Sister's Girlfriend [v.1] •N.R.

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A bit of my imagination running wild based on my life and my brothers / their girlfriends and wives.

I also live in California, so we when we go places where it snows for vacation or something, we say 'to the snow'. I don't know if anyone else does that?
This is 4000 words.

Y'all better enjoy!


My sister in law's and brothers all wanted to badly go on holiday to the snow.

My brothers all brought their girlfriends except for the youngest boy, I was the youngest girl, and I have three brothers. Michael, Jesus, and Jeffrey.

Michael is my mom's oldest, but not my dad's, he has a different father.

Jesus is my mom's second born, my dad's first.

And Jeffrey, both my mom's and dad's youngest boy, also my dad's favorite. But being the fact my parents are divorced and my mother wouldn't be joining us in this vacation, that didn't matter.

We're all driving up on our own, meeting at the cabin.

I'm an Avenger, so I hardly get to see my family. I do when I can. How I got into the Avengers is basically they seen me kicking ass on television, my power is... well nothing.

I was trained as an assassin by Hydra when I was kidnapped, they didn't brainwash me as they did to Steve's pal, Bucky. But it was still very traumatic. Using my family as leverage.

When I finally escaped, the Nick Fury seen me fighting Hydra agents on the news and recruited me.

I got back into contact with my mom, and dad, and three brothers.

It's taken me a bit longer to connect back with cousins, they all seem too stuck in their own lives to care how I have been living mine for the past few years, although they don't know anything past me getting kidnapped.

But now here I was driving towards the cabin I was going to be staying at with my three brothers and two of their wives. Well, we, and I'm not the one who is currently driving.

"Baby, you wanna stop and get some snacks at the next stop?" Nat asks me with her hand laid on my thigh, she squeezed it to get my attention. I look up to look at her face which was concentrated on the road in-front of her.

"Sure, are we getting gas?" I ask

"Yeah, in about five minutes. I think I can take the next exit." She informs me, I smile nodding grabbing her hand and intertwining it with mine.

Natasha and I have been dating officially for two and a half years.

Never have I introduced my brothers to her, nor my parents.

I didn't want to have to share her with my sister in laws just yet, she would have to learn how much we argue and fight with one another.

The past few christmases I made excuses about how I needed to go on missions in exchange for my expungement. But in reality, I've been traveling to Russia to spend it there with her family, and quite frankly, I love her family much more. Melina and Alexei get angry if I don't call them 'mama, and papa'.

Yelena loves talking about things going on in her life with me, and Natasha loves watching me get along with all of them. We love our vacations.

But now, I have no excuse. I can't keep allowing myself to skip christmases just because I am afraid of my broken and damaged family.

So we were invited to join my brothers on their trip to the cabin... well, I was.

I informed them I'd be bringing a plus one, and was teased about Casper being my date to the vacation.

Nat x Wanda x Yelena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now