Chapter 39 - The End in Sight - Rewritten

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Despite his rising wave of fury, Anakin knows he can't be stupid. Charging in with his lightsaber blazing will only get Ahsoka killed. No doubt Maul wants to take him prisoner. If that happens, he cannot afford to be weaponless. He smirks behind his mask as he stows away his lightsaber before straightening and leaping down over the barrier behind which he had approached.

"No need," his voice rumbles through the vocoder. "I am right here." He narrows his eyes, the Dark Side surging around him as Maul and Grievous whirl to face him. "Unhand my Padawan."

"On one condition," Maul replies smoothly, giving Grievous a harsh look to shut him up. "You come with us as a prisoner. If you attempt escape before you are locked in a cell on the command ship, she'll die." He pulls the blade closer, and Anakin doesn't miss the sharp intake of breath from Ahsoka as the heat from the lightsaber singes the skin on her neck.

"Don't touch her," Anakin snarls. "If you hurt her, I'll kill you all."

"I know," the Sith answers, a bit too haughtily for Anakin's liking before motioning towards Grievous. The droid general stalks towards him, producing a set of cuffs with great relish as he snaps them onto Anakin's wrists. Clenching his jaw, Anakin lets him do it, knowing he'll be able to get them off later, especially as they aren't blocking his connection to the Force.

"Give me your lightsaber," snarls Grievous.

Anakin shrugs nonchalantly. "I lost it somewhere," he lies. Grievous doesn't comment – even though he has to know it's a lie – grabbing his arm and leading him away.

"Don't worry about me, Snips. I'll be fine," he reassures Ahsoka, meeting her eyes before following Grievous away. They walk to a small shuttle a distance behind the droid lines. Grievous secures Anakin in the back while he orders a battle droid to return to the station.

Anakin waits with bated breath. He knows that once he's imprisoned on the ship and Ahsoka is freed, he'll be able to escape. Besides, this will also give him the opportunity to discreetly plant a tracking beacon. No doubt the ship will go directly to Sidious. Once they know where he is, they'll be able to follow and launch an attack of their own. A part of his mind wonders if this is what Grievous was intending to happen, because he's not taking any precautions whatsoever to ensure that he remains secure.

In the minutes spent flying to the command ship, Anakin closes his eyes slipping into a light meditative trance as he reigns in his emotions. He cannot afford any weaknesses right now, and if his fear or anxiety get out of control, he might do something rash. He only hopes that Maul will keep his end of the bargain and free Ahsoka once he's secured.

The armor gives him privacy he couldn't otherwise expect, and he's grateful that no one can see his expression. It would probably give him away. He won't risk Ahsoka's life, but he will risk his own. He has no intention of being dragged to Sidious in chains, and if he dies trying to escape then so be it.

All too soon, Anakin finds himself behind a ray shield with two droids guarding outside. "The prisoner is secured," Grievous rasps into a commlink.

"Good," Maul replies. "I'm returning to the ship. We will be returning to the base. My master wishes to see him." Grievous has never been there as far as Anakin – and Dooku – know, so this means that they'll finally be able to track Sidious down. Is it a trap? Possibly. Probably. But it's one which Anakin is more than willing to spring, because they need to end the Sith Master once and for all before it's too late.

No word about Ahsoka, so Anakin reaches out along their bond. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, he just let me go," the Padawan answers with no small amount of relief or irritation. "What will you do now, Skyguy?"

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