Chapter 11 - Power of the Dark Side

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Anakin leans against the structure he's standing behind. Any moment the bounty hunters should arrive with Palpatine. He and Dooku will make quick work of him before anyone else has a chance to show up. According to plan, Obi-Wan shouldn't arrive until later, but he has a bad feeling that nothing will go as planned.

Despite his tenseness, he simply doesn't have the energy to move around. He's not acting like himself, so much so that even Dooku could tell. He pretends not to notice the sideways glance the Count shoots his way, concern showing in his eyes. The slight nudge of his shielding is next, just as he suspected. It had been going on like this ever since he heard the news about Obi-Wan.

He's beginning to think coming here was a bad idea. He's not in his right mind. Not at all. The roaring of a speeder engine draws his attention out to the meeting spot. Just as expected, Eval and Bane are here with Palpatine.

"This is the rendezvous point," Anakin hears Eval announce, "Dooku said he would meet us here." He discreetly watches as Eval climbs out of the speeder. Bane emerges shortly thereafter, throwing Palpatine's semi-conscious body to the ground unceremoniously.

"What did I tell you, Bane?" brags Eval, "My plan worked to perfection."

Bane scoffs, "It wasn't your plan. It was my execution of your plan." He looks over at Palpatine, withdrawing a blaster and pointing it at him. "Come on, get up," he snaps, watching as the Chancellor slowly clambers to his feet.

"How dare you disrespect Moralo Eval!" growls Eval.

"Pipe down," hisses Bane, glaring at him, "Where's Dooku? I thought you said he'd meet us here?"

"Come on," whispers Dooku, "If we're going to eliminate Sidious, we need to do it now."

"That was the plan," retorts Eval.

Anakin steps forward, preparing to jump down into the clearing when he feels a ripple of warning in the Force.

"Too late," he mutters, "Obi-Wan is coming."

Dooku glances at him sharply, "Then we need to leave."

Anakin shakes his head, "We may still have a chance."

At that moment, a second speeder zooms up, and Obi-Wan – though he still looks like Hardeen – leaps out, walking towards the two bounty hunters and their captive.

"Hardeen, you're not supposed to be here yet," frowns Bane, eyeing him suspiciously.

"I don't want to be double-crossed and left behind again," Obi-Wan retorts, crossing his arms.

"I think we've all been double-crossed. Dooku's a no-show," counters Bane.

"What do you mean?" queries Obi-Wan.

"What do we do with the Chancellor now?" demands Eval.

"We'll ransom him ourselves. If Dooku won't pay us, somebody else will," Bane replies simply.

"I'm afraid the Chancellor is coming with me," replies Obi-Wan, a finality in his voice that enrages Anakin. A scuffle breaks out while Anakin stares at Palpatine. He did this. All of this.

He should be feeling something else, but the only emotion simmering at the surface is anger. White-hot anger. He's so angry at Sidious. He just wants him dead. He wants to see him suffer. If it wasn't for him, none of this would have happened. Obi-Wan wouldn't have lied to him, he wouldn't have broken him.

Anakin can't move. He's rooted to the spot, shaking as anger burns through him. It would be so easy. He could just attack Sidious. Right now. The two bounty hunters are fighting with Obi-Wan. Sidious wouldn't risk exposing himself. Distantly, he can hear Dooku urging him to calm himself and think rationally, but he's too far gone.

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