Chapter 36 - Requesting Immunity

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"Skywalker and Kenobi are currently unavailable," Dooku informs Tano, regarding her carefully, "It is your choice if you desire to remain in my office while I am addressing the Senate."

She hesitates for only a moment. "I want to stay," she insists emphatically.

"As you wish," he replies inclining his head slightly, turning and seating himself at his desk. "You can make yourself comfortable in a chair over there, and I only ask that you remain quiet."

"Of course," she answers, sitting down in one of the indicated chairs. She seems a little uncomfortable – maybe on edge from being alone with him. He can understand her caution. She'd only met him for the first time several hours earlier. Until then, they'd been on opposing sides as far as she was concerned.

Pushing those thoughts to the back of his mind, Dooku focuses on his impending speech to the Senate. He has to use all his charm and persuasion powers to ensure they listen to his offer. Getting immunity is an important step in their plans. He pushes the button to start the transmission. He'd already had a droid set it up.

From the news reports he's heard, the Republic is in a turmoil. The Jedi Council informed the Senate what occurred – that Palpatine is a Sith Lord. At the moment, there is no Chancellor and elections are in order. Hopefully the chaos will make them more likely to be receptive to his offer. Of course, using light Force suggestions will help as well, though he loathes to do so. It's too reminiscent of Sidious' manipulations.

It's not long before the transmission is connected, and Dooku finds himself facing someone he presumes is acting a temporary Chancellor while the elections are occurring.

"Count Dooku?" the man asks, surprise wafting around him.

Dooku tips his head slightly. "I must speak to the Senate about the recent revelations. I have something to add which is important for the Republic to hear."

The man scrutinizes him before nodding. "I'll put you on live."

Dooku waits calmly until he knows his transmission is being broadcast to the entire Senate. "I know it must be a surprise to receive this message," he begins, a faint smiling tugging at his lips, "But I have something of importance to convey to the Senate."

"I am aware that the Jedi Council has informed you that former Chancellor Palpatine is the Sith Lord Darth Sidious. He was my master, but he never informed me in full of his plans," Dooku explains coolly, carefully maintaining his aloofness, "When I became aware of his intend to destroy the Republic instead of reforming it, like he initially claimed, I knew he had to be stopped. Unfortunately, Sidious has escaped and is now at large."

"With that in mind," he continues, leaning forward slightly, "I wish to make a proposal to the Senate. I am willing to offer whatever information about the Separatist Alliance you request in exchange for immunity. As a token of my sincerity, I have agreed to have the presence of some Jedi and a group of clones to ensure I do not break my end of the deal. I will additionally work with whatever Separatist allies support me to bring a speedy end to the conflict to the best of my abilities."

He inhales slowly, still perfectly calm as he prepares to launch into the next part of his speech, "I also suggest that the Senate discuss the fate of the clone soldiers. For all intents and purposes, they are child soldiers. They are no better than slaves. Sidious has complete control over them through a brain implant. It is wrong to think of them as expendable. They are living beings also. Being a clone does not mean being identical. They each have their own personality. You must treat them as humans. I await your decision."

With those words, he disconnects the transmission, knowing that it will be easy for the Senate to contact him once more. They probably already know that he's on Serenno. He's also guessing that the news will reach the media in minutes. That's what he was aiming for. He can only hope that his words had the desired impact. Everything is laid out according to plan. Now all he can do is wait for everything to fall into place.

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