Chapter 32

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"I thought you said something about 'giving him a piece of our minds'?" Addison blurted out as soon as they got into Fiolina's car, holding their drinks. "And you're hitting on him? Seriously?!"
"Oh come on, he's really cute," Fiolina grinned, unlocking the steering lock. "How could you not like him?"
Addison scowled, watching her start the car. "He ditched me, remember?"
"It's his car, he can do whatever he wants," Fiolina said, much to her surprise. "You can't expect a free ride every morning, right?"
Addison just stared at her, gaping. "Are you serious? The guy ditched me without telling me!"
Fiolina turned the air-conditioners on. "Okay, maybe that was a mistake on his part. But he still seems like a nice guy!"
"He has a girlfriend," Addison deadpanned. "Only yesterday was he telling me about her. You'd be his side-chick."
Fiolina smirked. "So what?"
Addison frowned and shook her head. "You're disgusting."
"Oh come on, I'm only kidding," Fiolina rolled her eyes. "You really think I want to become a side?"
Addison shrugged. "Who knows?"
Fiolina frowned. "You're really mean..."
Addison sighed. "I don't care what you do, but you better be careful with this Jordan. My landlady warned me about him, but I just brushed it off, and it ended with me getting ditched. Now I'm warning you. Better be careful with him. I don't want my good friend to come back crying."
Fiolina looked at her in surprise. "Aww!" She finally uttered.
"What?" Addison asked, confused.
"Thank you, bestie!" Fiolina hugged her. "You actually care about me!"
Addison snorted, pulling away from the hug. "Stop getting all cheesy..." she looked at Fiolina and decided to change the subject. "Anyway, where do you wanna go now?"

Addison and Fiolina shopped, going from shop to shop and going crazy at the sight of discount sales.
"Oh my gosh!" Fiolina squealed. "These shoes are so cute!"
"Are you sure stilettos that high are a good idea?" Addison frowned, holding a dark red sneaker. "By the way, is this nice?"
Fiolina frowned thoughtfully. "If you walk a lot, I guess."
Addison smirked. "Exactly what I do."
She turned the shoe to see if it was her size. It was two sizes too small.
"Can I help you, miss?" The young salesgirl suddenly appeared with a polite smile.
Addison nodded and handed the shoe to her. "Do you have this in size nine?"
The girl nodded and rushed off to get the right shoes. She soon returned and opened the box, handing one of the shoes to Addison.
"You can try it first to see if it fits," the salesgirl said as she handed the shoe to Addison.
Addison decided to buy it since it was a perfect fit. She turned to Fiolina and saw that she was still choosing obnoxiously tall stilettos. She called to the salesgirl and handed her a beige stiletto that seemed to be made of suede-like material.
"Can I have this in size seven?" The salesgirl put Addison's shoes on the counter and went to get the stilettos that Fiolina asked for.
They soon left the shop, each holding a plastic bag.
"Where shall we go next?" Addison asked as they walked past a row of shops. She chuckled when she caught sight of a toy store. "Look at that. They have those Chibi figurines? I'm kinda surprised..."
"What's Chibi?" Fiolina asked.
Addison shrugged. "You know those small, dwarf-like versions of characters? Yeah, that thing."
"Oh..." Fiolina nodded. "Anyway, you wanna go to Abon?"
"Sure," Addison agreed. "I wanna see their new perfume."
And so, they made their way there. Addison was a little annoyed since Fiolina took a very long time, asking the sales agent for this and that. Then again, she couldn't help herself from buying a bunch of stuff too.
Next, they went to the bookstore since Addison needed some stationery. Fiolina didn't mind window shopping with her too.
They walked around the store, taking whatever they fancied, when Fiolina suddenly gasped. Addison looked up from the cute mechanical pencils on sale, seeing what was the problem.
"Addie, look!" Fiolina exclaimed, reaching for the top shelf on the tip of her toes. She grinned and held up two black books as Addison walked up to her. "They have the True Tritan Ghost Stories!"
Addison looked at her in surprise. "They actually have that?"
Fiolina opened the book and grinned. "It's new. Published only last year."
"I'm surprised the guy still writes," Addison nodded, reaching for the book. "How much is it?"
Fiolina snatched the book back from her. "Nuh-uh! I saw it first!"
Addison rolled her eyes and looked up at the top shelf. To her joy, there was more of the book. Just one more. She reached for it and grinned, waving it in front of Fiolina. "Lookie, lookie! There's another one."
"There were only two left?!" Fiolina let out an exaggerated gasp, looking up at the empty spot on the shelf. "What luck!"
Addison chuckled and looked at the book. It wasn't all that expensive too, so she decided to buy it.
"You wanna buy anything else?" Addison asked, tucking the book under the crook of her arm together with the stationery she took.
Fiolina shook her head. "Nah... let's go pay."
They went to the counter and Fiolina decided to pay first since she bought only a few things. A weird guy put his things on the counter too, leaving to see something else. The cashier almost scanned his things together with Addison's.
"That's not mine..." Addison said, gently pushing the things aside. "That guy took them."
The weird guy returned and for some reason decided to stare at the things they bought. Addison frowned and impatiently waited for the cashier to finish. She quickly paid and left the shop, Fiolina at her heels.
"So stupid..." Addison scowled, glancing back at Fiolina behind her. "As if he's paying for my things..."
"I know right," Fiolina agreed with a frown, adjusting the bags hanging from her fingers. "Standing so close too."
Addison nodded with a frown before making her way to the escalator. She stopped in front of it and turned to Fiolina. "Shall we grab lunch? There's only an hour and a half before my shift."
"Did you bring your uniform?"
"In my bag."
Fiolina nodded and they both went to the ground floor to go to have lunch.

"Thanks, Fio," Addison thanked, grabbing her stuff as soon as the convenience store came to view. "Today was fun."
Fiolina smiled. "You're welcome. It was fun hanging out with you too."
Addison chuckled and pulled the door handle. "See you later for your shift."
Fiolina grinned and waved at her. "Bye!"
Addison smiled and waved back before making her way towards the shop. She watched Fiolina back out of the parking spot and waved one last time before entering.
Jeff was behind the counter, smirking at her. His laptop was in front of him, playing some rock song.
"Soo... just back from a date?" Jeff's smirk grew wider.
Addison rolled her eyes. "Seriously?"
"What, you definitely have a boyfriend," Jeff shrugged, pausing his music. "Don't you?"
"No." Addison frowned, shaking her head. "I don't. That was my friend."
Jeff smirked again. "Let me guess. Hoodie?"
Addison rolled her eyes, putting her bag on the table. "It was Fiolina. You know her, don't you?"
Jeff instantly scowled, shuddering at the thought of her. "I don't know about you, but I don't like that girl."
Addison snorted, going over to him. "Why not?"
"She's always flirting," Jeff shrugged, leaning over the counter with his arms crossed and head lifted to look at Addison. "She doesn't flirt with you too now, does she?"
Addison shook her head. "Nope. Thankfully. Also, she was hitting on Jordan just now when we went to get coffee."
Jeff gasped dramatically. "You guys went out for coffee with him? Of all people?!"
"He's the barista, idiot," Addison rolled her eyes with a chuckle. "As if we'd ask him to join us on a girls' day out. Fiolina said she wanted to give him a piece for ditching me, but it ended up being the exact opposite."
"I don't know about you, but I'm more concerned for Hoodie now than I am for you," Jeff smirked. "That chick is bad news. I've only met her a few times, but I know that much."
Addison nodded, going towards the fridge. "I'm with ya. But at the same time, I'm more concerned for Sierra."
"Who's that?" Jeff asked, interested.
"That blonde girl that Jordan brought the other day," Addison shrugged. "She's his girlfriend, and also the reason why he ditched carpooling me."
Jeff shook his head, clicking his tongue. "What an awful person."
Addison nodded in agreement, putting a bottle of cream soda on the counter. "I know... he's a jerk."
Jeff looked at the bottle in surprise. "You're not gonna eat anything?"
"Already ate on the way here," Addison shrugged.
Jeff frowned, pushing his laptop aside to scan her things. "For a second, I really thought you were going on a diet."
Addison looked at him in mock surprise, shifting from one leg to another. "Are you saying I'm fat?"
Jeff shrugged, scanning her cream soda. "Maybe? I mean... you are heavy."
"How do you know that?"
"You almost threw me off the bike when you head-butted me that day," Jeff grimaced without looking up from the screen. "Anyway, that's two dollars."
Addison took out her money to pay. "Thanks..." she murmured, taking the bottle before going back to her spot at the table.

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