Old Habits Die Hard • N.R.

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Warning : mentions of sexual assault, neglect, and child abuse.

Disclaimer : I know everyone likes to make jokes and such, but I plead for you all to keep any what would seem insensitive jokes to yourselves for this one... I love all your jokes and comments on my stories but- this story has a lot of actual real life events experienced by me. The stories in this story are real, so please comment with respect towards anyone else who has gone through such a thing. If you are under the age of 18 and are currently going through things in your home close to or similar to this, please contact someone you trust to get help, or confide in an adult. Please
Okay, you may continue reading the story, I apologize my disclaimer is very long...


Right now Natasha and I were in the middle of a heated argument with my mother at her house.

My mother contacted me a few weeks back to come over, that she needed to speak to me of something, I informed her I was bringing Natasha, things were going well but once I went to make a joke about the abuse I endured as a child, she became very defensive.

It started off as us just loudly speaking to each other on the couch, Natasha's arm around me, protecting me.

Then it escalated as she kept denying and continued to disregard everything I was telling her, or trying to tell her.

And the mother of the year award goes to... here's the rest of our argument as it played out.

"You know when I said old habits die hard, I didn't know how true it actually was... I mean god I must have been one retched child for you not to want to take care of me when I was sick." I told my mother

"I mean, I get it... you had a even more sick kid. Priority takes. But he had dad... does the guilt ever even cross your cold heart?" I ask her, tears streaming down my face as Natasha held me.

"Guilt for what?" She asked

"God, you don't even remember? The guilt of every time you left me alone to deal with myself! The guilt of leaving a stranger to take care of your sick child to go on a date night rather than to stay home with me! The guilt of when I was seventeen and puking my guts out you leave me alone in that stupid house to care for myself! The guilt mom! The guilt!" I screamed as tears ran down my face like an open faucet.

Natasha held me back as I screamed, wanting to just jump forward and hurt my mother in a physical way to show how much she had hurt me.

"You don't know how much I blame myself-"

"Stop with the theatrics." Natasha butted in now, having no patience for my mothers sob story for why she couldn't take care of me.


"No. You left me by myself... the memories of him hitting me are so horrible, they're etched into my brain, and you can't even remember them. Do you even remember me growing up?"

"I... I remember some things." I scoff

"You can't even remember what time I was born... but what time was my oldest brother born? Your oldest son."

"...4:44 am" she stated guiltily, knowing I already knew that she knew

"See? Priorities. I wasn't a priority to you, not then... and not now."

"That is not true! I tried my best with you! Your brothers, they needed me!" She yelled back

"I needed you!" I screamed poking my own chest

"Okay, shh, okay, shh. It's alright, baby." Natasha said putting her arms around me trying to calm me down, although I was still spewing words at my mother.

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