Chapter 62

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Addison sat down in front of Jake, regretting ever have agreed to have extra classes with Jordan. It all started with him but look who left first.
"You have your essay book with you, Addie?" Giuseppe asked as soon as she sat.
"Yeah," Addison politely nodded and handed it to him. "It should be in here, everything you gave is in there."
Galante nodded and looked to that page before handing it to Jake. "Here, this here is an excellent essay. Take note of it. Don't copy it blindly, read it and memorise the way it's written. The next time you write an essay, make it something like this."
"Yeah... that's how Mr. Galante taught in class," Addison added. "Our previous teacher wasn't so good at it."
"And he's the reason this tuition thingy even began in the first place," Jake nodded. "But now we have Giuseppe to help us."
Addison looked at Jake in surprise. He was calling Galante by his first name! She decided to just ignore it and went on with the class. Giuseppe eventually gave them another essay to do and Addison gladly retrieved her essay book to start on that instead.
Jordan eventually stumbled in and Jake went to have a look, returning with a frown.
"Same as yesterday," Jake sighed as he sat down next to Giuseppe. "Looks as if he went through an apocalypse or something."
Addison leaned forward to have a look too. "Looks like he became a part of the apocalypse too."
"Well, as long as he concentrates in class tomorrow, I'm fine," Galante added with a shrug. "Alright, get on with your essay."


Addison awoke the next morning and rushed downstairs to get her morning flask of coffee. If Jeff had known this, he'd be calling her a hypocrite for making fun of him having coffee when she was doing the exact same thing.
She met Jordan having his morning cup of cocoa and went to him.
"Seriously, are you okay?" Addison asked as she filled her bottle. "You looked like a literal zombie last night. Are you okay or not?"
Jordan sighed. "I'm fine... just tired, that's all."
"Also, you're coming in unusually late nowadays. Overtime at work?"
"None of your business."
Addison's eyes widened in surprise. "Umm... okay, then."
"Yeah. I'll wait on the porch. Come over when you're done."
"Okay..." Addison sighed and watched him leave after putting the cup away.
Giuseppe came in just before he left the kitchen, clad in his signature white suit. "Jordan!" He greeted.
"Morning, Mr. Galante," Jordan sighed, bowing slightly.
"You don't look so good," Giuseppe remarked, not letting him pass. "Did you even sleep last night?"
"What does it look like?" Jordan asked, much to their surprise.
"No, because you look like a ghost," Giuseppe frowned. "I have no idea what you have been doing last night, but it has to stop."
Jordan just nodded and brushed past him. Addison just watched, her eyes almost popping out of her head. She was even more surprised when Giuseppe shot her with a weirded-out look.
"Any idea what's going on there?" Giuseppe asked.
"Nope," Addison shook her head. "I'm trying to find out too. Maybe I'll ask his girlfriend later."
Giuseppe nodded and left. Addison quickly went outside and saw Jordan waiting for her on the porch.
"Let's go," Jordan said, almost monotonously.
Addison couldn't help but wonder what was even going on with him. She suddenly thought about her Superhero suspect list and smirked to herself.
'Maybe I've been carpooling with Superhero this whole time?'

"You know, you can tell me if something's bugging you, right?" Addison sighed as she ate her waffle. "Is everything alright?"
Jordan shook his head. "I'm fine."
"You don't look fine though," Addison frowned. "Seriously, are you okay?"
Jordan shook his head and said no more, continuing with his meal in silence. Addison decided to not say anything too and just took out her phone to read while she ate.
They eventually went their separate ways to go for their classes before eventually meeting again for Academic Writing.

"Hi, Jordan," Addison greeted when Jordan sat down beside her.
"Hey," the redhead greeted back as he sat down. "Galante isn't here yet, right?"
"Yeah," Addison nodded.
Galante eventually trotted in, his briefcase in hand, and went to the front.
"Alright, let's start," Galante said. "Come to the front, I wanna check your essays."
Addison got up with her book. "Jordan, you coming?"
"Yeah," Jordan nodded and got up with his papers, much to her surprise.
They both went to the front to queue up in front of Galante and Addison decided to let Jordan go first since Galante had already checked her essay last night but wanted his signature to show him the improvements she made.
"Ah, Jordan!" Galante exclaimed as soon as the redhead put his papers down in front of him. "Still running around with loose papers, I see?"
"I'll file them up, Sir," Jordan almost groaned.
"You okay?" Giuseppe asked, looking up from the papers for a second.
"Yes, Sir," Jordan nodded.
"Well, okay then," Giuseppe shrugged and handed the papers back to him. "Good work but messy handwriting."
Jordan nodded and walked back to his place. Addison stepped forward and handed her work to Galante.
"Oh, but I thought already checked yours?" Galante asked as he flipped through her essays.
"Sir, I made improvements for them," Addison said. "Can you check them?"
Galante nodded and checked it before handing it back to her. "Here, it's good."
"Thanks, Sir," Addison nodded and closed her book.
"Did you ask Jordan what's wrong?" Giuseppe suddenly asked in a low voice.
Addison looked surprised but shook her head. "I did, but he didn't say."
Giuseppe nodded, leaving Addison to flee back to her spot next to Jordan.
And after that, the class began as usual.

Addison gulped and decided to make her way to Sundeer Cafe to check on Jordan at work (and also get herself a coffee) before leaving. Jordan was there, making drinks for a young man close to their age, evidently a student like them too. Addison patiently waited in line before giving Jordan a big grin.
"Why are you here?" Jordan groaned as soon as he saw her.
Addison smirked. "That's no way to speak to a customer, Jordan."
Jordan sighed. "Fine, then. Welcome to Sundeer Cafe, how can I help you?"
"Well, for starters, a 'What's going on with you?' and a dash of 'Are you okay?' would be nice," Addison shrugged casually.
"Addie..." Jordan groaned. "If you're not gonna order anything, you can leave."
"Jordan, that's not the way to speak to a paying customer!" Jordan's boss shouted from the back, much to his dismay. "Customers are always right and you have to be polite!"
"See, she agrees with me," Addison grinned.
Jordan sighed and turned to the backroom. "Boss, she isn't even ordering anything, just playing around."
"Hey, who said I wasn't planning on ordering anything?" Addison exclaimed.
Jordan sighed and turned back to her. "What do you want?"
"I'd like a hazelnut latte," Addison finally said. "With less sugar."
Jordan keyed that in and started making her drink.
"And write my name correctly!" Addison said. "There isn't a Y in my name."
Jordan put the cup down in front of her, Addison written clearly and correctly on it.

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