrassment, and she shakes her head. Rex remains a constant, steadying presence at her back for which she's grateful. Talking to Palpatine makes her feel... weird. She doesn't much like the feeling.

"Don't you have classes which you must attend?" he inquires.

"No, sir," she tells him. "I mean, there are a couple, but there's nothing I need to do for them now. My master supervised my training."

"If you don't mind my asking, what will happen to you now that your master is dead?" He sounds genuinely curious, and Ahsoka doesn't see any reason why she shouldn't tell him.

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