Wisdom Teeth • W.M.

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In honor of being sick because I have an infection in my wisdoms because I refuse to take them out, here's a story to reflect on that pain, enjoy.


Wanda and I had a great night last night, no sex. But it was great, we went out on a date and laughed, came home and cuddled with snacks and just talked and laughed. It was amazing, one of the best nights I had ever had ever.

But this morning, it wasn't the same story, Wanda had already gotten up to get started with training and laundry, but when i didn't get up an hour later like I usually did, she came to the room to check on me.

"Baby?" She said shaking me, i mumbled something and turned around to face her, my stomach was churning and I felt tired.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She whispered

I whined, cuddling into her stomach as she stood next to the bed. She put her hand on my hair and started tucking it behind my ear.

"My stomach hurts." I whined, I didn't like stomach aches, I didn't like throwing up. I despised it. It was a phobia of mine.

"Oh, my poor baby. Maybe you have a stomach bug?" She suggested, she knew I was afraid of throwing up.

"I don't want it to be." I whined

"I know, let me inform the others and get you some pain medicine. Does anything else hurt?" She asks her voice filled with concern.

"My teeth, and my jaw." I whined

"What?" She asked with pure confusion

"Open your mouth." She instructed

"Wanda, not now."

"Open your mind, and get your head out of the gutter, dork." She joked, I opened it. She took a flashlight on her phone and checked my mouth.

"Baby, your gums are swollen, and red. I think your wisdoms need to come out." She informed me, I only whined and cuddled into her stomach more.

"Let me talk to Banner about getting a dentist on the phone." She said before walking out and heading towards the lounge area to find Banner.

I just whined as she left tossing around in the bed until I needed to head towards the bathroom, nothing came up but by the time I had come out Wanda was back in the room with me.

"Are you okay, baby? Did you throw up?" She asked completely worried, I shook my head. Her eyebrows were furrowed together, eyes were laced with concern.

"Banner said your going to have to get your wisdoms taken out, my love." She said guiding me back to the bed. I laid down and pulled her in with me.

"I don't wanna" I whined nuzzling my face into her neck

"You need to, or these symptoms are just going to get worse. Their infected, my love." She said scratching my scalp softly, soothing me.

"We'll get frozen yogurt afterwards." She said in a sing song voice, i looked up at her with puppy dog eyes

"Aw, is my baby in pain?" She said with a pout, pecking my lips, i nodded going in for another kiss. She granted the kiss.

"Kisses make me feel better" I pouted, jutting my lower lip out in a cute pout. She couldn't help but giggle at my childishness.

"Oh they do now, huh?"

"Mhm" I said leaning in for another kiss, to which she giggled as she leaned in as well. Shutting her eyes as our lips connected. When we separated I made a joke in hopes she wouldn't make me get my wisdoms out.

Nat x Wanda x Yelena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now