Chapter 26 - Launching the Attack

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"What is the meaning of this?" cries Palpatine, his expression seemingly alarmed, "Master Kenobi? What's happening?"

"Oh, Sidious, no need to play games," returns Dooku smoothly, his lightsaber flying to his hand, "I have been waiting for this moment. Your reign has gone on for too long. It's time to end it once and for all."

"Yes," agrees Obi-Wan, reaching for his own lightsaber, "I'm afraid your games are at an end."

"Anakin, do something," whispers Palpatine, sounding terrified, "Contact the Council for help!"

Anakin laughs coldly, "Time's up, Sidious." With those words, he steps back, pulling out his lightsaber, but not igniting it.

The realization that dawns on Palpatine's face would be funnier if not for the murderous expression that follows. "So be it," he snarls, a tinge of yellow seeping into his eyes. A lightsaber appears in his hand, its red blade hissing to life. In unison, Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Dooku ignite their own blue blades.

Sidious narrows his eyes at Dooku. "Blue, my apprentice? I should have known you would run back to your pathetic Jedi friends!"

"You mistake my allegiance, Sidious," retorts Dooku, "I am no Jedi. I am a Sith Lord, but I choose to lay down my arms and refuse to conquer a galaxy which does not need an Emperor. The Republic can be fixed in another way."

Fixing Dooku with a disgusted look, Sidious turns back to Anakin. "You're making a mistake, my boy. Your place is at my side. Consider my words," he urges, "You are a Sith at heart. You know that to be true. Search your feelings, Anakin."

"I am no Sith," hisses Anakin, narrowing his eyes, his grip tightening on the lightsaber.

Palpatine cackles, "I sense the Dark Side within you. You are not a Jedi. You know as well as I do that the Jedi would expel you if they knew what you've done."

His words strike a chord within Anakin. He knows what the Sith Lord is referring to. He tries not to let himself be bothered, but it's hard, especially since Sidious is raising fears Anakin has carried for years. He refuses to let himself show how troubled he is, despite his increasing heartrate. He loathes the gleeful smile that appears when Palpatine senses his spike of fear. Oh. He knows he's getting to Anakin. Not good.

Obi-Wan glances at Anakin, concern on his face, though couldn't know what's wrong. "You'll never get him to join you," he states confidently, holding his blade in a defensive stance.

"Master Kenobi, so quick to defend your apprentice?" mocks Palpatine, "Would you really stand with him if you knew that he's nothing more than a cold-hearted murderer?"

Anakin flinches, and he can feel himself paling. He should have known Sidious would bring that up. Force, he should have told Obi-Wan. At least he won't be faced with the chance of losing him right now when his support means everything. It – this can't really be happening, can it? Don't ask. Don't ask. Anakin mentally prays, hoping that for once, Obi-Wan will let the matter rest.

"Killing in war doesn't make one a murderer," retorts Obi-Wan, though Anakin can sense a faint unease in his brother.

Sidious' laugh is colder than the ice on Hoth. "You have no idea," he taunts, "I'm not talking about a war, Master Kenobi. I'm talking about a massacre. The massacre your dear apprentice never told you. He told me." Obi-Wan doesn't respond, narrowing his eyes at the Sith Lord. For a moment, his gaze darts to Anakin and lingers there.

Anakin can't – won't – look at him. He can't bear to see the condemnation in his former master's eyes when he finds out the truth. How could Sidious be this cruel? More importantly, why didn't he expect it? He'd never even thought about his massacre of the Tusken Raiders. He'd never considered that Obi-Wan might find out now. His hands tighten on the hilt, the knuckles on his human hand turning white from the pressure.

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