Chapter 57

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Addison got home and slowly went up the stairs. She wasn't sure if Giuseppe was home or not and wasn't planning on seeing him again that day.
To her dismay, she spotted him coming up the steps right behind her and ended up bolting to her room.
Addison closed the door behind her and heaved a sigh of relief. She went straight to the bathroom and had a shower before calling her parents to tell them of the excitement while having her dinner.

"You mean to say... your Academic Writing lecturer is your mysterious new tenant all along?" Alison said in surprise. "Well..."
Madison and Edgar were helpless with laughter in the background.
"It's not funny, guys," Addison groaned, angrily slurping her cup of noodles.
"It is," Edward laughed, entering the picture. "I like how you two were so eager to find out too. And turns out, it's Galante."
Addison sighed. "I know right... imagine, we left the house to avoid him and he came right to the shop too."
Alison snorted. "And then?"
"He was just annoyed as we were too," Addison sighed. "But I don't blame him either. Imagine opening the door of your room and seeing your students outside."
"Well, I would flee if that happened to me," Edgar entered the screen. "I'm surprised that he's still staying around."
"I'm surprised that you guys are staying around too," Madison added. "I'd flee too, to be honest."
"I actually agree, but it depends on the teacher," Alison said. "What do you think, Addison?"
"He's an okay teacher," Addison shrugged. "Just that, he likes to make fun of Jordan's hair sometimes."
She realised that she was getting late for her 'tuition' and quickly ate her noodles. "Anyway, bye, guys! I need to go down for discount tuition."
"By who, your teacher?" Edward smirked.
"No, I'm the teacher," Addison smirked. "And I'm going down to teach my landlady's son. The discount's for me, on the rent."
She bid goodbye and hung up before getting her books and rushing down the steps. Addison went straight to the dining hall for her class and stopped short.
Jake was there, of course. And so was Giuseppe.
"Oh... hi, Mr. Galante..." Addison greeted.
"Hey, Addie!" Jake smirked. "Hope you don't mind, I called Giuseppe here to join us for class tonight since he's a very good teacher, judging by what you and Jordan say about him."
'Why?!' Addison wanted to say, but just smiled and sat down beside Jake.
"Jordan's coming too," Jake smirked. "We'll wait for him."
Addison waited, anticipating Jordan's reaction when seeing Giuseppe with them.
And Jordan came, anticipating to see Addison and Jake together, whistling. He stopped short when he spotted Galante and gulped.
To their surprise, he made a u-turn and started leaving.
"Hey, where are you going?" Giuseppe called. "Get over here, Jordan."
Jordan groaned and came over, holding nothing but a water bottle. He grumpily sat down next to Giuseppe and sighed.
"Where are your books?" Galante asked.
"Didn't bring," Jordan muttered.
"Go and get it," Galante instructed.
Jordan got up to go but Jake quickly stopped him. "Jordan, wait. Here, I have foolscap. Just use this for now."
He saw through Jordan's plan. He was planning to just go up to his room and stay there, meaning to skip the 'tuition' class.
Jordan sighed and sat down again, taking the foolscap paper that Jake had given him.
"You should be lucky you guys are getting free lessons after my working hours," Galante stated. "Alright, shall we start?"
Jordan groaned inwardly.

"Oh my gosh, Mr. Galante," Jake said, closing his large book. "Thank you so much for the tips! I wish you were my lecturer, but Jordan and Addie have that honour instead."
Giuseppe smiled, only the tiniest bit, and nodded. "You're welcome. By the way, we have a big day tomorrow at college. Goodnight, Capelli Rossi, Addie."
Jordan frowned for a moment before giving him a very sweet smile. "Have a good night too, Signor Capelli Neri."
Giuseppe looked at him in surprise as the redhead smugly left the room, proud of himself. Addison bit back a laugh and nodded at the Italian man. "Goodnight, Mr. Galante." She said before leaving.
Jake just smiled at Giuseppe and left him gaping there.

Jordan started laughing as soon as he hit the second floor.
"Did you see that?!" Jordan exclaimed as soon as Addison came up. "The look on his face was priceless!"
"I know right," Addison chuckled. "By the way... does this mean... that Galante will be joining us for tuition every night?!"
Jordan gasped. "Oh god... no!"
And he held onto his head as if to faint again but Addison quickly ran to her room. "I'm not gonna get involved this time."
Jordan frowned but rushed off to his room when he caught Giuseppe coming up the steps.


Giuseppe was gone by the time Addison and Jordan met each other on the porch.
"Well, that's good," Jordan sighed in relief. "At least we don't have to deal with him right before college, right?"
"Yeah..." Addison nodded. "Anyway, come on. We're having Academic Writing first thing in the morning."
Jordan groaned but unlocked his car before getting in with Addison. Soon, they arrived at Alford and got themselves some breakfast.
"These pancakes are really good, not gonna lie..." Addison remarked, taking a bite of her pancake doused in maple syrup. "How's the Egglish Muffin?"
"It's really good too," Jordan nodded, his mouth full.
All of a sudden, someone pulled a chair beside them, followed by Giuseppe sitting down with a cup of coffee and a breakfast set plate. "You guys don't mind if I join in, right?"
Addison and Jordan exchanged weird looks. "Uh... no?"
"Great, because the place is full," Giuseppe said, squeezing himself beside them. "Luckily I spotted you guys."
The other two exchanged panicked looks.
"So uh... Mr. Galante?" Addison said before taking a bite of her pancake. "I didn't know you like McRonald's too?"
"Oh, I always eat here," Giuseppe shrugged. "Just that I usually come in earlier. Overslept last night."
"Is it because of our class or something?" Jordan asked. "I mean... it was pretty late last night, don't you think?"
"Yeah, and that's why I feel like you guys should be down earlier," Giuseppe said, forking some of the food into his mouth.
"But sir... we have work..." Addison pointed out. "We only come home at like... nine or something..." she paused for a moment. "You too..."
"But you still gotta study, right?" Galante piped up, making Jordan groan. "What is it, Jordan?"
"Nothing, just... we have very little time to eat and our class is in ten minutes," Jordan shrugged, then sighed. "Your class."
"Oh yeah, your first period is Academic Writing, isn't it?" Giuseppe realised. "Mio Dio... and I ordered the biggest breakfast there is..."
Addison snickered softly but tried to eat her pancakes as fast as she could. Jordan practically stuffed his muffin into his mouth and got up. "Aight, Addie. I'll bag you a spot."
With that, he left Addison with Giuseppe. She inwardly cursed him and just gave Giuseppe an awkward smile before finishing her meal. He was soon done too.
"You wanna go to class together?" Galante asked.
Addison quickly shook her head. "Oh... no. I need to go to the ladies. You go ahead first, I'll be right along."
Giuseppe shrugged and went on his way to the classroom. Addison could've screamed in exasperation at what was going on. Why Galante, of all people, had to be their mystery housemate? It also seemed like Giuseppe was appearing more frequently now that he was exposed. She also made it a point to strangle Jake the next time they met.

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