Chapter 48 - All Things Must End

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For a moment, no one moves as they all stare at Sidious' dead body. "It's over," whispers Ahsoka, relief blooming across her face.

Anakin is about to nod and make a witty comment when he feels an icy dark presence latch onto his mind and press against his shields. He doesn't need to ask, he just knows. "Oh no," he murmurs faintly, "This isn't good."

"Anakin...?" Obi-Wan's worried voice enters his mind through a haze as he gathers the Force to hold off the unseen attacker.

"I think," he tells them with a feigned note of lightness, "That Sidious believes my mind to be his new home." He can feel the alarm ripple through the others as a sledgehammer hits his mental shields making him wince and put a hand on the wall for balance.

"Can you fight him alone?" Dooku's tone conveys his concern. "Perhaps Kenobi can help you?"

"I don't know," Anakin bites out, though it's obvious his irritation isn't directed at the Count. Pain sears through his mind. Let so one ever say a mind invasion is painless. Let me in. It's a thought, practically a plea, but he won't give in.

The next assault brings him to his knees, breathing heavily. A distant part of his mind is worried that Sidious probably doesn't care if he destroys him mentally. The Sith Lord's power has him floored – no pun intended. He shouldn't be stronger than the Chosen One.

"I can help you," Obi-Wan reminds him, crouching down next to him. He doesn't wait for Anakin's argument before completely opening their bond and flooding it with determination, concern, and love. He shifts, so he's sitting next to Anakin.

"I –" begins Anakin, thoughts scrambling as the room seems to start spinning around him. Groaning, he tilts his head back against the wall and closes his eyes. He might be powerful, but his power has never extended far mentally. He's always had a hard time with meditation and shielding, something which has just become his biggest weakness.

Obi-Wan presses against the shield over their bond, silently urging Anakin to drop it and let him in. Anakin knows he should but something inside him twists painfully at the realization that his former master will see every emotion and thought in his mind. You can't trust him. Palpatine's voice slithers into his head, the attack continuing at full strength.

He won't be able to hold out much longer. He needs help, but he doesn't want it from Obi-Wan. He doesn't want to be completely vulnerable with him. "Master, let him in," begs Ahsoka, kneeling next to him, blue eyes wide with fear. Her vision. Of course. He'd promised not to let it happen.

When Obi-Wan wraps an arm around his shoulders, pulling him close, he realizes he's shaking from the furious battle over his mind. He shouldn't be hesitating like this, but if he's being honest, he's scared. He's scared that Obi-Wan will see something inside him and reject him. Part of him still fears that it's his fault Obi-Wan faked his death. Perhaps because he thought him unworthy in some way. Of course, murmurs Sidious, obviously sensing the thought. He will never be able to understand you.

"Can't," he mutters faintly, closing his eyes again, but not before he catches a flicker of hurt on his former master's face.

"Skyguy, you have to!" insists Ahsoka desperately, "I'm nowhere near strong enough to fight off a Sith." His refusal is hurting his sister too now, just in a different way.

He slowly turns his eyes towards Dooku, who frowns slightly. Anakin has never seen him look concerned until now. "I can't help you, Skywalker," he tells him, "Our bond isn't nearly strong enough, and we don't have the time to strengthen it."

"Why won't you let me in?" questions Obi-Wan, "Do you not trust me?" No, but he can't bring himself to say that. His every insecurity is being dragged to the surface, something Sidious is knowingly encouraging, if not intentionally causing. His silence answers the question and for the briefest moment, he senses a rush of pain before it's concealed. He loves his brother, but he's afraid of being hurt again.

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