Chapter 13

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A few days passed, and nothing much had been happening, save for the town's daily dose of Superhero sightings. The police hadn't contacted Addison, and Addison knew that they hadn't caught the town's incognito vigilante yet.
She still kept tabs on news about the Superhero by following the special blog, made by a local journalist, which Fiolina had introduced her to. Addison couldn't help but tune into notifications from said blog every now and then.
"Did the Superhero come in today?" Fiolina asked hopefully, entering the shop, wearing a loose pink hoodie with her auburn hair up in a messy bun. She sighed when she saw Addison glaring at her from behind the counter. "He didn't come, did he..."
"Fio, I don't think the guy would be stupid enough to come here again, especially since the police came here looking for clues," Addison rolled her eyes. "That would be asking for trouble."
"It's not like we're gonna snitch on him, right?"
"It's not like the police aren't already watching the Superhero, right?" Addison countered with an obvious look. "After all, they hunted him down, all the way here, and me down all the way to my place."
Fiolina frowned. "I really hope they aren't trying to arrest him."
"I hope so too," Addison sighed. "The guy doesn't deserve to be behind bars, or forced to work for the police."
"Exactly, all he did was save the people!" Fiolina shook her head, sitting down on her usual spot. "If they arrest him, I'll hunt them down personally!"
"They want him to work for them, apparently," Addison grimaced. "Not sure how true that is, but I'm just hoping our Superhero doesn't get caught in their grasp. He doesn't deserve to be put behind bars, in my opinion."
Fiolina slowly nodded. "Seems like we have gotten ourselves a conspiracy."
"I have no idea," Addison sighed. "I saw him again that night, while I was on the bus. He rescued a cat from becoming roadkill."
Fiolina groaned. "Why do you get to see him so much?!"
"Because I don't spend my time cooped up, watching soap operas and puppy videos," Addison pointed out with a smirk.
"Oi!" Fiolina scowled.
"It's the fact," Addison shrugged. "By the way, this is the first time you aren't stuffing your face with food."
Fiolina grinned. "I'm getting myself some mini corn dogs."
"I stand corrected," Addison chuckled, shaking her head.
Fiolina went over to the food warmer, taking out a box of corn dogs, and then placed them in the microwave. "It's a good thing I came in before the rain, the thunder is pretty scary."
Addison groaned. "Oh, why now?! I need to go home!"
"Do you have an umbrella?" Fiolina asked, glancing back at the other girl.
"No, unfortunately..." Addison let out an exaggerated sigh. "But my hoodie is thick enough, I think."
"Girl, just buy one from here," Fiolina suggested, pointing at the rack of umbrellas near the door. "It isn't even that expensive."
"Now that you mention it..." Addison said thoughtfully. "I think I'll buy a foldable umbrella for my bag."
"You're gonna need it," Fiolina added with a nod.
Addison chuckled and went towards the umbrella rack to choose a foldable umbrella. She ended up taking a maroon one that kinda looked like a baseball bat when closed. She unwrapped it and pressed the button on the handle to open. She shrieked when the umbrella burst open without warning.
"I don't know why, but it reminds me of one of those gadgets from Totally Spies or something," Addison said, testing the umbrella. "Also, I think it would make a good weapon."
Fiolina turned towards her and burst into laughter, watching how she struggled to close the umbrella.
"What are you doing?" Fiolina asked, trying to stop laughing.
"How on earth do you close this thing?!" Addison retorted, frantically trying to find the lever to close it. "Fio, help!"
Fiolina chuckled and went towards her. She took the umbrella from her and easily closed it.
"That's how," Fiolina said, handing it back to Addison.
Fiolina rolled her eyes and took the umbrella from her again. She pressed the button to open it and showed her how to close it. Addison then opened it again and tried it out herself, much to her amusement.
"It's not rocket science," Fiolina chuckled. She quickly went to the microwave when the timer went off. Her corn dogs were ready.
Addison smirked and got behind the counter to scan the barcode for the umbrella. Thunder rolled off in the distance, earning a sigh from Addison.
"I think you better go..." Fiolina frowned, coming towards her with her mini corn dogs. "You better leave before the rain comes. Especially since you walk the rest of the way home."
"But your shift doesn't start for another ten minutes!" Addison argued.
Fiolina shook her head. "It's okay. I might as well start now that I'm already here. You better go."
Addison nodded and went to the backroom to change. She went to the readymade food section and decided to get some cheesy sausages and a burrito for dinner, together with some yoghurt and chocolate.
Fiolina came out from the backroom and helped her scan the items.
"You better leave quickly," Fiolina frowned, handing her the plastic bag of stuff. "Sound like it's gonna be a huge storm. Be careful, okay? Text me once you're back."
"I will," Addison smiled. "Good to know that you care about my safety."
"Addie..." Fiolina sighed, shaking her head. "You do know you're my best friend, right?"
"I am?" Addison said in surprise. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you considered me your best friend. Thanks. It's nice to know that you do."
She gave her a wave and left, walking briskly towards the main road. Another string of lightning illuminated the night sky, and for less than a second, it looked like it was morning. A clap of thunder followed next.
'Please, not now...' Addison prayed. 'At least when I get home, please!'
She suddenly felt a heavy drop of water on the top of her head and gasped. She started running towards the bus stop, not only because wanted to take cover quickly, but also because a downpour was at her heel.
Addison felt like the rain was chasing her. It slowly consumed the streets, moving its way down the road like a speeding lorry. Luckily, she managed to get to the bus stop in time. It wasn't the best shelter, but at least she wouldn't be drenched in shivering cold water.
She sighed and sat down on the metal bench. It wasn't wet just yet, but she knew she'd be drenched in no time. Addison bit her lip, hoping the bus wouldn't be delayed. If there was anything worse than that it would be left behind by said bus.
Especially if it was raining.
She waited and waited for the bus, growing impatient by the second. Though the bus stop was supposed to provide shelter, it didn't do a very good job protecting her from ice-cold rain water.
The metal benches were drenched, and Addison was forced to stand instead. She sighed and took out her foldable umbrella and opened it, holding it in front of her to shield herself from the sprays of rainwater that dripped off the awning.
Not that it actually helped.
Usually, she wouldn't be the only one waiting at this stop. But now, she was on her own. The others must've gotten on other buses since the free bus surely wasn't here yet.
Addison sighed and peered into the road to see if the free bus was coming. All she saw in the midst of heavy downpour were the headlights of the cars that passed by. She looked at her wristwatch and saw that it was getting rather late.
'At this rate, I think better walk home...' Addison sighed.
She held the umbrella over her head and stepped out of the bus stop to walk the rest of the way home. It was pouring rain, and she'll surely be drenched by the time she gets home, despite using an umbrella.

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