Chapter 68

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Fiolina stormed into the shop, her face stained with tears. And as soon as her eyes fell on Addison, she burst into tears yet again.
"Oh my gosh, Fio," Addison immediately got out of the counter to comfort her. "What happened? Is everything okay?"
"He... he... he shouted at me!" Fiolina blurted out, sobbing uncontrollably.
"Oh no... what did he say?"
Fiolina started telling her about the heated argument she had with Jordan. The worst part was the fact that she couldn't actually remember the real reason behind it was.
"All I did was ask him if he was okay and he just glared at me," Fiolina went on. "Then since his boss was around, I decided to get an iced latte."
Addison nodded, prompting her to continue.
"I don't know what really happened, but I threw the coffee at him and walked away," Fiolina ended. "And then I came straight here."
Addison looked at her in surprise. "What? Oh my gosh... Fio!"
"I don't know!" Fiolina sobbed. "All I remember was the fact that he offended me in some way I can't remember what. Maybe I wasn't listening or something, I'm not sure, but yeah. I threw my coffee at him."
"Did you pay for it though?" Addison asked.
Fiolina nodded. "Of course... I paid first. Ugh, now I feel bad for not only fighting with Jordan but for wasting perfectly good cup of iced coffee too."
Addison sighed. "I... I don't know what to say. What was his reaction when you did that?"
"He just stared at me in shock as I walked away, not turning to look for even a second," Fiolina answered, wiping snot off her nose with her sleeve. "I hope he's okay though... I did that on the spur of the moment."
"I'll check on him once I get back," Addison assured. "Don't worry, Fio. I'll tell him that you didn't mean a thing when you did that. I'll speak to Jake about it too."
Fiolina nodded. "Thanks, Addie. Thank you."
"Don't worry, I'm sure he'll be fine," Addison gave her a reassuring rub on the back. "I'll talk to him later."
Just as she finished saying that, her phone vibrated in her pocket. She took it out to see a message from Jake.
Sorry Addie
Can't come to pick u today
Have extra work
Addison sighed as she texted a reply. "Jake isn't coming to pick me up. Oh well, looks like I'm taking a walk."
"Addie, take a PickYou," Fiolina quickly said. "Don't walk alone, Addie."
"Well, hopefully, the bus doesn't leave me," Addison sighed.
"Addie... take a PickYou," Fiolina persisted.
Addison sighed. "It's a bit expensive..."
To her surprise, she suddenly took out a twenty-dollar note and handed it to her. "Here, take this. Don't walk, Addie."
Addison shook her head, gently pushing Fiolina's hand away. "Fio, no. I can get home by myself. Even if I somehow wind up in trouble, the Superhero will be there to save me."
Fiolina rolled her eyes. "Seriously, you're really pestering that poor guy. I like how he still comes for you even though he has a whole city to protect."
"Well, I'm special, I guess," Addison grinned. "But yeah. Don't worry about me, Fio. I'll be fine."
Fiolina nodded and got ready for her shift. Addison grabbed a few Itchy-Buns and some milk before paying for them. She then got changed herself and got ready to leave.
"Be safe, okay?" Fiolina warned again. "Don't go fall into a ditch or something."
Addison rolled her eyes and stuffed the buns and milk into her bag. "I won't. Even if I do, don't worry because I can swim." She smiled and waved at her. "Anyway, bye. I'll talk to Jordan and see how he is. If he's in a speakable mood, I'll ask him about it. Okay?"
Fiolina nodded and waved at her. "Okay, Addie. Bye."
Addison waved again and left the shop. She heaved a big sigh as soon as she was out and made her way towards the bus stop.
But for some reason, she felt like walking.
'Meh, I'm getting fat anyway,' Addison shrugged to herself as she walked down the road.
She soon found herself walking down the dodgy alleyway she always hated but was relieved to see that no one was around. Addison smiled to herself and heaved a sigh of relief as she walked.
That was until she heard the sound of soft sobbing.
Addison gulped, the hairs on the back of her neck rising. She slowly took a step forward, trying to find the source of the noise.
She froze when she spotted the silhouette of someone sitting beside a dumpster. Addison immediately stepped into the shadows to see who the person was without being seen.
A twig snapped under her foot. Addison inwardly groaned and stood as still as a statue.
The person who had been sitting seemed alerted, immediately lifting their head and standing up. They started looking around, seemingly for the source of the noise. Addison could see that whoever it was, they were wearing a hood.
Before Addison could get a glimpse of their face, the person's hands started glowing and they disappeared into a blinding light.
"Oh my god!" Addison exclaimed in surprise as she realised who the person really was.
She frowned for a moment, wondering why he was crying, and went on her way home.

Addison arrived home and saw Felicia anxiously waiting in the living room. However, she was relieved to see Addison enter.
"Addison, thank goodness you're okay," Felicia sighed. "Jake told me he couldn't pick you so I waited here for you."
Addison smiled gratefully. "Thanks, Felicia."
"You took the bus?" Felicia asked.
Addison shook her head. "I decided to walk. I need the exercise anyway."
Felicia chuckled and patted her shoulder. "You look better plump if you ask me."
Addison chuckled sheepishly and made her way upstairs to her room.

Addison got out of the bathroom and changed into a comfortable hoodie and sweatpants before sitting down to have dinner over a video call with her parents.
"Hey, Mom," Addison greeted as she ate. "Hey, Dad. What you guys doing?"
"Nothing, just sitting around," Alison shrugged. "You having dinner?"
Addison nodded. "Yeah, Mom. Where's Maddie and Ed?"
"They're bashing each other in some fighting game," Edward snorted. "Let's keep them occupied. They haven't let us talk to you properly as of late."
Addison chuckled. "I know right. I'll call you or Mom, but the one to answer is Maddie and Ed. The two of them, I swear..."
A series of slow thuds came from outside, startling Addison. She looked up from her phone and food, even her parents looked concerned.

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