Chapter 20 - Revelations

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Obi-Wan doesn't know how long they've been sitting there silently when the door opens and Dooku enters. He glances between them, an almost curious expression on his face, before his gaze settles on Anakin.

"Skywalker, I would like to have a word with Master Kenobi privately, if you don't mind?"

Anakin tilts his head, regarding him with a scrutinizing expression before nodding. "Sure, Count." He rises, turning towards the door.

"You may find it worth your while to spar for a bit," suggests Dooku, "But no more than two MagnaGuards. You hear me, Skywalker?"

Anakin scowls, giving him a severe look. "I hear you."

"But do you understand?" Obi-Wan can't resist the chance to tease Anakin, earning a glare. He chuckles quietly in response.

"Very well," Dooku responds, keeping his gaze pinned on Anakin, "I don't want to hear that you were injured again."

"You just had to say that in Obi-Wan's presence," huffs Anakin, his tone slightly teasing, but Obi-Wan can distinctly hear the accusing note in it. Dooku simply raises an eyebrow at him without responding. Anakin clearly understands the look he's getting, and with an overly dramatic sigh leaves the room.

"How are you doing, Master Kenobi?" questions Dooku, who clearly has no intentions of sitting.

"Fine," replies Obi-Wan off-handedly.

"I had hoped to ask for your assistance before you pulled the stunt of impersonating the bounty hunter," explains Dooku, "That has caused an unfortunate drawback in my plans."

Somehow, Obi-Wan gets the feeling that he's not meant to reply to the statement, so he simply waits. He replays the Count's last words to Anakin again in his mind. "What did you mean by getting injured again?"

Dooku grimaces slightly. "Your former Padawan has an unfortunate lack of control over his emotions. On more than one occasion, he opted to deal with his stress and pain by trying to spar with more than two MagnaGuards and was injured in the process."

Obi-Wan winces slightly, knowing that's also his fault. If he hadn't done what he had, none of this would have happened. He's also painfully aware of the fact that Anakin has a less than strong hold on his emotions. How had Dooku managed to control him for so long? On second thought, he might be better off not knowing – or asking – because the Count would probably inform exactly what he thinks of Anakin if he inquires further.

Dooku's piercing stare is unnerving, especially when he's standing in such an unthreatening posture, arms crossed almost casually. "Do you have any idea what Skywalker has been through these past couple weeks?"

Obi-Wan narrows his eyes. "I never asked for specifics, but I've felt his emotions through our bond."

Apparently, Dooku doesn't think that answer is enough. "As I suspected," he murmurs, dipping his head, "You don't have any idea."

For some reason, Obi-Wan doesn't think he's going to like what Dooku will tell him next, because he's clearly planning to say something. His scrutinizing gaze expresses as much. Slowly and deliberately, the Sith Lord steps closer, and Obi-Wan stands up, feeling better facing him on more level ground.

"You broke him, Kenobi," Dooku says bluntly, watching his every move, "If he hadn't been with me, he would have been helpless in the face of Sidious' manipulations."

Obi-Wan shakes his head slightly. "I think you underestimate Anakin's strength." He's unwilling to admit how bothered he is by Dooku's words, even though Anakin was thinking something similar earlier.

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