Chapter 37

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"We still have an hour left," Jeff said as Addison climbed onto the bike behind him. "Wanna go somewhere else?"
Addison shrugged. "Where do you wanna go?"
"I don't know..." Jeff frowned. "We already went for a movie, to the arcade, shopping, had lunch too. How about we go have a ride to the top of Spinner's Hill?"
"On a bike?"
"Why not?"
Addison sighed. "Fine..."
So they rode to Spinner's Hill, passing and envying the luxurious houses on the way up.
"You're actually going to the peak?" Addison asked when Jeff passed the first landing.
"Yep!" Jeff exclaimed cheerfully. "That's where the view's the best."
So they went all the way up and stopped at the side, overlooking the beautiful view of the city. The entirety of Spring Valley could be seen, with mist clouding above it like steamy cotton.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" Jeff sighed as he stared at the massive abyss in front of him. "So many people going about with their daily lives, and look how small they all look from here."
"They look smaller than ants," Addison added, taking the helmet off. She gasped in awe and took her phone out to snap pictures of the magnificent view with her phone. She turned to Jeff who just stared ahead of him, his biking bandana still covering his hair. She smiled and turned back to the scenery. "Spring Valley is breathtaking from up here."
"Well, it would be a lot more beautiful if those crimes stopped," Addison turned to Jeff to see a grimace contorting his face. "Imagine, how many times have you been attacked on your way home?"
Addison sighed, turning back to the view of Spring Valley. "Jeff, it's a city. Wherever you go, there's always crimes. Bad people live everywhere. We're the ones that have to be careful."
"Yeah sure, you're very careful," Jeff rolled his eyes, shaking his head at her. "Be safe okay? Especially since now the Superhero's nowhere to be seen."
"I hope he's okay," Addison squeaked, putting her hands on the guardrail. "He's a hero. I hope he's safe, wherever he is."
Jeff snorted, leaning against his bike with his arms crossed. "The guy's probably kicking it now while you're worrying about him."
"Jeff, it's been a month since he appeared," Addison pointed out, turning back to him. "How could we not be worried?"
Jeff shrugged, taking his bandana off to run his fingers through his flattened hair. "He's a Superhero, after all. But yeah. I hope he's okay too. Especially since you said the police are hunting for his head now."
Addison snorted, shaking her head. "Oh, Jeff... I don't think they're hunting for his head. They want his help."
Monkeys chattered somewhere in the trees behind them. "Yeah, they're probably gonna crush his ambition of achieving his dreams by forcing him to become a policeman instead. That's sad, don't you think?"
Addison nodded, a thoughtful frown on her face. "You have a point. I hope he gets away."
"I hope he hasn't become a lab rat or something," Jeff snorted, playing with his bandana. "After all, people with special abilities are almost always forced into... cryosleep and cloning or something."
"You play too much video games, Jeff..." Addison chuckled, shaking her head in amusement.
"Well, because it's true!" Jeff pointed out, leaning forward slightly. "A person with special ability would attract scientists, making them want to research their genes, see what makes them different from the rest of us, what gives them the ability that no one has. For example, aliens. Do you think scientists would leave aliens to run free? No. What if they find a new species? Would they allow the creature to run free? No. Even if it's a new type of plant. Would they leave it to thrive on its own? No. They would bring it to the lab, examine it, then cut it up to see its organs."
"Well, how else would they know what they are?" Addison shrugged. Birds chirped from the nearby bushes. "Like... the assignment you just finished. How would people know how brewer's yeast becomes beer? And how catalysts work? Without research?"
"Well, this is different, Addie," Jeff frowned. "It concerns living things. Living, breathing organisms like us. Like the monkeys in those trees and the birds in that bush." He stopped and sighed. "I'm just really concerned for the Superhero, that's all. He's been missing for far too long. I hope he's okay."
"Have you seen him before?" Addison couldn't help but ask. Well, it wasn't impossible, considering she herself has seen him like three times already.
"No, I haven't," Jeff sighed, dropping the bandana into the bike's basket. "But I have seen how drained he becomes after overusing his powers. The guy even had to steal your bun at one point."
Addison chuckled. "Well, I don't mind. He has saved my butt so many times. I would've given him that bun anyway."
Jeff smirked. "Yeah, because life is more important than food, right?"
"Totally," Addison laughed. "But food is life."
Jeff laughed and stepped forward, leaning over the railing to silently admire the world below them. Addison couldn't help but back away a little to take a candid picture of him. He just looked so peaceful, looking over the misty view of the city.

Jeff slowed down as he neared the convenience store, meaning to stop right in front of it to drop Addison off.
"No, no, don't stop here!" Addison hissed, tapping his shoulder. "Drop me near Speedmart."
"Why, isn't it far?" Jeff asked, confused.
"Idiot, Crawfish is in there! If he sees you, loitering around on your bike while you're supposed to be working, you're gonna be croutons in hot soup."
Jeff burst into laughter. "Alright, now you're making me hungry. Maybe I'll go get dinner at Benny Dodger's. They serve hot mushroom soup with croutons."
Addison chuckled and waited for Jeff to stop the bike at the side of the alleyway. She unmounted the bike and took the helmet off, handing it back to Jeff.
"Thanks, Jeff," Addison smiled. "Today was fun."
Jeff lifted his visor and grinned, revealing his one-sided dimple. "You're welcome, Addie. It's the least I could do for your help with my assignment."
"When will the results be out?" Addison asked, fixing her hair slightly. "I hope you ace it."
"I hope so too," Jeff sighed. "The presentation went well, so I hope the report is just as good too. I wrote it in great detail too, recording my observations as I carried out the experiment."
"Sounds like hard work," Addison remarked. "You deserve a high grade, Jeff. And I'm sure your examiners know this."
Jeff smiled. "Thanks. I hope you're right." His gaze fell on his wristwatch. "Hey, I think you better go. There's only five minutes left till your shift."
Addison panicked. "Nuts! Alright, bye-bye! See you tomorrow, Jeff!"
She waved at him and ran off in the direction of the convenience store. Jeff chuckled and watched as she turned the corner before disappearing from his view. He lowered his visor again and rode away.

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