Back the fuck off • N.R.

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Natasha has been really clingy with me lately, every time I leave the room she follows me like a lost puppy. She won't let me shower alone, when I'm doing my mission reports she stands behind me and plays with my hair until I'm done, when I go to train she constantly wants to correct what I am doing, even if I'm doing it right.

I mean, don't get me wrong. I love it, I wish she was always like this. But it is more than likely she's just going through something and will be back to her old self in no time.

"Baaaabe" I hear Natasha whine from her side of the bed, I was up folding our laundry. I woke up extra early and couldn't fall back asleep so I decided to get an early start on our washing before anyone took the washer and dryer.

"Yes, my love?" I ask

"Come cuddle." She says making grabby hands, I giggle.

"Babe, I can't right now I have a lot of things to do today." I tell her going to put clothes away on her side of the bed. Once I closed the drawer I feel her wrap her arms around my waist when suddenly my back was against the mattress and Nat was perched up on top of me. I roll my eyes at her childishness.

"Really?" I ask

"It's cute how you thought it was a question." She said, running her fingers loosely from my shoulders to my stomach and back up.

"Okay, enough play time. I need to get stuff done today." I chuckle trying to get her off of me.

"Can I at least come along?" She asks with a pout on her lips. I giggle at her face.

"Baby, you don't even need to ask." I tell her lifting my upper half up and pecking her lips softly before tapping her thigh for her to get off of me to which she does.

"Go get dressed so we can go." I tell her wrapping my arms around her thin waist, kissing her cheek before letting her go. She didn't move after a second so I slapped her ass and she looked at me with wide eyes.

"Sorry, couldn't resist. It was taunting me." I joke, she rolls her eyes before grabbing my arm to come along with her.

"Babe I already had a shower, you shower and I'll make you breakfast to bring on the road." She groans and asks

"Where are we going anyways?" She says stripping her clothing and stepping into the shower I had previously turned on for her.

"Yelena, Wanda, and I need to get some stuff down town." I tell her

"Baby, really? Yelena and Wanda." She groans, I laugh at her frustration.

"They'll behave, I promise." I say as she showered, she keeps quiet for a few minutes before turning the shower off and speaks again.

"Baby, they always flirt with you. And they're so touchy." She pouts as she steps back out of the shower, her hair wet. I grab a big warm towel from the clean basket and wrap it around her. Not caring that there was already clean ones on the counter. They were cold.

"Well, that's why you'll be up in front with me and they can flirt and touch themselves in the back." I say wrapping my arms around her, she quirks an eyebrow.

"That sounded better in my head..." I say drying her off and taking her hand to lead her back to our room.

"Is that why you've been so clingy?" I ask

"No... yes... maybe." She says guilty, I give a smirk although inside I'm thinking, Aw my baby is jealous.

"Baby, you know your the only one for me." I tell her giving her a chaste kiss on the lips putting my hands on her now clothed hips. She pouts again.

"Why can't we just stay here, watch a movie, order Chinese food. We can watch your favorite, I swear." She says giving me puppy dog eyes. Very tempting offer.

"Babe, I already promised them. Come on, you can bark and growl at them all you want if they go over the line." I tell her, she just pouts as I drag her out of the room once she was done with her hair.

When we got into the lounge area, Yelena and Wanda both run up to us. But Nat wraps her arm around my shoulder, basically claiming her territory.

"Back up, she's mine." Nat says possessively wrapping both her arms around my shoulders, I giggle as she kisses my cheek repeatedly to get the other two girls jealous.

"Not for long.." Yelena sing songs as she skips past us to the front door.

Wanda just laughs as she walks away with her arms crossed she tilts her head a bit as she was walking away.

Nat yells after Yelena.

"Wait, what does that mean? Get back here Belova!" She yells towards her sister as she runs after her. I just giggle walking after them. When we get out to the car, Yelena was in the front seat, while Nat was trying to pry the door open.

"Baaaabe!" Nat whines, I laugh.

"Yelena, please give the seat to Nat." I say, Yelena looks at me with a pouty face.

"Please." I flutter my eyelids, she sighs.

"Can I at least get a kiss?" She asks

"Nope." I say popping the 'p', She groans as she climbs in the back. Not unlocking the door, I unlock the door to let Nat in and she climbs in, grabbing my face and planting a kiss on my lips. I giggle into the kiss, before i separate us. I look to the back, and Wanda and Yelena looked like they had jealous faces on.

I just laugh before starting the car, and pull out of the driveway.

"Y/n, you are so beautiful." Wanda says flirting. I just give Nat a knowing look before saying.

"Thank you Wanda, your pretty beautiful too." I tell her, looking through the rear view mirror before setting my eyes back onto the road. Nat puts a hand on my thigh.

"We'd be one beautiful couple." She sing song'd, I laugh.

"Thin ice, Maximoff." Nat warns her, which makes me laugh even more.

The only real reason why Yelena and Wanda flirt so much is because they think it's funny to mess with Nat. Yelena and Wanda are in a secret relationship with each other but... being I'm their best friend. Only I know.

They haven't told Natasha just yet because... they want to taunt her with their flirting with me.

They were my best friends, but Natasha always has reason to believe other wise. It didn't bother me much.

I got a clingy girlfriend, just how I liked... and they, well they got to annoy Natasha up to her very last standing nerve. Which was really fun to watch.


No worries there will be a part two of their day, just wanted to post this because it's been in my drafts forever. I've been burping up chicharrón since this afternoon and idk what to do anymore. It's making my stomach hurt, any home remedies? I got work tomorrow and I can't miss.

As much as I want to stay home and write one shots all day.

With all my love, AK.

Nat x Wanda x Yelena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now