Chapter 61

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Addison sighed and walked along the main road, making her way to the bus stop. To her dismay, she saw the back of the bus she was supposed to be in and groaned. There goes her bus.
She sighed and started walking the rest of the way. There was no point in waiting anyway.
Addison walked and walked, eventually coming to the isolated creepy alleyway that she hated. She said a silent prayer, begging God to protect her as she walked through it, and went in. She was relieved that there was no one there besides her but at the same time worried since no one would be there to help her if she got herself into some unfortunate trouble.
Fortunately, her worry wasn't necessary since she safely walked through it and came to a busier road. Addison heaved a sigh of relief and started making her way back to the Kennedy house, passing the intersection that led to the street she was attacked out-cold at. She shuddered as she remembered that night. If it hadn't been for the Superhero, who knows what would've happened to her.
Addison came to another main road and walked towards the street the Kennedy home was. All of a sudden, a flash of light appeared in front of her. Addison gasped and shielded her eyes as the Superhero emerged from the light, holding a cardboard box. He seemed just as surprised to see her as she was to see him.
"Uh... hi," Addison decided to greet.
The Superhero nodded in reply and crouched, gently putting the box down. He slowly tipped it to the side and let a curious little dog out of it. It was obvious that the Superhero had saved it from an unwanted mishap.
"A dog?" Addison said in surprise.
The Superhero nodded. He crouched again and lifted the meek creature into his arms, gently petting its head before handing it to her. Addison petted it, bewildered and not sure what else to do. The Superhero's face was a mask, quite literally, and she couldn't tell if he was smiling or sad.
But then, the Superhero put the dog down, which ran away in an instant, and gave her finger guns before running off into that bright light of his. Addison chuckled, thinking that Blinding Lights by The Weeknd should actually be his theme song by this time.
She suddenly spotted an oncoming car and went to the side of the road to continue walking home.

Addison walked into the rental home and made her way upstairs. She wasn't sure if Giuseppe was home yet and stopped in front of his room for a moment to listen.
To her horror, the door opened, and out came Galante.
"Addie?" Addison gasped as soon as he stepped out. "What are you doing here?"
"I was on my way to my room," Addison said, pointing to her room. "I have to pass this place anyway."
"Oh... you coming down for class later?"
Addison quickly nodded. "Absolutely. I'll be coming down later."
Giuseppe nodded, a slight smile on his face. "Good. Jake said he needed some help on some essay that he, for some reason, couldn't get all the points on. Maybe you can help him with it since I gave you guys an essay on the same topic only a few days ago and yours was really good. Can I use it as a sample?"
"Sure, I'll bring my book down later," Addison nodded with a smile. "All of my essays are in there."
"Great, at least I don't have to prepare a sample now that you're here," Giuseppe remarked. "I'd take Jordan's but his handwriting is much too hard to read. If I ask him, he'd say that he was tired or something.
Addison had no idea how to reply so she just chuckled awkwardly. "Yeah... also, I'll be down in a bit. I need to have my dinner and freshen up. I'll join your class later, Mr. Galante."
Giuseppe nodded. "Sure. Also, you can call me by my first name outside of class, you know? Calling me with Mister sounds a little too formal especially since we're practically housemates now."
"Oh, okay, Mr. Galante," Addison smiled, inching closer towards her room door. "I'll remember that. But now, I really need to go. I'm barely standing. Hope you don't mind."
Giuseppe nodded. "Sure."
Addison heaved a sigh of relief when he went downstairs, his notes under his arm, evidently to prepare for the class. As soon as he disappeared, she bolted to her room and locked the door. She laid down on her bed with a groan and untied her hair, massaging her scalp as she laid down. She eventually got up and went to the bathroom to have a shower before having her dinner.

"Imagine this, the Superhero just pointed the dog at me," Addison said, eating her dinner as she spoke. "And then it ran away when he put it down. He ran off too."
"Well, it's the Superhero, after all," Madison shrugged. "He must've saved that dog from an accident or something."
"But it was in a box," Addison pointed out. "Maybe it was abandoned?"
"Then why did he just let it run away?" Madison asked.
"I have no idea about that too..." Addison sighed, spooning more food into her mouth.
"Who are you talking to?" Edgar chimed in, suddenly appearing in the background. "Oh. You're talking to Addie. Hi, Addie."
Addison chuckled and swallowed her food. "Hey, Edgar. Also, where's Mom and Dad?"
"Watching some weirdo movie," Edgar shrugged. "Also, what's going on? Sounded heated before I came in."
"Superhero saved a dog and showed it to Addie for some reason," Madison explained. "And then let it run away."
"Now that's odd..." Edgar snorted. "What was the point of it?"
"I honestly have no idea," Addison took a sip of water. "Maybe he was planning to just let the dog go but then panicked when he saw me and decided to show me the dog?"
"That might be it too..." Madison said thoughtfully. "What if the Superhero is actually one of your friends?"
"I've had that hunch too," Addison agreed thoughtfully. "But I'm not sure who it is. I thought it was Jake at first, but it isn't him since we both saw the Superhero in action once. And then we thought it was the Mysterious New Tenant, but that turned out to be that Galante guy. So I'm not sure."
"Then who?" Edgar frowned. "I agree with Maddie since you said the Superhero literally gives you finger guns before leaving, right? That must mean that he's on friendly terms with you."
"That's true too..." Addison sighed, finishing the last of her food. "Anyway, I've got to go now. Got a class with Galante. Talk to you guys tomorrow!"
She bid goodbye and ended the call. Addison groaned at the thought of going downstairs for class and grabbed her bag, heading out the door and then downstairs.

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