Chapter 34

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Addison rushed down the stairs to go to the kitchen to fill her flask up with hot coffee. Jordan was there too, having his morning cup of hot chocolate.
"Morning, Addie," Jordan greeted as soon as she stepped in.
"Morning, Jordan," Addison greeted back, going towards the water dispenser to get hot water.
Jordan took a sip of his hot chocolate before speaking. "You already ready?"
Addison stopped short, unscrewing the lid of her flask. "Eh?"
"No, are you ready to leave for college yet?"
"I am... why?" Addison turned back to the countertop and put the flask on it before tearing open a few packs of instant coffee.
"Let's go together," Jordan said, much to her surprise. "I'm free from now on since I don't have to pick up Sierra."
Addison snorted, emptying the sachets into the flask. "So it's like that?"
"Oh come on, you wanna carpool with me or not?"
Addison sighed. "Fine..."
Jake came in next and washed his hands at the sink.
"Ready to go, Addie?" Jake asked, looking at her.
Addison had no idea who to go with. She glanced at Jordan, who seemed more interested in picking his teeth now, and then glanced at Jake.
"I think I'll go with Jordan this time," Addison sighed, turning around to fill her flask up with hot water. "Harvington is quite far from Alford, don't you think?"
Jake gave Jordan a sour look. "I thought he ditched you."
"No, Jake," Jordan shook his head, wiping his finger on his hoodie. "I'm free now."
Jake shrugged. "Suit yourself."
And then he left the kitchen.
"Ready to go?" Jordan asked.
Addison just nodded and closed her flask of hot coffee before following Jordan out.

"Hey... sorry about ditching you earlier, Addie," Jordan apologised, eating his breakfast burger. "It was just that... Sierra demanded me to pick her up from her place every morning."
"Sierra sounds like a jerk..." Addison couldn't help but remark, eating her pancakes. "I can't believe you actually fell for her..."
Jordan shrugged, taking a bite of his egg burger. He swallowed his mouthful and continued. "Guess I was blinded by love."
Addison snorted, cutting a small slice of her pancake. "Ya don't say..."
Jordan sighed. "By the way, your friend called me last night."
"Who?" Addison asked before stuffing her mouth with blueberry pancake.
"That chick you brought to Sundeer the other day."
"Oh, right," Addison nodded with a chuckle. "She was telling me about it yesterday. Says she broke up with her boyfriend because he had been cheating on her."
"Oh, now that's sad..."
"I know right. That's why she contacted you."
"That's good. I agreed to go on a date with her this weekend."
Addison smiled. "That's great news. Fiolina's fun, but be careful. I don't really know her that much, only meet her between shifts."
"I see..." Jordan nodded. "Well, let's just see how it goes."
"Good luck," Addison chuckled. "And congratulations."
"Thanks," Jordan chuckled.

"Guess what, they're actually gonna hook up this weekend," Addison informed as soon as she entered the shop.
"Who's gonna hook up with who?" Jeff tilted his head, confused.
"Jordan and Fiolina."
"Okay, but does this Fiolina know about his filthy hoodie?"
"She does, but doesn't seem to mind I guess."
Addison burst into laughter. She made her way towards the food warmer and grabbed something to eat. "I don't know, it's up to her. I didn't convince her at all."
"What about Hoodie?" Jeff smirked. "I thought he's got a girlfriend?"
"Dumped him," Addison shrugged, putting some food in the microwave.
"Oh..." Jeff snorted.
"And she was probably cheating on him from the start too. Apparently, Fiolina's ex had been cheating on her with that same chick."
Jeff's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh WOW. I wasn't expecting that."
"Neither was I," Addison shrugged, waiting for the microwave.
"Well, I guess it's a small world, then," Jeff shrugged, going back to his laptop. "Also, this last experiment is taking forever."
"Because it's so long..."
"How long?" Addison asked, glancing at him as she took her food out of the microwave.
"It has children and grandchildren."
Addison stopped short. "What?"
"There are too many sub experiments in this..." Jeff explained.
Addison sighed too. "Sounds like a pain to edit."
"It will be, but not as big a pain as doing it."
"You're right..." Addison chuckled, taking her food out. "Give it to me when you're done with it, okay?"
"Yeah, sure," Jeff nodded. He sighed and looked up from his screen. "Thanks for helping, by the way."
"It's no biggie," Addison shrugged, smiling. "I don't actually mind. Like I said, your experiments are actually quite interesting."
Jeff smiled, revealing his asymmetrical dimple. Addison chuckled and went to him, putting down the things to pay.

Fiolina walked in just as Addison finished writing the last sentence of her Academic Writing essay.
"Jordan accepted my offer!" Fiolina declared excitedly.
"I know," Addison chuckled. "He told me this morning. Also, he's carpooling with me again like usual."
"That's good," Fiolina nodded. But then she turned serious and neared Addison in a threatening manner. "If I hear that Jordan is cheating on me with you, you're dead meat, muchacha."
Addison snorted. "I won't, I promise. Also, since when were you Spanish?"
Fiolina looked at her in surprise. "What's my last name?"
"Uhh... forgot...?"
"Umm..." Addison quickly thought. She quickly remembered something but wasn't sure if it was correct. "Is it... Rodriguez?"
"Bingo," Fiolina nodded in satisfaction. "Where does that surname originate?"
"I'm not very sure, but I guess it sounds... Spanish?" Addison shrugged. She then realised. "Oh. Now that makes sense. You're actually Spanish?"
"Yes," Fiolina nodded. "Both my parents are Spanish."
"That's nice," Addison nodded. "Also, congratulations. And tell me if Jordan does anything wrong. I live with him, after all. I can even plant a bomb in his room if you want."
Fiolina snorted. "Yeah, sure. You're the best, Addie."
"Without even doing anything."
"I wouldn't have met Jordan if it wasn't for you, right?" Fiolina pointed out, making her way to the snack section before piling her arms with junk food. "After all, I wanted to give him a piece of my mind."
"And ended up hitting on him," Addison added with a shrug. "Well, looks like I need a plan B."
Fiolina smirked. "Hey, that's my boyfriend you're talking about there."
"He was my friend first," Addison smirked back.
"Yeah, but you're not his girlfriend," Fiolina grinned, dumping the food on the counter.
Addison rolled her eyes and shrugged. "Fine, whatever."
Fiolina made a funny face at her and changed her subject. "By the way, do you think the Superhero is gonna make his comeback? Or has he retired for good?"
Addison frowned. "I don't know. I just hope that wherever he is, he is safe. I hope he didn't get himself into trouble."
"I just hope he isn't dead in a ditch," Fiolina snorted, ripping open a pack of chips.
"Fiolina, don't say stuff like that! I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him." Addison's serious look morphed into a smirk. "I wouldn't have been able to introduce you to the Jordan you're raving about now, right?"
"Yeah, that's true too," Fiolina shrugged. "The guy's a hero."
"I fully agree with you," Addison chuckled with a shrug. "He's a Superhero."

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