Chapter 106

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Julie decided to stay the night at the Kennedy home, much to everyone's dismay. Addison walked up the stairs just as she was loudly trying to choose a room to stay in.
"How about this?" Julie asked, pointing straight at Addison's room.
"Yeah, sorry, Mrs Anderson, but that's my room," Addison politely said as she brushed past her to unlock her room.
"Oh, so what?" Julie bravely took a step forward. "We can share!"
Addison held out her hand. "Mrs Anderson, I need my privacy. I want to be alone."
With that, she stepped into the room and locked her door, leaving the older woman to stare at her door in surprise.
"I must say, this young lady has really bad manners," Addison heard Julie say behind the door. She groaned and pressed her ear against it to listen. "Jordan, you better not be friends with this girl!"
"Yes, Mom," Jordan sighed. "Why didn't you book a hotel?" Poor guy sounded so tired too.
"Oh come on, why pay when I can live with my precious son for the night?" Julie amicably said. "Why wouldn't you let me stay in your room?"
"Because there's only one bed, a single bed," Jordan added. "We're gonna be like sardines. You want that?"
"Then why didn't you inform me?" Jordan went on. "I would've booked a room for you, right?"
"Honey, I just wanted to surprise you, is that wrong?" Julie sounded a little hurt.
"Well, make preparations in advance next time," Jordan bitterly said. "Because now, I don't know where you can sleep."
Addison was surprised when she heard a third voice. "Hey, hey, it's fine! I've got an extra room." It was Felicia, evidently trying to sound cheerful. "Remember how the girl that stayed in this room had vacated? It's empty for now, Julie can stay here for the night?"
"Really?" Julie said excitedly. "Thanks, Felicia! You're the best."
"Okay, okay," Addison imagined the red-haired woman hugging Felicia. "You can let me go now. You should rest, Julie. You must be tired."
"I am," Julie sighed. "Alright, let me just go get my bags..."
"Bags? Mom, how much did you bring?"
"Oh, not much, just three bags," Julie amiably said as her voice faded into the distance.
"Three bags?!" Jordan gasped. "How long are you planning to stay?"
"Just a night, I'm seriously under packed," Julie said, now her voice sounding much nearer. "Just come, help me bring them here."
Addison heard footsteps fading into the distance and sighed as she straightened herself, going over to her bed to sit down. It was a wild day, what with Jordan's scare and all. In the end, he didn't even try to scare them but just sent his car to the shop and went back to bed. It was surprising how no one noticed his return and only saw his absence. Maybe he was a ninja like Giuseppe had said.
She freshened up and got dressed in a nightgown before sitting at her laptop. Addison was done with her assignment and only had to do some checking before turning it in. She was just glad that the due date was midnight and it was an online turn-in platform.


Addison quietly slipped downstairs, watching out for Jordan's mom. She was sure that Julie was still loitering about, seeing how much of a fuss she made the night before. It was obvious that she won't leave without one as well.
Jordan was in the kitchen, sneaking around like he was up to something sinister when he was just getting his morning cup of cocoa.
"Oi!" Addison startled him from behind.
Jordan nearly spat his cocoa out in shock but calmed down upon noticing that it was only her.
"Whoa, for a second, I thought I was Mom," Jordan said.
"She's still here?" Addison groaned.
Jordan nodded regrettably. "I'm afraid so. We need to get out of here before she wakes up."
Just then, they heard the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs. Jordan gasped and whisked around to look, but was relieved to see that it was only Giuseppe getting ready for work.
"It's just Galante," Addison sighed in relief as she started filling her flask up with tea.
Jordan groaned. "Great, now there's him too."
Giuseppe walked into the kitchen, greeting them amiably before making his way towards the water dispenser to wait behind Addison, who quickly stepped away as soon as she was done.
"So, how's your mother, Jordan?" Giuseppe asked as he filled his bottle with cold water.
"Asleep, hopefully," Jordan sighed. "I'm planning to leave before she wakes up."
Giuseppe snorted. "That sounds mean."
"Giuseppe, you saw how she was yesterday, right?" Jordan added. "That's why I wanna be out."
Just then, they heard an upstairs door opening. Jordan was sure that it was her since all the other upstairs rooms were empty now.
"We have to go," Jordan said, quickly putting the mug down in the sink. "She's coming!"
"Jordan!" Julie called in a singsong voice.
To their surprise, Giuseppe was the first to run out of the kitchen. Addison and Jordan were quick to follow as well, walking out the front door just as she hit the landing. The redhead unlocked his car, and the two of them quickly got in and started driving off to Alford.
Julia started calling Jordan, much to their dismay, but he just answered using the the dashboard screen.
"Hello?" Jordan said as soon as he answered the call. "Mom?"
"Jordan, you left for school so fast!" Julie exclaimed. "You didn't even kiss your mother goodbye!"
Jordan inwardly groaned, much to Addison's amusement. "Yeah, sorry, Mom. I was in a rush. I have eight-o'clock classes today."
"Oh... what subject, honey?" Julie asked.
"Academic Writing," Jordan sighed. "Mom. Can I call you back later? I'm driving right now."
"Oh, why didn't you say so, honey?" Julie asked as if she didn't just see her son get into the car and leave. "I'll call you later. Bye!"
"Bye, Mom," Jordan sighed and hung up before turning to Addison. "Sorry 'bout that."
Addison chuckled. "It's okay. By the way, your mother seems fun."
"More to annoying, but fun," Jordan shrugged, stopping at the traffic light. "But yeah, she worries about me sometimes."
Addison nodded. "I can tell." She spotted a red car pulling up beside them. "Hey, look! It's Galante!"
Jordan chuckled and rolled the window down, Giuseppe did the same thing and grinned at them, donning a pair of sunglasses.
"I thought you'd be faster than us, with how you ran off," Jordan called.
Giuseppe shrugged. "I had to open the garage and all. It took some time to get out."
"Oh, yeah, that door opens really slow," Jordan replied. "Anyway, see you at school, Sir."
Galante waved at them and drove off as soon as the light turned green. Jordan tailed him and the two cars entered the parking lot at the same time, with Galante making way to the teachers' section while Jordan parked near the entrance.
"I hope he doesn't call us for breakfast," Addison gulped as she got out of the car, yanking the strap of her backpack along as she did.
"You think he won't?" Jordan remarked, locking the steering.
"You guys wanna go breakfast?" Giuseppe loudly called to them.
Jordan snorted as he grabbed his bag. "See?"
Addison sighed and closed the door before turning to Giuseppe with a smile.

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