Chapter 65

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Addison called into work and saw Jeff stocking the drinks shelf.
"Hey," Addison greeted as she came in. She paused for a moment when she realised that Jeff was arranging cartons and bottles. "Wait, wasn't the guy before you supposed to check the stocks?"
Jeff sighed. "Well, he was supposed to, but left with only three drinks left because he simply 'forgot'."
"Oh, that's not good," Addison sighed. "What else did he forget?"
"Bread, chocolates, some of the medical supplies too," Jeff shrugged. "Can you help?"
"On my way," Addison said as she put her bag down on the chair. "I'll start with the bread."
Addison helped with the bread and buns and was soon done since all she had to do was dump them onto the shelf, unlike arranging bottles and cartons of milk. Jeff was soon done with the drinks and stocked up the chocolates too. Addison then went on with the medical supplies like plaster and ointments.
"Great, now I can eat," Addison said, grabbing a cheese-flavoured and pizza-flavoured Itchy-Bun. "Jeff, pass me a bottle of full cream?"
Jeff nodded and grabbed a bottle of full cream milk, making his way to the counter. Addison paid for everything and hastily started eating since she only had about ten minutes left before the start of her shift.
"Hey, there's no need to hurry," Jeff said. "If you can't eat on time it's fine too. I can take a few extra minutes."
Addison shook her head. "No need, Jeff. I can manage."
Right after saying that, she choked on her food and started coughing. She quickly unscrewed her bottle of milk and took a few sips.
"That's the thing, don't worry, Addie," Jeff said again. "There's no need to hurry, eat slowly."
Addison sighed and relaxed a little. She finished her buns on time and only had her milk left so she went to get changed.
"It's okay, I can have this while I work," Addison insisted, going to the backroom to change into her uniform. "I'll go get changed first, Jeff."
Jeff shrugged. "Okay."
He waited for her and then made his way to the backroom to change too, coming out wearing his usual leather jacket.
"I'm wondering something," Addison asked as she sipped her milk behind the counter.
Jeff sighed, knowing full well it was gonna be a stupid question. "What is it?"
"How do you wash that jacket?" Addison pointed at his leather jacket. "Because I know it can't be thrown into the washing machine like regular clothes, so it's dry-cleaned? Or do you go around without washing it like Jordan or something?"
"No, I actually clean it after two to three uses or so," Jeff answered, grabbing a few chicken pies and putting them in the microwave. "And yes, it can't be thrown into the washing machine. I'm not like Hoodie and dry-cleaning is too tedious and kinda expensive too so I just clean it at home."
"How?" Addison persisted.
"With soap and water."
"I thought water damages leather or something?"
"Not if you quickly wipe it."
"Oh, so you use wet wipes?"
"How are wet wipes enough to clean a freaking jacket?"
"Then what do you use?"
"Soap and water."
"You mean you dunk the jacket in soapy water and then wipe it? Isn't that still gonna damage the material?"
Jeff groaned and filled his cup with all the available flavours of SlurpSlurp. "I don't dunk my jacket in soapy water, Addie. I dip a washcloth into the soapy water and wipe my jacket with it, then wipe it down with a dry one."
"Do you understand now or do I have to demonstrate it?"
Addison frowned thoughtfully. "Uhh... no."
"Good," Jeff heaved a sigh of relief, coming to the counter with. "You ask the stupidest of questions, Addie."
Addison grinned. "I know."
Jeff went to her and put his cup of SlurpSlurp down on the countertop. "And you still ask?"
"I have to clear my doubts, don't I?"
Jeff went to the microwave to get his pies. "Makes sense, I guess. By the way, any updates on Grumpy Hoodie?"
Addison snorted. "Not really... but something funny happened this morning, though."
She began telling him the full story of how Galante tried to chase them all the way to Alford University and how both Jordan and Giuseppe were way past the speed limit.
"But something good did come out of it though," Addison shrugged. "It got some colour back into Jordan. He was even laughing and stuff."
"Did he catch you at the end though?" Jeff asked, taking out his card to pay.
Addison smirked. "Kinda, but we were in the middle of having breakfast in McRonalds, not in class. Ooh... shudder to think what's gonna happen when we get home."
"Why?" Jeff asked but quickly realised the reason. "Oh... okay. Never mind. Good luck dealing with that. You're gonna need it."
"Thanks," Addison sighed, handing him his receipt. "We're gonna need it."
Jeff grinned, revealing his dimple. "See ya tomorrow, Dietitian."
"See ya, SlurpSlurp."
Addison sat down on her stool and started finishing the rest of her milk.

Fiolina came in and this time, it was Addison who startled her.
"FIO!" Addison exclaimed, slamming her hands down on the countertop.
"Oh my gosh, you scared me!" Fiolina gasped. "What is it, Addie? Usually, it's me who does this. This time, you?"
Addison grinned. "Sorry about that. But have you asked Jordan what's up?"
"No, because he seemed quite fine today, even telling me about your adventurous trip to college just now," Fiolina shrugged. "I couldn't stop laughing when he told me how he cooly told your lecturer that he was gonna get a speeding summon too."
Addison chuckled. "Yeah, that was... something. Anyway, can you ask him? He was only fine today because of that misadventure. But in the morning, before it all happened, he still looked like a zombie. Maybe you can check on him while he's at work too?"
Fiolina nodded. "Sure thing, Addie. After all, he's my boyfriend."
"Thanks, Fio," Addison smiled. "Jake and I, even Galante, are pretty concerned for him. Who knows what that poor guy is going through in there."
"I know right," Fiolina agreed, going to the snack section to get some potato chips. "I'll ask him tomorrow as soon as my classes are over, okay? I might be a little late for work, but at least I'll know what Jordan is up to."
Addison nodded. "Thank you so much, Fio. You're the best."
"No biggie," Fiolina giggled, coming over to the counter to pay. "He's my boyfriend. Of course, I wanna know if he's okay, right?"
Addison smiled and scanned the things she took before taking the payment.

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