Chapter 8 - Betrayal - Rewritten

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Anakin trails Dooku as they walk into the small hanger on Naboo which the bounty hunters had secured after killing all the workers there. The deaths bothered him, but there was nothing he could do about them. Secrecy is of upmost importance, and he knows it.

Dooku stands at the head of the table, looking around at the six gathered beings. Each one will have an important role in the operation. Standing slightly behind Dooku, Anakin crosses his arms, realizing exactly how imposing he appears. The armor gives him a completely different image, one he knows should keep everyone in line.

"This is it, my friends," announces Dooku, "The day of reckoning for the Republic. I have it from a very reliable source that everything will happen exactly as we planned." Anakin can only hope. The fate of the galaxy depends on it. If they can't eliminate Sidious now, the situation will only become that much worse.

"Execute your roles as you've been instructed, and you will all be immortalized in history," the Count continues, "Not to mention, rewarded with enough credits that you will never have to work again. I will let Cad Bane take it from here." Anakin nods to himself. Dooku is a very inspirational speaker, and he can fully understand now why so many systems were willing to join the Separatists.

The Sith Lord has a special way with words – one that reminds him very much of Obi-Wan. Though Anakin hadn't liked the thought of Bane overseeing the operation, he had to grudgingly admit that the bounty hunter is skilled. He always seems to get the job done, and that is exactly the kind of person they need for this kidnapping.

Bane straightens, "Listen up, I'm only saying it once." He tosses a datapad down in front of each participant. "Each device tells you your position and essential details about your part of the plot," he explains.

As the bounty hunters pick up the datapads, Hardeen looks over at Bane, "Aren't you gonna tell us how all the pieces fit together?" Anakin can't help but feel slightly uneasy at the request. Does it really matter? Perhaps to him. To them, but maybe it shouldn't. He shrugs it off, chalking it up to his paranoia.

"Derrown here is going to breach the shield. Moralo Eval is the getaway driver. Two of you will act as guards protecting the Chancellor. And you, Hardeen, are a sniper. That's all you need to know," Bane answers firmly, putting a sniper rifle case on the table and pushing it over to him, "Once we have the Chancellor, the devices will lead you to the rendezvous point. Any questions?"

When everyone shakes their heads, Bane withdraws the holographic disguise matrix and tosses it onto the table. Four holograms of Nubian guards appear. "Now for our disguises," Bane declares, "Everyone step back. This will get us into the inner circle. Step into the shadow hologram and you will receive your new identity."

Hardeen is the first to move, stepping forward into the hologram. Moments later, he looks like a Nubian guard on the surface. The three other bounty hunters follow his lead. Bane glances around, continuing once he seems satisfied, "When you leave here, you will have no communication with the rest of the team. All right, then, get to your positions."

Anakin watches silently next to Dooku as the four bounty hunters walk away. When Bane turns to go, Dooku stops him. "Well handled," the Count congratulates in a low voice, "I should have put you in charge long ago. A word of advice, though, keep an eye on Hardeen. There's something about him I do not trust." Same here.

Bane nods, "Don't worry. I'm keeping my eye on all of them." He walks away, leaving Anakin and Dooku behind.

"So, what do you say, Lord Vader?" questions Dooku turning towards Anakin.

Anakin considers the question for a moment, nudging the Force gently. "I think something is going to go wrong," he admits.

"Hardeen," Dooku agrees, "I put a secret commlink inside his sniper rifle case. Anything he says should be picked up. Let's return to the ship. Once the celebration is underway, we should head to the meeting location where we'll hopefully be able to eliminate Sidious."

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