Chapter 28

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It was Thursday, and classes were pretty light on Addison today. She no longer depended on Jordan to take her to college since... he had a date now and he leaves an hour earlier than he usually does.
Addison thought it was a good day for her, considering how everything went well at college. She didn't even encounter Jordan, nothing even happened to ruin her mood.
So she happily stepped into the convenience store, making the welcome tune blare throughout the shop. As usual, she saw Jeff studiously typing out his assignment while singing under his breath. He looked up at her and grinned before going right back to his laptop, where the music actually came from. He immediately stopped singing as soon as he caught sight of Addison.
"Hi Addie," Jeff said, his eyes fixated on the screen.
"Hey Jeff," Addison greeted. "How's your assignment going?"
"It's going pretty good," Jeff nodded. "What about you? You don't have any assignments coming up?"
"I just finished one yesterday," Addison shrugged, going towards the food warmer. "I work on mine at home since I don't like taking my laptop to college. It makes my bag really bulky and heavy. I still don't know how you don't mind lugging it to college and back every single day."
"Well, I have no choice," Jeff frowned. "I don't have time at home."
"Do you have a roommate?" Addison asked, putting a few tacos in the microwave.
"Nah," Jeff shook his head. "I do have a few housemates, though. Don't really talk to them much. Most of them are from my college."
Addison nodded, grabbing a carton of milk. "Yeah, same. But I think the only one from my place that also goes to Alford is Jordan."
"I see," Jeff nodded. "So how are you going to college now? You're not walking all the way, are you?"
"Nah," Addison snorted, shaking her head as she went to him at the counter. She put the carton of milk down in front of him and smirked. "I'm taking a PickYou."
"Good," Jeff nodded, pushing his laptop aside slightly. "But if you need me to pick you up, just holler."
Addison swatted her hand slightly. "Nah, I can handle it." The microwave timer went off so she quickly went to it to get her tacos. "It's not that expensive anyway, especially since I'm getting a discount on rental."
Jeff smirked, scanning her milk while she went to get her tacos. "What did you do?"
Addison smirked at him while taking the tacos out of the microwave. "I have my secrets."
Jeff shook his head and watched her return with a brown paper bag. "Well, at least you're getting something good out of it."
Addison shrugged and took her money out to pay. "Anyway, heard anything about the Superhero recently?"
Jeff shook his head without looking up from the things. "Nope. The last I heard about him was... two weeks ago?"
Addison frowned. "You think he's okay? The last I saw him was during that night, where he stole my bun. I hope he didn't get himself into trouble or anything..."
Jeff snorted, taking her payment. "Addie, the guy's a Superhero, who can teleport! You think he can't escape?"
"Not if he's tired, he can't," Addison pointed out, taking her tacos and milk. "You're not the one who saw the aftermath of him overusing his powers."
Jeff frowned thoughtfully and nodded. "You're right. Then again, I think the guy's fine. He may just be busy. After all, who knows what kinda stuff is going on in his personal life?"
Addison nodded in agreement, setting herself down on the chair beside the window. "That's true too. He's sure to have normal people problems too, whoever he is."
Jeff shrugged. "Well, don't we all?"
Addison smiled and nodded. "Yeah..."
She ate her tacos silently, reading another webcomic that Fiolina recommended to her. For some reason, it got her hooked. She can't help herself from binging on pages and pages of mangas and other online comics. She found it surprising when she suddenly ends up on the last page and has to find another good comic to read.
"Whatcha watching?" Jeff asked all of a sudden.
"Nothing," Addison quickly put her phone down. "Why are you asking?"
Jeff shrugged. "Just wanted to ask you something." He grinned. "How do you say... give more reaction?"
"Give more reaction...?" Addison frowned. "Is this with a catalyst or something?"
"Yeah," Jeff nodded, slightly surprised. "How do you know?"
"I took chemistry back in high school too, ya know," Addison pointed out. "But yeah. I think it's 'increase the rate of reaction'."
Jeff nodded and started typing again. "Aight, thanks. I forgot the term for a moment."
Addison snorted. "Brain fart, huh?"

Fiolina practically jumped into the shop. "Oi!"
"Why are you always like a hurricane?" Addison asked, looking up from her notebook with a frown.
Fiolina just shrugged. "Can't help it."
Addison snorted, going back to her work. "Well, it's you."
She looked up from the book, and to her surprise, Fiolina dumped an armful of food on the counter.
"Can you scan these?" Fiolina grinned. "I'm kinda hungry..."
Addison shook her head at the amount of junk food on the counter. "Again, I wanna ask. How are you so thin?"
"I honestly have no idea myself," Fiolina said solemnly. "You know, I actually ought to be fat? I actually want to be fat!"
Addison looked up from scanning the things. "Take mine. I don't want all of this."
Fiolina smirked and extended her arms to her sides, raising her chin slightly with her eyes closed. "Gimme!"
Addison rolled her eyes and continued scanning, the slightest of smiles on her face. She eventually finished and stuffed everything into a plastic bag before handing them back to Fiolina.
"Anyway, did you give that Jordan fella a piece of your mind?" Fiolina asked, ripping open a pack of potato chips.
Addison shook her head. "What for?"
"For ditching you, dummy!" Fiolina said before stuffing her mouth with a handful of chips. "That guy deserves a piece!"
Addison smirked. "He came here once with his girlfriend. He might come again."
"Can you send me his photo?" Fiolina asked, much to her surprise.
Addison frowned for a moment, but decided. It would be fun to watch Fiolina give Jordan a piece of her mind.
"Gimme a sec," Addison smirked, taking her phone out. She took a screenshot of Jordan's profile photo and sent it to her. "Alright, it's sent."
Fiolina's phone soon dinged, and she immediately took it out to see the photo. "So this is him?"
"Yeah," Addison nodded.
"He's kinda hot, not gonna lie," Fiolina said, much to her surprise. "Whatever, he's still a jerk."
Addison nodded doubtfully. She knew how Fiolina would fall for literally every guy. Now, she wasn't so sure if Fiolina would actually give Jordan a piece of her mind instead of hitting on him.

Addison left the shop after packing herself some chicken pie and cheese buns. She even got herself some yoghurt and chocolates for later too.
She made her way towards the bus stop to catch the bus. To her horror, said bus sped off right before her foot hit the platform by the bus stop.
"Nooo!" Addison cried, reaching for it. "Oh no..."
Addison sank onto the ground and took her phone out to check if there are any PickYou drivers around. She had loathed walking alone at night since her last encounter with the Superhero. Not that she was afraid of the Superhero, she was grateful for him, but she was afraid of being attacked, especially now that the Superhero is taking a long-deserved break.
She searched and searched for a PickYou car, but to her dismay, there were none.
Addison had nothing to do but to go home on foot.

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