Stay Secret • n.r.

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Today I decided it was the day I'm coming out to my mom. I have been in a relationship with Natasha for a while now, and everyone else practically knows except for my mom. So, it's time.

My coworkers at SHIELD were hyping me up to do it, so once I got home I asked my mother if she would like to go for a walk, she was happy because she has been wanting to lose weight. I was quiet throughout the duration of the walk until we sat down at some park benches.

"What's wrong? You been quiet." She pointed out

"I just wanted to talk to you..."

"Oh yeah? What about?" She asked curiously

"Do you remember that conversation we had after my graduation at the academy about the possibility of me not liking boys, and you expressed to me maybe I should experiment?" I asked, she looked at me a mixture of hurt, angry, and confused.


"Well, I wanted to talk to you about that..."

"About your confusion?" She asked hopefully, I shook my head.

It was quiet for a few minutes, she didn't know what to say, and tears were already making their way down my cheeks.

"So what are you trying to say?" She asked, I stayed quiet.

"So let me get this straight, all of that rainbow shit you have been buying has been for— that?" Again, I stayed quiet, not daring to move a muscle.

"I threw all that shit away, and don't give me that shit that people are born with that shit." She said angrily. It was quiet for a long time as she was continuing to process it.

"Well, as for if I want anyone to know, I don't. I don't want to see it. But I do accept you, and nothing changes my love for you." She expresses.

"But it explains why your cousin makes all those comments— but don't think I will try to change you, because I won't." Again, I stayed quiet.

"I'm not angry with you, y/n. Did I see it coming? Sort of, do I feel a bit stupid? Yeah. I blame myself for this." I stayed quiet, wanting to crawl into a hole and die. Feeling dirty and ashamed in my own skin.

On our walk home my mom tried making me laugh, the subject was no longer talked about, as if it was a dirty secret I had to keep.

I had no idea what she meant that she didn't want anyone to know, was that her telling me not to tell anyone? Or was that her suggesting I not tell anyone? It confused me.

Others expressed how life was supposed to feel brighter after telling your most closest loved one. All I feel is dirty and like I need to shower myself in holy water.

Natasha texted me, but I didn't answer. In fact I called into work for two weeks, causing her to come by my apartment to check on me. She opened my door with a Bobby pin and seen me laying in my bed staring at the blank tv.

"My love, did it go bad with your mom?" She asked, I stayed quiet. I was so much more confused than I was before I came out.

"Come on, let's take a bath." She said picking up my limp body. I rested my head on her shoulder as she carried me to my bathroom. Undressing me and placing me on the counter for her to fill up the tub. Once the tub was filled with warm water she placed me in gently.

I stayed limp as she washed me up, and washed my hair. She drained the tub before grabbing a towel she put in the dryer and picked me up once more, brushing my teeth for me. Placing a peck on my lips, and helped me dressed. She laid me on the couch as she cleaned up my apartment, made a smoothie for us, and did my laundry.

When she came back to sit down, she held the straw to my lips, finally I spoke quietly as I explained what happened to her. She was as confused as I was.

"Do you want to introduce me as a friend?" She asked, I shook my head. She shrugged.

"Then don't, you still have yet to tell your dad, maybe you won't have to hide me forever. Maybe just for a little while. It sounds like to me your mom just needs either a big wake up call or some time to adjust, it's big news." She explained, I nodded.

"But malyshka, I love you so much. And I'm not going anywhere. Okay?" She asked, I nodded.

"I need words, my love."


"Good girl, now drink your smoothie. I'm ordering snacks and I'm not leaving your side until you feel one hundred percent again." She explained. I nodded once more, the smoothie tasted a bit powdery.

"What's in this?"

"Your medicine, I know you haven't been taking it my love. And that's important." She explained, she was right. Medication wasn't for everyone, but it was necessary for me.

I spent the rest of the night cuddling and getting kisses from Nat as she told me about her day, even sang a small song for me I loved in Russian. I love her voice.

I love her.


Happy pride, this is basically what happened with my mom. Any tips with how to process it?

Any tips on whether or not I should post I'm gay?

Any tips in general?

I feel so angry, and hurt. And I've been crying non stop, and stopped taking my meds, and called into work. My coworkers were worried. If anyone can help me, please. I honestly don't know what to do anymore.

All I've been thinking about honestly is offing myself, and that's not good. I know, but I feel so dirty and ashamed. I hate myself.

Anyways, any advice or words or wisdom or even just kind words will help.

Happy pride loves.

Nat x Wanda x Yelena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now