Ow ow ow • w.m.

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Credit to the tiktok-er who posted this video. Or idea... idk.

Today is a day a new recruit is supposed to join us, Yelena Belova. Natasha Romanoff's sister, who I've never met or heard of before but Natasha is my best friend.

Tony bet me one grand if I could scare the daylights out of her. So I said, let the scaring begin.

She was due to come in any minute now, I hid in the coat jacket ready to scare the shit out of her, Nat was also in on this said prank.

"Just put your coat in there." Natasha told her, next thing I knew was the door was opened and I popped out with the scariest looking mask I could find in a short notice online.

Yelena screamed, comedically might I add. She raised her hands up to form 'ninja hands' to protect herself. For a black widow assassin, you would think the girl would have punched me in the stomach or socked me in the face. So much for protecting herself.

"Why would you do that?" She asked as her face was contorted into a weird look, I continue laughing until my girlfriend Wanda raised from her seat on the couch. Head tilted, angry eyes activated. Uh oh. I'm in deep shit.

I felt a very hard grip on my ear before getting harshly pulled away.

"Okay— ow. Ow. Ow. Ow." I said as she pulled me away quite viciously from my ear. I wouldn't be surprised if she is trying to tear it off my head by now.

When we got to the room she kept hitting me over the head.

"Ow!" I yelled

"Time out, now." She said pointing to the corner.


"Ah! Time out."


"What did I just say?" She tilted her head again, I looked at her with wide eyes before quickly heading towards time out corner. I waited for her to tell me i was done. Which wasn't for an hour.

"Okay, coke here." She said finally setting her book down, I padded my way guiltily over to her.

"Do you know what you did?" She asked, I nodded.

"Why did you do it?" She asked gently but sternly.

"Nat and Tony bet me to do it!"

"So if Nat and Tony bet you to jump off a cliff would you do it?" She asked sternly as she bent her head down a bit to meet me eyes. I fiddled with my fingers.

"If they promised me a puppy I would..." I mumbled

"What was that?" She asked, she knew what I said.

"Nothing— I'm sorry. I just want cuddles." I pouted.

"Are you sure you're sorry?" She asked

I nodded quickly.

"Come here." She patted her lap, I quickly climbed on top basically innocently straddling her.

"Now, what have we learned?" She asked

"Not to do anything Nat or Tony say unless it involves food, Dutch Bros, or a puppy." I nodded firmly with a charming smile on my face. Wanda rolled her eyes playfully before kissing me on the lips passionately.

I immediately lose myself quickly in the kiss, she flipped me over so she was on top but instead of moving things further along her fingers attached themselves to my sides and tickled me.

I giggled as her lips continued to keep mine hostage.

We continued this for a while before she finally let me go, and I crawled on top of her to rest my head on her chest.

"I love you." She smiled down at me as she combed my hair back.

"I love you too." I say, eyes dropping closed. She kissed my forehead as I drifted off into sleep.

I really hope I get that grand.


A happy one so y'all aren't so mad about the sad one from yesterday.

My stomach is in pain rn. My coworker came to work and told me her son had the stomach flu all weekend and it kicked up my anxiety. I have this OCD fixation when it comes to stomach flus or throwing up in general.

Nat x Wanda x Yelena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now