Dance • N.R.

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[Third Person...]

You sighed as you turned in bed, no one beside you.

For almost two weeks now, Natasha has not been coming to bed to sleep with you. Instead she trains, all night, as if she was avoiding you. At this point you felt as if she was losing feelings, or was cheating. You were tired of it.

So you slipped out of bed angrily walking to the training room, you could slightly hear Friday's voice in the distance but couldn't hear it completely due to your anger and irritation.

You were tired, you had a bad day and all you wanted was to cuddle in bed with your girlfriend who seemed to have better things to do.

You stormed into the training room to see she was standing next to Bucky.

You scoffed.

"So this is what your doing instead of in bed?"

"Baby, what are you talking about?" Nat asks concerned

"You know what? Nothing, never mind. Continue whatever you two were doing... it's not like I matter anyway." You mumble the last part too infuriated to hear Natasha running and calling after you as you stomped back to the room. Once you gotten there you pushed the door open with Nat trailing behind.

"What was that all about?" She asked

"Nothing, go back to whatever was more important than me." You say out of jealousy and anger.

"Baby, nothing is more important than you-"

"Then you won't mind sleeping in the bed with me... you know. The bed I have been sleeping alone in for two weeks now."

"I would but-"

You scoff once more.

"Your boy toy is waiting, isn't he? Just go, Natalia. I'll just sleep alone, like I have been doing. Actually..." you say laying down but then getting back up and grabbing a pillow and blanket.

"How about I make it so much easier for you and leave the room; you won't have to use the gym anymore." You say, Natasha was out of words. She was completely confused.

She blocked the door before you could leave.

"Let me leave." You spat at her.

"No! Bucky and I- me and Bucky- we're not-"

"Oh, save it. I am so done with your fucking excuses, Natalia. Now let me leave." You say once more.

"No, let me explain-"

"Out of my way, or I swear Natalia, I will-"

"Shut up, for a minute!" She yells, you shut your mouth and took a step backwards. Natasha regretted yelling but needed to get words in.

"Baby, I was teaching Bucky how to use Cap's shield... he's trying to impress him." She finally explains

"Why does he need to- oh."

Natasha nods.

"But you could have told me, it doesn't explain why your gone at night though, all night? Do you just not want to come back to bed because... I'm there?" Tears pricked your eyes as insecurity flooded your veins.

"What? No! No, baby. That isn't it at all." She says cupping your cheeks.

She pecked your lips before continuing, caressing your cheeks with the pads of her thumbs.

"In return for helping Buck with the shield, he's helping me with..." she mumbled the last word but you couldn't hear what she said


"D-mmm" your hands went to her cheeks and she flinched from how cold they were. You giggled.

"What is he helping you with?" You asked

She hufffed.

"I don't know how to dance, okay? He was helping me with learning to dance because I know you've been begging me to take you to take you out dancing but I didn't know how to dance, so I asked Buck!" She said all under one breath, it made you giggle.

"You didn't have to ask him, you could have asked me." You chuckled

"I didn't want to tell you I didn't know how, I was embarrassed." She confesses, you gave her a silly pout before pulling her into kiss your lips.

"One, we don't have to dance if you don't want to. Two, you don't need to know how to dance to dance with me. And three, we can dance anywhere, any time, I just like dancing. So if you don't want to go dancing because it's embarrassing we can dance here." She looks at you weirdly.

"We don't have to go out to dance?" She asks, you shake your head.

You went over to grab the stereo and turned on some music, extending your hand. She smiles taking it and you both started to dance.

"I thought you had to learn ballet in the red room?" You asked

"I know ballet, but I know nothing of how to dance with a partner." She giggled

"Well... just follow my lead and don't step on my toes." You joked, she rolled her eyes smacking your arm.

"And tell Bucky, it was a waste of time learning the shield. Steve likes him too." You smirk, Natasha looks at you surprised.

"Seriously?! And you didn't tell me!" She yells, you laugh.

"You didn't tell me about Buck!"

"Fair enough." She says leaning her head on your shoulder, you heavily sigh. Loving this moment. Never wanting it to end, ever.


I'm almost ready with my Requests book to be published.

Just adding a few more stories before publishing!!

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter.

Nat x Wanda x Yelena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now