Chapter 43

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Addison walked in and saw Jeff playing on his phone, loud music playing from a small Bluetooth speaker next to him.
"Looks like someone has gotten used to working with music," Addison smirked, putting her bag down on the chair next to the window.
"Oh, hi Addie," Jeff greeted, smirking. "So what if I had music?"
Addison shrugged. "Nothing. It's just different. Also, don't forget that speaker of yours."
She got herself something to eat and returned to the counter to pay.
"By the way, anything new on Superhero?" Jeff asked as he scanned her things. "Haven't really kept tabs on him lately."
Addison snorted, handing him her card to pay. "Since when were you even updated."
"Can't you just tell me?" Jeff frowned, taking her payment. "I have no time for town gossip and stuff."
"You know, it's strange how you're always tired despite not doing anything leisurely," Addison shrugged, taking her food and going back to her post by the window. "It's like you only study, not knowing what's going on in the outside world."
Jeff sighed, shaking his head. "Addie, gossip and social media's not part of my leisure. I prefer doing other things."
Addison chuckled and nodded. "Sure, sure. Whatever floats your boat. Oh, and the Superhero stopped a snatch thief and another car accident last night."
"Oh wow..." Jeff sighed. "I wish I had met him. At least once."
"Poor you..." Addison chuckled. "Hey, just keep an eye out. Maybe you'll see him."
Jeff nodded. "Sure. I'll just search for trouble."
Addison rolled her eyes. "Jeff..."
"What, I'm just following your strategy," Jeff shrugged. "That's how you get to see him so often, right?"
Addison just gave him a deadpan look.
"Alright, alright, I'm just joking, okay?" Jeff chuckled, raising his hands in defeat.
Addison sighed and finished her meal before getting ready for her shift. Jeff changed back into his leather jacket and went straight to the microwave.
"So, it's back to sausages, huh..." Addison chuckled.
"It's been a while since I last had some," Jeff shrugged, putting some in the microwave. "This shop's cheesy sausages has its own unique taste."
Addison couldn't help but agree. "You're right. I love those sausages too."
Jeff smirked, revealing his one-sided dimple. "Don't finish them during your shift."
"Idiot," Addison rolled her eyes.
Jeff then made a beeline for the SlurpSlurp machine, filling his cup with a little of all the flavours.
"The assignment was like a restriction from happiness," Jeff sighed, covering the cup with the plastic cap. "I couldn't even drink SlurpSlurp in peace. I tried, but the brain freeze only made things more stressful..."
Addison smirked. "Does this means I can call you SlurpSlurp again?"
"Sure, knock yourself out."
He came back to the counter to pay.
"What's your plan after class?" Addison asked, scanning the things he took.
"I dunno, maybe I'll go to Spinner's Hill," Jeff shrugged, taking out his money to pay. "That's a view no one could get bored of and gets better at night. Besides, my class finishes a little earlier today. At least I can rest. It's Friday too."
Addison chuckled. "That's good. You should get enough sleep, SlurpSlurp."
Jeff smirked, lifting up the cup of SlurpSlurp from the counter to take a sip. "Yeah, I know I should."
"SlurpSlurp drinking SlurpSlurp," Addison chuckled, tearing off the receipt and handing it to him together with the stuff he bought. "Have a nice day and sleep well."
"You too, Dietitian," Jeff grinned, giving her a two-finger salute as he opened the door to leave. "See ya."
Addison chuckled and watched as he got onto his bike and disappear into the road.

Fiolina came in, grinning.
"What did you do?" Was the first thing that Addison asked when she saw her mischievous face. "If you're grinning like that, it can't be something good."
"Jordan asked me out to dinner tomorrow night!" Fiolina squealed excitedly. "I won't be coming to work tomorrow, okay?"
Addison groaned. "Great... I'll have to deal with Crawfish again."
"Good thing too!" Fiolina snorted. "Imagine walking in on him instead of you, one hour earlier than your shift. This is my revenge."
"It happened to me last Saturday," Addison sighed. "The day I went out with Jeff."
"Yeah, you told me," Fiolina chuckled. "And you forgot to give him a discount."
"I forgot he worked here too, okay?" Addison sighed. "Normally, I'd only see you and Jeff."
"Addie, how else would he be our boss if he doesn't work here?"
Addison frowned.
"It's true, isn't it?" Fiolina snorted, making her way to the junk food section. "Addie, he's our boss."
"Yeah, I know," Addison chuckled and watched as Fiolina went around the shop, getting one thing after another. "I still find it strange how you're so thin despite eating that much. Gimme your secrets!"
"Eat a lot," Fiolina smirked, returning to the counter with full hands. "That's my secret."
"Very bad advice," Addison shook her head, scanning the price of the things. "There must be something else."
Fiolina shrugged. "As if I know."
"I should ask Jordan to spy on you during the day," Addison said thoughtfully. "Anyway, pay up. It's fifteen dollars."
Fiolina paid and sat at the table to eat whatever she got.
"So, is your blondie boyfriend coming to pick you up later?" Fiolina asked, stuffing her face with food.
"He's not my boyfriend and I hope he doesn't come," Addison frowned. "It's kinda creepy how he comes exactly a few minutes before my shift ends. Everyday. The other day, he was even waiting for me at the bus stop. Jordan tells me he has a crush on me."
Fiolina glared at her. "Jordan said he has a crush on you?"
Addison rolled her eyes. "Jordan says that Jake has a crush on me. I hope it isn't true though. I came here to attend Alford, not go on dates!"
Fiolina relaxed and shrugged. "Who cares? No one said you can't study and date at the same time, right?"
Addison just shook her head and took her phone out, meaning to read some ebooks instead.
"Hey, don't be like that!" Fiolina whined. "I was just joking!"
Addison sighed, putting her phone down. "Sure, whatever."

Fiolina's shift came, but Jake didn't. Addison was relieved.
"Phew, he isn't here," Addison sighed, making her way towards the fridge to get a bottle of soda. "I don't know why, it's just so weird..."
Fiolina smirked. "The guy's just making things easier for you by giving you a ride."
"Fio, it's like he's stalking me..." Addison shuddered. "I know he isn't since his mother probably told him that I worked here, and I usually take the bus home. But still..."
"Just be glad for the free ride, Addie," Fiolina sighed. "Admit it, it's better than walking alone, being chased by a mob, getting stalked and whatnot, right?"
Addison sighed in defeat. "You're right..."
She paid for the soda and a few snacks before leaving. She didn't really get anything heavy, since she planned to get dinner from the nearby diner instead. Suddenly she felt like eating something else besides the usual convenience store food she bought.

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