Chapter 33 - Training - Rewritten

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Author's Note: As of this chapter, the fic is 3/4 done being released. :D

~ Amina Gila

Anakin doesn't see or hear from Dooku until the Count shows up to the mid-afternoon meal. "If you have the time, I can work with you for an hour," Dooku informs him as he sits down.

There's not even anything to think about. "I'm ready," he replies determinedly.

Obi-Wan and Ahsoka follow him and Dooku down to the training rooms once they've finished the meal, and Anakin can't quite conceal his excitement. This is – it's very different than the training he's done in the past, because now, he's working towards becoming a Sith. Also, he has no idea what Dooku will be teaching him which only arouses his curiosity that much more.

"We have spoken about your mental state at length, especially with regards to yourself," Dooku begins, standing a distance away from Anakin in the middle of the room. He looks him up and down as if trying to assess something. "Now, you need to understand that emotions are, by nature, transient. Which is not to say that they aren't yours, because they are. There is nothing wrong with what you feel. Ever. But even if you are feeling a strong emotion, you mustn't lose sight of the fact that the feeling will not last indefinitely. In time, it will change."

Conceptually, it makes sense, and Anakin quickly realizes that it will take him some time to remain consciously aware of what Dooku is saying at all moments. It is sometimes hard for him to remember that what he is feeling will change from second to second.

"You must learn to find the place inside of you where you will remain calm. You must be mindful of your feelings," Dooku says, a flicker of amusement on his face as he repeats the commonly used Jedi phrase. "By that, I mean you must be able to acknowledge how you are feelings; your emotions are never wrong. We've been over this before."

They have been. Dooku taught Anakin a few of those techniques to allow him to use his emotions to fuel him, but this is something different. He tries it tentatively, looking inwards at how he feels. Excitement. Anticipation. Worry. Fear. Those emotions are dominant right now, and he tries not to look at them too deeply lest he lose himself in them. They will change, he reminds himself. He's never been able to meditate the way the Jedi do, because he feels too deeply, but this is something else entirely.

"Focus on them. Watch how they change with time," Dooku instructs, unclipping his lightsaber and holding it in his hand. Anakin nods, and he continues. "Now, let's have a brief spar. Do not draw on the Dark Side. Right now, you need to focus on centering yourself and becoming accustomed to how you experience emotions."

Anakin makes a face. "Isn't that what Jedi do?"

The Count inclines his head. "Yes, but we have to start somewhere. You have already learned what the Jedi have to teach, and you must work on unlearning everything you have learned. With your current knowledge and experience, this is the best place to start." He doesn't wait for Anakin to reply, igniting his lightsaber and striking.

He's the Sith, Anakin supposes, and he knows what he's doing. If this is the best way to learn, Dooku will know. He draws his blade, blocking Dooku and taking note of the rush of excitement that surges through him, dampening the fear and worry which he felt only moments ago. The spar is slow-paced, Dooku obviously giving Anakin time to focus inwards. It's a moving meditation of sorts, and it's working. He's able to focus single-mindedly on countering Dooku's blows as the Count tests his defenses while separating himself from the emotions he experiences.

"It may take you time to master the technique," Dooku warns as their blades clash. "You must simply try your best and that will be enough."

Anakin smirks slightly, amusement creeping through him. "Yoda always says –"

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