Chapter 32 - Clones

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Anakin paces back and forth on the landing platform, grumbling under his breath. "I simply cannot believe they would do that to me!" he finally explodes, glaring holes into the ship.

A quiet sigh follows his declaration. "We need to plan, Skywalker," Dooku answers him firmly from his place next to the ship, "I did not expect the Council would see my view, but it was worth the try. Now that you have left the Order along with Master Kenobi, we need to change our plans. I have no doubt that Sidious is currently on his way to defame me to the Separatists. We can no longer rely on them for support. I have contacted a number of key people and explained the situation to them. While we can be certain they will help, it will not be enough."

Anakin stops pacing, turning to face the Count. "So, what will we do? We can't just take a group of clones with us!" He pauses, a thoughtful look on his face. "Could we?" As he turns his mind onto the problem at hand, the anger and frustration fade to the back of his thoughts. That was probably Dooku's intention from the beginning, but he knows he needs a distraction, so he lets it rest. Getting himself out of situations has become a specialty.

"Theoretically we could," Dooku admits, "The clones are programmed by chips to follow orders from their superiors. I expect that your clones respect you enough to follow you once those restrictions are lifted."

Anakin hums quietly, considering his clones. Everyone knows that the clones in the 501st are some of the best, especially since they are as unconventional as he is. That's why they're superior to droids. They can improvise. They have emotions. They can think through situations. He's never seen them as disposable. They're his comrades. They fight together. They protect one another. He would love to have them with him when they return to Serenno to begin their hunt for Sidious.

"Is there anything you can do about the chips?" he inquires, "You said they can be used to turn the clones on the Jedi. Sidious will have the ability to turn them against us."

"As a matter of fact, I do," Dooku answers, "Before we came, I brought a device which will generally deactivate the chips permanently. In certain occasions, it can trigger them to react, in which case we will be unable to control them."

"I don't know what Obi-Wan will say, because we could face serious charges by taking Republic forces when we haven't been authorized to do so," Anakin remarks, "But that doesn't concern me. Once Sidious is dead, the war will be over. That's what counts most right now."

"You're right," Dooku agrees, "But we can use this to our favor. I intend to speak to the Senate, telling them what has transpired to try and achieve immunity in exchange for information. If we make it appear as though the Jedi Council has given us permission, it will not be a problem."

"Yes, but can you do it?" Anakin counters, raising an eyebrow slightly.

"Perhaps," the Count answers, watching him carefully, "I hope so."

Anakin steps towards the ship. "Very well. Let's go get the clones." He pauses, realizing that Dooku won't be able to leave. The landing platform is the safest place for him to stay at the moment. Dooku's expression says as much though he doesn't say it aloud.

"Fine. Where's the device?" Anakin asks walking up the ramp.

"I'll give it to you," Dooku answers following him. He enters the shuttle and opens a small, concealed compartment, withdrawing something that vaguely resembles a deactivator.

"That?" Anakin questions skeptically as he takes it, "How does it work?"

"You have to do it on an individual basis," Dooku explains, "Put it next to the back of their heads and pull the trigger. It shouldn't hurt them too much but be careful. They might react or lash out at you or the others."

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