Chapter 7 - Hardeen

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Two days later, Anakin's confidence in his fighting abilities has doubled, and he rightfully considers himself a master swordsman, on par with Dooku. Being the Chosen One, Anakin has a much stronger connection to the Force which he uses to his advantage. Slowly, he's beginning to heal from Obi-Wan's death. Though he still has moments where he can't imagine living without his brother, it's no longer as hard for him to control himself. The longing will take years to fade, and his love for him will never lessen.

"You should accompany me when I go to greet our late arrivals. Eval is finally here," Dooku informs Anakin, who lets out an exaggerated groan.

"Okay, fine. I'll come." Anakin stands up, striding out of the room after Dooku.

They walk out to the landing pad, surrounded by four MagnaGuards, stopping at the stop of the stairs. Anakin watches silently as three beings descend from the ship, his eyes narrowing behind the helmet. Three? There were supposed to be two. Moralo Eval and Cad Bane. He recognizes them, but the third man he does not. Something about him seems so familiar, but Anakin can't place him. The helmet concealing his face doesn't help either.

The first, Eval, rushes towards them. "Count Dooku, I apologize for my delay," he announces hastily as two of the MagnaGuards point their electrostaffs at him. He glances at them, a slightly worried expression on his face.

Dooku's expression indicates he's not particularly forgiving of the delay. "Your careless delay could have ruined my plans, Eval," he practically snaps, "I see Cad Bane is with you. Who is the other one?"

Eval pauses, almost as though he just remembered his companions. He turns to look over his shoulder as the two approach him. "This is Rako Hardeen," he explains, "When Bane's escape plan failed, we only succeeded thanks to Hardeen. I thought he might be useful for the tournament."

Hardeen. Rako Hardeen. The bounty hunter who had murdered Obi-Wan, his master, his best friend, his brother. And he's walking free, while Obi-Wan is dead. A haze of white-hot anger and pain rush through him, and Anakin snaps.


Obi-Wan hadn't counted on Dooku having another apprentice, if that's who the masked man is, but he doubts it will affect his ability to perform his mission. At least until a snarl escapes the man, his body going rigid. So much anger and hatred swirl in his Force signature, that it almost makes Obi-Wan flinch. Almost.

"Enough small talk, I want my money," asserts Bane, crossing his arms stubbornly.

"That makes two of us," Obi-Wan adds, still slightly uncomfortable with his new voice, keeping a wary eye on Dooku's companion.

That's when he lunges towards the group. Straight towards Obi-Wan. He can't shake off the feeling that the man has something against him. Personally. Or more accurately, against Hardeen since that's who he currently resembles. He's slightly surprised when Dooku's arm flies out, catching the man before he can move too far.

"There is no time to deal with personal grudges, Lord Vader," hisses Dooku, frowning at the man.

"But –" the man – Vader – protests. Obi-Wan notes that he appears to have a vocoder in his helmet which distorts his voice.

Dooku stares him down. "Once our mission is complete, you will have sufficient time to deal with personal scores. I won't pretend to understand how you feel right now, but we do not have time right now. It will have to wait."

Obi-Wan vaguely wonders if Dooku really sounds sympathetic or if it's just his imagination. Probably my imagination. I couldn't believe him capable of sympathy. All he knows for certain is that they have a new Sith to deal with. Lord Vader? Definitely a Sith. The Council will have to be informed at the soonest opportunity.

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