Chapter 87

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Addison walked along the road since Jake was nowhere to be found, virtually and in person. She sighed and stepped into the usual alleyway. Again, she hoped to see no one, even the Superhero if possible.
Then again, she secretly hoped she would.
As if reading her thoughts, a flash of light appeared before her.
"Ach!" Addison exclaimed in surprise.
It was too dark to have a look at Superhero, save for his silhouette, but it was him alright.
"Superhero?" Addison called. "Wait, do you have your mask on?"
She was confirmed when Superhero didn't even stir when she shined her phone's torch on him, revealing his white mask staring back at her.
"Right, so you're more alert now," Addison smirked.
The Superhero shook his head in apparent annoyance and crouched down, placing something on the ground. Addison bent down to look too. Whatever that Superhero put on the ground looked a lot like a plastic bag of clothes, tightly knotted so that the contents couldn't be seen.
"What's that you've got there?" Addison asked as if speaking to a child, much to Superhero's dismay.
Superhero held up a hand at her and started working on the tight knot. Addison was wondering what was even in that little bag. Superhero seemed flustered too, his fingers trembling as he tried to open the knot. Addison noticed a speck of yellow right under the ring finger hole of his glove, like a ring. She wondered if it was a wedding band.
In the end, Superhero resorted to just ripping the bag open, the torn opening revealing a big ball of fluff inside it.
"What's in that bag anyway?" Addison asked again.
Superhero didn't reply as he pulled out a puppy, then another, and another. Addison gasped as she realised what had happened.
Heartless inhuman people had tied three poor puppies into a plastic bag, suffocating them in it without food or water. The Superhero seemed worried too, examining the dogs to see if they were okay, rubbing their fur. The pups seemed to be conscious, just too weak and deprived to walk.
"These poor puppies..." Addison sympathetically stated, lifting one of the dogs in her hands. Its eyes were closed as it let out a soft moan. "Who would do such a thing?"
The Superhero lifted two of the dogs and stood up. To Addison's surprise, he just handed both puppies to her.
"Whoa, whoa, hold up!" Addison gasped, trying to hold all three of the puppies together with her phone. "Why are you giving them to me?"
The Superhero shrugged and pointed at the puppies. She looked down at them, frail and nutrition deprived but still healthy.
"You want me to take care of them?" Addison asked in surprise.
Superhero nodded and grabbed her arm, activating his powers and transporting them straight to the Kennedy home.
"Superhero, please, I don't know if my landlady would allow pets," Addison reasoned. "I know she's a kind woman, but..."
Superhero just nodded reassuringly and motioned for her to get inside the house before running off and disappearing. Addison sighed and entered the house.

The house was empty, with no Felicia or Jake in sight. Addison gulped and made her way to the kitchen.
"Fe-Felicia?" Addison anxiously called the older woman as she entered the dining hall.
"Addie?" Felicia called, exiting the kitchen. She spotted Addison, then the three puppies in her arms. "Oh my gosh, where did you find those puppies?"
"The Superhero... rescued them from somewhere," Addison sighed. "They were tied in a plastic bag, these poor things."
"Oh my gosh!" Felicia gasped and came to her, cradling the puppies in her arms. "These poor babies must be food deprived. They still look healthy, maybe the Superhero was fast enough to rescue them without consequences."
Addison helped her feed the dogs with some water before giving them some meat.
"Where's Jacob? Did he come home with you?" Felicia asked.
Addison shook her head. "No, the Superhero brought me home."
Felicia nodded and went to get her phone. She quickly texted Jake and asked him to get some puppy food together with the groceries she had asked for.
"He isn't online," Felicia frowned and lowered her phone. "Oh well..."
"Should I tell Jordan or... Galante?" Addison suggested.
Felicia frowned. "Tell Jordan. Telling that Giuseppe fella isn't gonna work."
Addison snorted and texted Jordan. He sent her a few question marks, saying he had never been dog-shopping, but said he'd see what to get.
"What if both of them come up with the puppy food?" Addison asked, pocketing her phone.
"More for the pups, then," Felicia shrugged, much to Addison's amusement.
So the two of them waited, making sure that the dogs were awake.
"Are they supposed to just lay around like this?" Addison asked.
"Yes, because they're still small," Felicia explained. "They're only a few days old by the looks of it."
"Aww..." Addison uttered again.
Jake suddenly entered the room, practically dragging himself in.
"Jake, where have you been?" Felicia asked in concern.
Jake just handed her the plastic bag of stuff he was holding. "Went to Addie's shop to get her, but her friend told me she went home. I went to Speedmart to get these."
"Jake, I'm sorry, I thought you weren't coming since you didn't reply to my texts," Addison quickly added. "I came home by myself."
"It's fine," Jake sighed, turning to her. "I couldn't reply because my phone died on me."
"Oh..." Addison nodded.
"Jake, take that power bank with you next time," Felicia scolded. "I got that for you because you need it and you're not even using it."
Jake smiled sheepishly. His gaze suddenly fell on the tiny fur balls on the table. "Wait... are those... puppies?"
"Yeah," Addison chuckled. "The Superhero rescued them and handed them to me for some reason. They were tied in a plastic bag and thrown away. Poor things..."
"Did you guys feed it? Nuts... what do puppies eat again?" Jake groaned.
"Don't worry, Addie asked Jordan to get some puppy food on the way home," Felicia said.
"Jordan...?" Jake gasped as if he just remembered something. "Jordan! Oh no, he's allergic to pets!"
Addison was surprised. "Really? Oh... maybe that's why Superhero made me take these dogs instead."
Jake nodded. "Yeah. We mustn't let them near him."
Jordan suddenly stumbled in, carrying a heavy bag. He slammed it down on the table and wiggled his hand. "Ouch, these things are heavier than I thought! Also, yeah, I got the puppy food."
"Thanks, Jordan," Addison smiled, taking the bag.
Felicia cut it open and poured some into a bowl before feeding the puppies. Jordan stayed away from them, eventually going up to his room when Jake insisted.
"I think I'll give one of these to my friend," Addison suggested. "He likes animals."
"Is this Jeff?" Jake asked, amused. "He's always petting cats whenever he see one around campus."
"Yeah..." Addison nodded. "Maybe I'll take it to work this Saturday, along with some dog food."
"Shouldn't you like tell him first?" Jake remarked. "I mean... showing up unannounced with a dog sounds kinda mean."
"Not of its a gift, right?" Addison grinned. "He should like these cuties."
Jake went off to his room to take a shower while Addison decided to stay with Felicia and help her tend to the dogs. That was until Giuseppe arrived and started making a fuss of how adorable the puppies were.

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