Chapter 37 - Ahsoka's Vision

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Plumes of smoke waft through the air as Ahsoka slips back to consciousness, forcing her eyes open. A groan slips free as she pushes herself up. What happened? Lacerations and bruises cover her body as the memories slowly filter back. That's right. She had been talking to Obi-Wan in the control room when there was a massive explosion. She's been thrown and must have ended up here – wherever here is.

Ahsoka pushes back the debris, her eyes quickly adjusting to the darkened surroundings, courtesy of her species. She must have ended up in a side room. Blocked by fallen rubble ahead is an entrance to the control room. She struggles towards it, prying a piece of metal aside and peering out.

Small fires are visible, none of them major. They're already dying out with nothing to burn. From the light entering her enclosure, she realizes exactly how dire her predicament is. If she makes one wrong move, the steel that's blocking the entrance will come crashing down. On her. She winces. It's not a pleasant thought.

From somewhere else in the room, she hears coughing and Obi-Wan steps into her line of sight. Despite the dust covering him and blood from superficial scrapes, the Jedi Master looks relatively unharmed. He opens his mouth, maybe to call for her when something draws his attention.

Striding into the room with an arrogant air she's never before seen is Anakin. It positively reeks of superiority, an attitude he's never given to Obi-Wan. And that, coupled with the darkness swirling around him, trigger alarm bells to start ringing in her head. Something is wrong. She reaches out, brushing him gently, only to be shoved backwards violently. "Keep your senses to yourself, child. It's rude to poke at other people," a harsh voice sneers in her head. It doesn't quite sound like Anakin, but the voice is coming through their bond. What happened to him?

She can only watch in horror, as a cruel smile twists up Anakin's face, his eyes glinting a sickening shade of yellow. Vader? Is this Vader? She shakes her head. It can't be. Vader is still Anakin. This... thing doesn't seem anything like her master. "Well, well, we meet again, Master Kenobi," Anakin sneers, chuckling as though enjoying some private joke.

Obi-Wan's gaze becomes uneasy, shifting warily as though facing a spooked animal. He holds up his hands. "Anakin, what's wrong? I don't understand." His voice is soothing, betraying his obvious concern. Ahsoka is certain he senses the change too, but simply isn't sure what to make of it.

Anakin – though Ahsoka is sure it isn't Anakin, she doesn't know how else to refer to him – chuckles darkly, a blue blade hissing to life. He doesn't give a reply, instead lunging towards Obi-Wan, who brings his own lightsaber up just in time. Ahsoka watches in mounting panic and horror as their duel begins in earnest, though her sharp eye notes how Anakin is fighting much more sloppily than she's ever seen before.

As she watches his movements, she can't help but notice that he seems almost unacclimated to his own body, and a disturbing thought worms its way into her mind. Is it possible that Anakin is being possessed? It fits. Too well, actually. Shuttering, she gathers the Force, pushing back the rubble enough to crawl out. Whatever is happening, Anakin must be stopped, or she fears he may well kill Obi-Wan. She's never seen this streak of ruthlessness before.

"Stop!" she yells, hoping desperately to bring a semblance of calm back to the two. If they hear her, they ignore her. Anakin doesn't stop his relentless attack, using – she notes – lightsaber styles she doesn't think her master has ever really learned. Obi-Wan continues his patient parrying, drawing on all the skill he's mastered to block his opponent.

Groaning, she offers up a prayer to the Force, or whatever supernatural deity might be listening, praying that she is not forced to kill Anakin. Her two green blades hiss to life, and she charges towards them, determination flooding through her. A harsh laugh slips from Anakin as he whirls to block her.

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