Chapter 58

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Addison rushed to the Academic Writing hall and sat beside Jordan, who bagged a spot in the back row for her.
"Thanks for bagging a spot for me," Addison sighed, taking her books out. "I had to dodge Galante since he wanted to come here together."
"Oh no, that sounds bad," Jordan gulped, giving the lecturer a meaningful glance as he started teaching at the front. "How did you dodge that?"
"I said I needed to go to the bathroom," Addison smirked. "I'm just glad it wasn't you because... he might actually follow you."
Jordan grimaced. "Eww... I'd run if it happened to me."
"I can already imagine," Addison chuckled.
"Jordan, Addison, why have you decided to sit at the back now?" Galante suddenly barged in. "Usually the two of you are at the front."
"Uh... we came in late, Sir," Jordan quickly said. "That's why I picked to sit here."
Galante nodded thoughtfully and began the class. The two heaved a sigh of relief and started taking notes for their class.

Addison saw Giuseppe's red Fiat parked and started walking faster when passing it for some reason. She ran to the bus stop and sat to wait for the free bus to get to work. Eventually, it came and Addison was only too happy to get to work.
Jeff sat behind the counter, frowning at his phone.
"Whatcha watching?" Addison asked, putting her bag down on the chair. "Cat videos?"
"Yeah, I guess it counts since I'm watching a cat being saved by Superhero," Jeff shrugged. "Also watched a video of a kid being saved."
"A kid?" Addison said in surprise. "Can I see it?"
Jeff shrugged. "Sure."
He looked for the video and handed the phone to Addison. She frowned at it and gasped.
"Jeff... this was Jake and me the other night," Addison gulped. "It's the night I confirmed that Jake isn't the Superhero."
"Wait so that means...?" Jeff gasped. "This is you guys?!"
"Yes..." Addison sighed. "Also, I still can't take the fact that Galante is our mystery housemate. Of all people..."
"That trumpeter?" Jeff smirked, retrieving his phone. "Okay, this is funny."
"It's not," Addison frowned, shaking her head as she made her way to the freezer to take out a pack of spaghetti. "It's actually not."
"Okay, I know what you guys are going through but I can't help but imagine him actually staying in your house, making very loud noises. Hey, maybe your theory is right and Moustache Trumpet is the Superhero after all?"
Addison frowned, considering the possibility as she put the spaghetti in the microwave to heat up. "I honestly have no idea now. We suspected Jake and turns out, we were so wrong and Superhero cleared this out himself."
Jeff snorted. "Yeah... that was a shot in the dark, wasn't it?"
"And we thought it hit the bullseye..." Addison sighed, staring at her spaghetti spinning in the microwave. "Well... guess that's a bigger disappointment for you, then."
"Because you were already feeling like being one of the Superhero's classmates when he isn't."
Jeff snorted and grabbed the scanner when Addison came over with a soda and her spaghetti. "Well, we jumped to conclusions too quickly, didn't we?"
"Yeah..." Addison sighed. "And we were darn confident about it too."
Jeff snorted and scanned her things.

Addison wasn't sure if Jake was coming over to pick her up since he didn't say anything and was nowhere to be found. Her shift was coming to an end too and she had no idea if he was actually gonna come.
"I think you should wait first," Fiolina suggested when Addison put a cup of instant hot cocoa, marshmallows, and red bean buns on the counter. "He might actually come."
"Well, he didn't say anything and I'm not about to just wait here for nothing," Addison shrugged, keeping an eye on the price meter. "Anyway, I'm leaving now. Seems like it's gonna rain and it's getting really cold too..."
Fiolina frowned thoughtfully and watched as Addison tap her card against the device. "But what if Jake comes in after you leave?"
"Just ask him to go home, he might even find me on the way," Addison shrugged, taking her bag of stuff. "Anyway, see ya tomorrow!"
Fiolina smiled and waved. "Bye! Be safe, okay?"
"Yeah," Addison chuckled and made her way out.
She marched to the main road and started walking towards the bus stop. Addison gulped as she neared it, looking to see if there were any machete-swinging weirdos or creepy drivers before making her way to it.
Addison waited for the bus, watching to see if the bus was coming. All of a sudden, a familiar blue sedan sped past her. It was Jordan, Addison was sure of it, especially because the colour was rare for that model and also because of the silver lizard that was stuck on the number plate.
"Jordan?" Addison murmured, surprised.
She frowned and turned back in the opposite direction to look for the bus. It never came but a black car soon pulled up in front of her, the window rolling down.
"Addie!" Jake called, waving out the window.
"Oh, Jake," Addison got up and went towards the black car, getting into it. "Sorry, I left early. I didn't know you were coming."
"My phone died on me," Jake explained, pulling back into the road. "That's why I couldn't tell you."
"Nah it's fine," Addison smiled. "Thanks for picking me up though."
"Your friend told me that you just left and might be waiting at the bus stop, that's why I came," Jake said. "And I found you."
"Yeah, sorry for just leaving like that, I should've waited," Addison sighed.
They arrived home and found that Jordan wasn't home yet. Addison thought about how he sped by minutes before Jake came to pick her up.
"That's odd..." Addison frowned. "Right before you picked me up, I saw Jordan speeding past the bus stop."
"Huh..." Jake uttered. "Odd indeed. Jordan never really leaves at night. Wonder what he's up to..."
"Jordan's not known for acting very sus, huh..." Addison snorted. "Yeah, I can see that too."

Addison went up to her room and had her lunch while watching tv. The evening news was on and she eagerly waited to see if there were any Superhero sightings.
There was one where the Superhero was seen stopping a snatch thief by teleporting the rogue and his bike straight to the woman he snatched from, punching him in the face before pointing to the woman as a signal to return her bag. After that, he gave the robber a chance to flee before leaving.
"Wow..." Addison said in awe.
The Superhero didn't only have powers but also packed muscle since the robber he punched was literally thrown to the ground.
Addison finished her dinner and sighed before going downstairs for their tuition, groaning at the thought of Galante joining them as well.

Hey guys! I know I've been missing for a long time but it was because I've been working on a book behind the scenes and I'll release it once it's done. Also, I've just finished my exams too lol.
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed!😄😄

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