Bonus Chapter - Ahsoka

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"Master Yoda, you sent for me?" Ahsoka queries, seating herself before the Grandmaster of the Order. It's been two days since Obi-Wan returned from Naboo, and she saw the new Sith, two days in which she's agonized over the secret Anakin entrusted her with before his departure. Every time she's thought about it, she's reached the same conclusion; she won't tell Obi-Wan the truth, because Anakin trusted her, and frankly, she's furious with her grandmaster.

"Wish to speak with you I do about a replacement master," Yoda declares unperturbedly, ears twitching as he looks up at her. "Until find Skywalker we do, another master you should have."

Ahsoka does her best not to scowl. "I don't want another master," she gripes. "It's only been a couple weeks. Can't I wait longer before making a decision?"

"Wait you may," Yoda agrees immediately, studying her with an expression that seems far too knowing. "Volunteered to accept you, masters Kenobi and Plo have. A choice you will have to make."

She exhales slowly, closing her eyes for a moment in a failed attempt to locate a semblance of calm. She feels far too edgy right now, and the only thing which might rectify that is news from Anakin. "If I must choose," she says finally, "I would pick Master Plo." Plo was the one who brought her to the Temple as a youngling, and she's not ashamed to admit being attached to him. Since he was not allowed to take her as a Padawan, she knows the feeling is mutual. While she knows Obi-Wan well, she's too angry at him for the deception to even consider him a viable candidate. That's something she'll have to deal with, but for now, she'll continue ignoring him.

Yoda hums quietly. "Worried you are for your master," he states suddenly.

"What?" she blurts out, eyes widening. "I – I mean, of course, I am. No one knows anything..." She lets her voice trail off before she accidentally says something she doesn't mean to. She never discussed with Obi-Wan how he felt – since it was obvious that he was upset – and nor did she ask about the Council's opinions.

"Unknown his whereabouts still are," Yoda comments. Is it just Ahsoka, or is he really studying her very carefully? "Captured or in hiding he is." Well, okay. So much for his death being believable. "Surprised you are not," the Grandmaster continues, sounding as though he's confirmed a suspicion. "Knew you did that dead your master was not. Told you he did."

"I – I –" Ahsoka scrambles to come up with something to say to cover for Anakin, but she doesn't know what she could say which wouldn't make the situation worse. Maybe it's time for some of the truth. "Yes," she confesses finally. "I don't know where he was going, but he didn't want me to tell anyone. Can you – can you not tell Master Kenobi?"

Yoda studies her, ears twitching slightly. "Tell no one I shall," he decides at last. "Confess the truth Skywalker must himself."

"Thank you, Master," she whispers, heart pounding. She doesn't want to betray Anakin's trust, to prove that she's incapable of concealing something as crucial as this.

They sit in silence for several long moments. "Visit Senator Amidala you should," Yoda suddenly tells her. "Friends she is with Skywalker." There's a weird emphasis on the word friends, which makes Ahsoka wonder if Yoda also suspects that there's something more between the two of them. She wouldn't be surprised if he does. He notices things like that.

"Of course, Master," she readily agrees, smiling slightly as she rises and bows before taking her leave from his quarters. It's later in the afternoon, so she hopes – assumes – that Padme will be at her apartment. If she doesn't know the truth, Ahsoka wants to tell her. She definitely deserves it.

She lands on the platform unnoticed and hops out of the speeder, approaching the front door. Threepio opens it almost immediately. "It is so good to see you," he rambles. "Mistress Padme is inside, working on some documents for the Senate."

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