Chapter 46

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Addison walked into the convenience store and saw Jeff sitting behind the counter, playing on his phone. He only spared her a glance before going right back to his device.
"Hey, Addie," Jeff greeted, his fingers swiftly moving across the screen of his phone.
"Hey..." Addison greeted back, slightly confused at his inattention. "What are you doing?"
"I found this new video of Superhero saving the day during the landslide last night," Jeff frowned at his phone, which he now held horizontally. "Looks pretty extreme... glad I got outta there early."
Addison gasped. "Can I see? I only saw a picture on the news. It's scary, though. The landslide fell exactly on the spot we were standing on last week."
Jeff nodded. Addison put her bag down on the table and slipped behind the counter to take a look. Jeff sighed and just handed the phone to her, the video playing.
"How did they even film this?" Addison asked in surprise. "Definitely not from the first landing since..."
"Looks like from afar..." Jeff speculated. "Maybe from ground level."
She watched as the landslide rolled down, then flashes of light when the Superhero jumped in as quick as lighting to save the lives near it. The victims, all of which who have been saved, seemed to have been standing at the peak, either looking at the view or delivering goods to the non-profit association which was at the hilltop.
"It's scary, the landslide fell right where we were standing..." Addison shuddered, watching the clip over and over again. "I'm just glad that the Superhero jumped in at the right time."
Jeff sighed. "Can I have my phone back? You've been staring at it for ages..."
Addison apologised and handed it back to him with a chuckle. She decided to get some food to eat, then paid at the counter. She nibbled on her meal, staring straight into the abyss.
"What's up?" Jeff leaned forward on the counter. "Oi! You've been staring like that for the past five minutes!"
Addison slowly swallowed her mouthful and sighed, turning to him. "Nah, I'm just a little shook that the place we only hung out at last week is now covered in rubble. What if it happened when we were there?"
Jeff rolled his eyes. "There she goes again. Why are you always so... so broody? You weren't the one there mere hours before it happened, right?"
"I know, because you were," Addison nodded. "Aren't you shocked?"
"Of course I am," Jeff sighed. "It's my favourite hangout spot too. How do you think I feel?"
"Exactly. I'm never going there again. But I wish I had stayed, though. At least I would've been able to see Superhero in person."
Addison smirked. "Well, I did. But I wasn't anywhere near Spinner's Hill."
"What happened this time?" Jeff groaned. "It can't be good since the Superhero himself had to be the one who jumped in for you."
Addison chuckled sheepishly. "I was walking alone, and a reckless driver almost hit me. Superhero whooshed me back home. He was covered in mud too."
"Probably because of the landslide," Jeff shrugged. "Also, can you stop walking alone? I thought your landlady's son picked you up after work or something?"
"Yes but..." Addison pursed her lips. "He was stuck in traffic last night, and he's also creeping me out. Imagine, he comes in exactly five minutes before my shift ends and buys like a hundred of those Itchy-Buns and then waits for me."
Jeff shrugged. "I wouldn't complain since I'm getting a free ride home in a dodgy neighbourhood. He's still trustworthy, right?"
"Yeah, but I think he has a crush on me," Addison frowned. "His bestie, Hoodie, thinks so too."
Jeff nodded thoughtfully. "Not gonna lie, I thought Hoodie had the hots for you too. I was surprised when he walked in with that blonde the other day."
Addison shook her head. "No thanks. He's bad enough as a friend, let alone as a boyfriend." She decided to change the subject. "Also, I have a hunch at who the Superhero might be."
Jeff turned serious, eagerly leaning forward on the counter. "Who?"
"My new housemate," Addison smirked. "Well, he isn't exactly new now since he's been staying for more than a month now. But I think it's him."
"Why do you say that?"
"Because he's become noisier after the Superhero's comeback. I mean, he is noisy on normal days, but usually, it's just loud music. Now it's loud thuds and bangs."
"Maybe he's throwing tantrums or something?"
"He came in super muddy last night. He tracked mud all the way from the front door, up the stairs, and to his room. Remember when I said Superhero was covered in mud?"
Jeff nodded thoughtfully. "You're onto something."
"Exactly!" Addison exclaimed excitedly, forgetting her meal. "Everyone thinks so, even Jordan."
"Was he the one who started this?"
"No, it was the landlady's son. I study with him every night and he was telling me the other day."
Jeff nodded thoughtfully again. "Why do I feel like this landlady dude of yours is actually the real Superhero, but is trying to put the blame on your new tenant? You said he's always here to pick you up and stuff, right?"
Addison frowned, slowly drinking up this bit of info. Jeff decided to continue.
"Besides, the tenant is just noisy. What makes you guys think he's the Superhero?"
"He moved in right after the Superhero vanished for a month. Besides, he was muddy last night."
Jeff rolled his eyes. "Addie, it was raining last night. Anyone who stepped on wet grass would've been muddy."
Addison's eyes widened in surprise. "You're right! Jake was muddy too, and so was Hoodie!"
"I like how you neatly crossed Hoodie out of this," Jeff snorted. "He doesn't qualify, huh?"
"Of course not, he's too... sloppy to be Superhero," Addison chuckled. "But I see what you're getting at. The landlady's son also seems very concerned, even stopping by to pick me up."
Jeff smirked, revealing his dimple. "You should keep an eye on this dude. He seems really suspicious..."
Addison nodded slowly. "You're right... I have to spy on him."
Jeff snorted but quickly straightened himself when the welcome tune blared.
"Welcome," Jeff greeted. Then his eyes widened in surprise. "Jacob?"
"Oh, hi Jeff," Addison spat her drink in shock. It was Jake. He looked at her and grinned. "Hey, Addie."
Jeff looked even more surprised. "Oh... seems like the two of you already know each other."
Addison looked at him in surprise and chuckled sheepishly when she caught sight of the confused Jake standing there. "Yeah, we do."
"Yeah, Addie's staying in a room back in my place," Jake chuckled. "Hey, I didn't know you worked here too."
"Morning shift," Jeff shrugged. "Also, fancy seeing you here, Jacob."
Addison frowned and tried to process this situation as the two young men chatted. And then it clicked.
Jeff goes to Harvington. Jake goes to Harvington.
They both go to Harvington.
They were college-mates.
Her face screamed 'oh' as she slowly nodded.
"It's a small world, isn't it?" Addison suddenly cut in. "I didn't expect the two of you to know each other, and turns out you guys go to the same college."
"Yeah, we go to Harvington together," Jake chuckled. "We bump into each other sometimes, but that's all. Never spoke much to know where Jeff worked. Turns out, he's your coworker."
Addison smiled and finished her food before making her way to the bathroom to have a moment to feel confused.
'And we were just talking about him too...' Addison groaned.
She flushed the toilet and slowly made her way back towards the counter.
Jake was paying, seemingly taking nothing but a bunch of Itchy-Buns. Addison noted that it was another reason to suspect him for being the Superhero.
"Alright, bye," Jake waved at Jeff and grinned when he turned to Addison as soon as she appeared. "Bye, Addie."
"Bye, Jake," Addison gave a friendly smile. "See you later."
Jake chuckled and left the shop. As soon as he disappeared down the platform, Addison turned to Jeff, aggressively slamming her hands down on the counter. Poor Jeff backed away with a yelp.

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