Chapter 33 - The New Sith Order

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Anakin stands in the cockpit, watching the stars streak by. Any minute they'll be exiting from hyperspace, and he'll have to contact the Separatist fleet protecting Serenno to inform them they have permission to land. A quiet sigh escapes him. Who could have thought that everything would come to this? He pulls the black hood up over his head. It's somewhat superfluous since his voice can still be recognized, but it still provides some measure of anonymity which he appreciates.

The star streaks fade into the blackness of space as they exit hyperspace. Ahead, Anakin sees the looming fleet of Separatist ships guarding the planet. Serenno is a Separatist stronghold. It's obvious the planet would be heavily defended. It relieves him to know that Sidious hasn't been able to remove all their defenses. True, Dooku had promised to the contrary, but seeing and hearing are very, very different.

"Hail them," orders Anakin tensely. The clone pilot moves to follow the instructions.

"Identity yourselves," the words crackle through the comm.

"This is Lord Vader demanding immediate entry to the planet," Anakin replies, a hard edge to his voice. He has to play the part of a Sith, right?

"Permission granted," the commander answers as the connection is disconnected.

"Land on the platform near Dooku's mansion," instructs Anakin.

"Yes, sir," the clones respond in unison.

Turning, Anakin leaves the cockpit, reentering the main area. He should be feeling something else – perhaps relief that they've almost reached their destination without incident, but he's not, and he doesn't know why. He feels moody, not that he'd ever admit it aloud. The Dark Side increases in its whisperings, urging him to do something with his feelings. He forces them aside, focusing his mind instead on feeling the vibrations of the ship, trying to find a semblance of calm.

Dooku will notice, of course; he often seems to, and Obi-Wan will sense it as well. He doesn't want to deal with them right now – with their questions or concerns. Now that they've reached their destination, he doesn't have any further distractions. There's nothing for him to plan without talking to the others, but it's not like he can keep his feelings at bay forever.

It would come out eventually. He knows it, but that doesn't mean he's ready. What the Council did – it was simply unexpected. Unthinkable. How could they do that to him? Did he really mean nothing to them? After all the sacrifices he's endured? This line of thinking – it's not helping. He needs to find something to distract himself.

He can feel depression creeping up, but at least this time, he won't be facing it alone. As the ship comes to a stop, Anakin shakes off his thoughts, forcing himself to return to the present. He makes sure his hood is still in place as he steps off the transport ship and glances around. The shuttle still hasn't arrived. Probably, they left after the clones were safely in hyperspace. Reaching out to the Force, Anakin can sense Obi-Wan's Force signature not too far away. It shouldn't be long before they arrive.


"When I agreed to come here, I never said I would become a Sith!" protests Ahsoka, looking between the other three.

"It's either that, or you return to the Temple to complete your Jedi training," Anakin points out, raising an eyebrow at her, "I can't make you a Jedi anymore, Snips."

"That's just wrong, what they did," the Togruta grumbles.

"My sentiments exactly," Obi-Wan agrees dryly, "But that doesn't change the decision you need to make."

"By joining the Sith Order, you can help us start an Order in which we can correct the mistakes the Jedi have made," Dooku continues smoothly, "The choice is yours."

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