Anxiety • N.R.

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Natasha was begging me to take a trip to the mall with her, which I was really worried about. It was ridiculous but I get anxiety I would lose Nat somewhere in the stores, or even just speaking to employees.

But I felt bad for not doing things she wanted because of my stupid anxiety so I said yes, to which she was excited about.

"Babe!" She yells, running into our shared room on the compound. I jump up in fear as I look over at her with a scared expression on my face, I was sitting at the desk as she quickly shut the door sitting on my lap with a big grin plastered on her face.

"Guess what?" She says

"Uh... chicken butt?" I joke with her, rubbing her thigh in a comforting way, it was not only comforting for her, but me as well. Any type of touch I have with Nat always comforted me in a major way.

"No, dork. Tony gave me his card." She says excitedly waving the card in my face. I laugh nervously taking the card into my hand, it was a black master card. One that only rich people have.

"That's... that's great, love." I tell her with a fake smile on my face. The nerves only ran up my spine as I thought about our little trip to the mall in a few minutes.

"Yeah, and he's giving me access to your favorite car." She winks also wiggling the car keys in my face. I wasn't paying attention to her at all though, my mind only began racing about the mall.

"Babe? You feeling okay? Baby... my love, if your not feeling up to it..." she starts off but I interrupt her before she could continue.

"Are you kidding me? Of course I'm up for it, my favorite car, my favorite girl, and Tony's master card... life couldn't get any better." I say with a fake happiness in my voice. Her smile just beams as she places a big chaste kiss on my lips before leaving the room to get ready, leaving me to do so as well.

Some time later, and we're in the car now driving towards the mall. My leg will not stop shaking no matter how much I try to stop it. That was until Natasha put her hand on my thigh like she does when she drives.

The touch calms me until we drive into the parking lot. She takes her hand off my thigh and excitedly takes off her seatbelt, i grab my back pack purse putting it on and hopped out of the car, taking a big breath I went towards Nat's side to which she doesn't even bother to grab my hand only walking beside me.

I respected her not wanting to touch me, she wasn't big on PDA so I had to respect that. Even though her holding my hand would help immensely right now.

We had gone to a few stores starting at Forever 21, and going from there down the mall. I only grabbed about two shirts from Hot Topic, feeling the anxiety crawling up my spine.

We walked into another store, it was bigger than the others and I tried to stay glued to Natasha's side but people got in front of me forcing us to separate, causing me to lose Nat. Natasha is so engrossed into shopping she wouldn't be fazed if I left her side, she would leave the store forgetting about me.

Which only made my anxiety heighten.

I looked all over the store for my redhead, but she was no where inside. I tried to calm my breathing but nothing was working as the tears began to blur my vision, and the sweat began to form on my forehead.

The heat was crawling up my neck as I frantically looked all over the store for my safe spot, but she was no where to be seen.

Tears began to roll down my cheeks as I stumbled out, needing air. She wasn't outside the store either. I quickly grabbed my phone to try and text her, but there was no service in this stupid anxiety ridden place! I walked down the mall to see if she had wondered into any other stores but still couldn't see her.

Nat x Wanda x Yelena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now