Chapter 15 - Confrontation - Rewritten

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Obi-Wan knows something is amiss before he wakes up. Not only can he not manipulate the Force like always, but also, his senses tell him something is wrong. When he opens his eyes and takes in his surroundings, he's not particularly surprised to find himself in a strange bedroom with Force-restraints. What does surprise him is that he was kidnapped from the Temple. How could anyone get inside without being detected?

His questions are answered moments later when the door opens and the very unwelcome figure of Count Dooku steps inside. "It's good to see you awake, Master Kenobi," the Sith Lord speaks quietly. He whispers something in hushed tones to someone outside before approaching the bed, hands clasped behind his back.

Obi-Wan glares up at him. "What do you want, Dooku?" Unease snakes down his spine, even as he forces himself to keep his expression neutral. Something isn't right here; something is out of place. There are too many unknowns which he is facing, and until he knows more about the situation, he'll have to play it carefully. He can't feel the Force which means that he can neither feel it's soothing currents nor listen to its wordless whispers and warnings.

All he knows is that when he fell asleep last night – is it the next morning or is it much later? – he was in his apartment at the Temple. Somehow, Dooku or one of his subordinates must have managed to penetrate the Temple's defenses and remove him from the premises. He is likely not even on Coruscant anymore, and for all he knows, he might even be on Serenno. He rather doubts that anyone will find him here. What he doesn't understand is how he didn't sense anything in the Force. Even if he was drugged – which he must have been – why did he not feel any malicious intentions through the Force, even in his sleep?

"I'm sorry our conversation had to happen like this," Dooku responds, entirely ignoring the question, "But I needed to speak with you privately, and I knew you would never agree to talk to me out of your own free will."

At that moment, another figure steps inside, features and body shrouded by a black hood. Vader. It has to be. Obi-Wan studies him as he lets the door slide closed, taking up a position near it. He doesn't speak, and Obi-Wan can't even see his eyes. That alone makes him even more unsettled, so he turns his focus back to Dooku instead. Is this Vader's revenge for not letting him torture and murder the Chancellor in cold blood?

Despite himself, Obi-Wan feels anger spark to life, though he strives to release it to the Force. He cannot afford to provoke them, not while he's at their mercy. Until he knows what they want – and it's nothing as innocuous as talking – he must be prudent. "I suppose you're as sorry as you were on Geonosis," remarks Obi-Wan dryly.

Dooku doesn't respond to the gibe; in fact, if Obi-Wan didn't know better, he would say that the Count is troubled by something. Finally, the Sith speaks again, almost as though Obi-Wan hadn't said anything at all. "I have an offer to make to you. I would like you to help me destroy my master and end this war."

"Why would I do that?" questions Obi-Wan, only slightly surprised by the question. He's already heard the same offer back on Geonosis. He hadn't agreed then, and he's not intending to change his mind this time. Why would Dooku think he'd agree? Why would he go through the trouble of kidnapping him from the Temple, only to give him the same offer he previously rejected? Is it because he's planning to torture him into submission if he refuses?

"Because you're a Jedi," answers the Count matter-of-factly, "And you will do what is best for the galaxy, even if it's sometimes against your moral beliefs. Your little masquerade as Rako Hardeen proved that."

The Sith has a point, and Obi-Wan is willing to admit that privately. Still, he's not stupid. He won't help one Sith destroy another. He notices that Vader stiffens slightly when Dooku mentions the name. Curious. Is he perhaps upset that Obi-Wan foiled their plans? His unease only grows as his mind – unhelpfully – replays his encounter with Vader on Serenno. Beneath it lurks fear. He'd be lying if he didn't admit that he fears what the Sith have in store for him. Is this payback? Revenge?

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