Chapter 45

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"Jeff!" Addison exclaimed, remembering how he mentioned going to Spinner's Hill.
She hastily wrapped her burger and ran to get her phone from the study table. With shaky fingers, Addison called Jeff.
He didn't pick up.
"Ooh! Come on!" Addison exclaimed, calling him again.
This time, he picked up after a long ring.
"Hello?" Jeff groggily answered.
"Jeff, you okay?" Addison asked, relieved when he actually answered.
Jeff yawned before answering. "Yeah... why?"
"Where are you, are you still at Spinner's Hill?"
There was a pause. "No. I'm at home. I left hours ago, before the rain started. What's wrong?"
"Oh, Jeff... there was a landslide there," Addison sighed. "Luckily you left before the rain. The Superhero managed to save the people and animals there. Thank goodness you're okay."
Jeff gasped. "You mean to tell me that if I had stayed, I would've seen the Superhero?! Addie! Why didn't you tell me earlier?!"
Addison sighed. "I just found out too, idiot. Besides, stay out of trouble. Don't go hang around in dangerous spots, okay?"
"I'm not like you, Dietitian," Addison could just about imagine his smirk. "Also, thanks for ruining my sleep. Woke me up with a jump."
"You're sleeping?" Addison asked, surprised. "So early?"
"I had extra time so I decided to make up for the lost sleep," Addison imagined him frowning. "You're the one that's always complaining that I look like a zombie and stuff, right?"
Addison chuckled. "Fine, fine. I'll let you resume your beauty sleep. You need it, by the way."
Jeff sighed. "Thanks... you need some too."
"Hey!" Addison scowled playfully, then sighed and chuckled. "Anyway, see you at work tomorrow, SlurpSlurp."
"Yeah, right back at cha, mate."
Addison hung up and snorted. She was glad that Jeff had left Spinner's Hill before the rain could even start. She shuddered to think what would've happened if he got stuck there instead.
Well, since he didn't, she could now eat her burger in peace.
That was until loud footsteps pounded up the stairs. This could only mean one thing.
The mystery tenant was back.
Addison stood up, her burger still in hand, and silently made her way towards the door. This was her chance to finally see what he looked like!
She took a bite and opened the door, slowly peeking out to have a look. To her dismay, all she saw was the tenant's door being slammed shut. Then she gasped when her gaze fell on the stairs.
The mud... the mess. Whoever that mystery tenant was, he dragged mud all the way from the front door, right up to the entrance of his room.
"Oh my gosh..." Addison murmured. "Felicia's not gonna like that..."
She finished her burger as fast as she could, grabbed her cup of fries, and slipped into her bathrobe, meaning to go and see the outcome.
Addison made her way towards the railing, nibbling on her fries. She heard Felicia groaning, before appearing at the foot of the stairs, holding a mop and a bucket once again.
"What was that?" Addison turned around to see Jordan walking towards her, wearing a tank top and sweatpants.
Addison motioned for him to be quiet and nodded her head towards Felicia at the foot of the stairs. Then his eyes followed the trail of mud that led to the mysterious tenant's room.
Jordan snorted. "Well, well. What do we have here? She said she would evict me for tracking in mud when I didn't, and what's this?"
"I'm actually surprised that Felicia hasn't evicted him yet," Addison shrugged, biting into a French fry. "Also, right after you went up just now, Jake came. He brought in mud too."
"I know," Jordan smirked. "I saw how Felicia had to mop. And now she has to again."
Addison chuckled. She frowned when Jordan casually took one of the fries from her cup, biting into it as he watched Felicia come up the stairs. "Oi."
"What, it's just one," Jordan shrugged, turning right back to Felicia.
Mrs. Kennedy groaned when she saw the mud going up to the tenant's bedroom door. She started mopping, shaking her head and muttering all the while.
"Yo Felicia!" Jordan called, grinning.
"What?" Felicia spat, irritated.
"Are you gonna evict this new tenant?" Jordan smirked, smug with his arms crossed against his chest.
"What do you mean?" Felicia frowned, turning to him.
Jordan shrugged, in apparent confusion. "I don't know, you said you'll evict me? What about this guy? He brought mud all the way up here. What about that?"
Felicia ignored him and continued cleaning up the tenant's mess. Jordan was satisfied.
Addison shook her head, amused. She turned to go back to her room, but Jordan stopped her.
"Wait," Jordan called.
"Why?" Addison asked, confused.
"Can I have some of those fries?" Jordan asked, grinning.
Addison sighed and went back to her room.
"Oh, come on!" Jordan frowned. "I just want fries!"
"Go buy them yourself," Addison said without turning around.
Addison snorted and closed the door. But she stopped short when she remembered something.
The Superhero was covered in mud. This mystery tenant, whom they suspected of being the Superhero, was also muddy. The Superhero had a reason, considering how he was helping out in a landslide.
So... was this new tenant the masked Superhero of Spring Valley?
Now that was something to ponder about.
Addison finished her now soggy fries, turned the tv off, and called her mother to have a chat instead.
"Addison, are you okay?" Her mother asked as soon as she saw her daughter's face on her phone's screen. "I heard there was a landslide in Spring Valley. You didn't go there, right?"
"Yeah, Mom. I'm fine," Addison smiled. "I wasn't anywhere near Spinner's Hill when it happened. In fact, I didn't even know it rained. I was at work."
Alison heaved a sigh of relief. "That's good. I heard the Superhero helped out. Did you see him?"
Addison nodded begrudgingly. "While I was getting home. The Superhero saved me from a dangerous driver."
"Addison, you better be careful," Edward appeared behind his wife. "Don't go walking around like that at night. Take a PickYou or something."
"No, Dad, I don't usually walk home," Addison explained. "The landlady's son usually picks me up. I only walked today because he was busy and stuck in traffic."
"How do you even get that much free stuff, anyway?" Alison chuckled and panned the camera towards Edgar, who suddenly decided to chime in. "Like, you said you get a discount on rent just because you study-group with him, and now he's giving you a ride home?"
Addison shrugged. "The housemate I carpool with suspects that the landlady's son has a crush on me. They're best friends, by the way."
"See, she's even getting carpooled to college," Madison chimed in next. "Addie, seriously?"
"What, it's not like I asked for all of this, right?" Addison shrugged, smirking.
"Still, be careful, Addison," Alison warned again. "Luckily the Superhero was there to rescue you. What if he wasn't?"
Addison's younger siblings gasped, followed by their mother's phone being yanked away from her hand.
"You actually met the Superhero?!" Edgar asked in surprise. "What did it feel like to teleport?!"
"I actually didn't feel anything," Addison admitted, shrugging. "I just felt the Superhero grab me, then boom. I'm at home."
"He dropped you home?" Madison asked in surprise. "He actually knows where you live?!"
Addison frowned, realising she was right. "Yeah. I'm not really sure how..."
"Maybe he sees you walking home every night," Edward entered her view. "You said you used to walk home before your landlady's son picks you up, right?"
"Yeah..." Addison nodded, thinking that might be a likely answer. "Yeah, I think that's the case."
She eventually changed the subject and started talking about college and work instead.

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