Con Todo Mi Alma • Y.B.

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I was currently laying in bed with my girlfriend, Yelena when suddenly my phone started singing with messages. I groaned not wanting to move my head from my girlfriends chest, it was currently the middle of the day. She was reading a book with her hand in my hair, and I was resting my eyes with my arms wrapped around her waist, legs intertwined and head on her chest.

"Baby?" I mumbled putting my face in her chest just above her boobs, I could feel her warm soft skin on my lips. God, I loved that feeling.

"Yes, my love?" She asked, flipping a page in her book before her hand came right back to my hair.

"Can you get my phone?" I asked pointing to my phone which was next to her on her side of the nightstand. She reached for it and tried handing it to me.

"Babe?" She tried getting my attention when I didn't make a move to grab my phone.

"Can you read the message on it?" I asked

"Baby, I don't want to invade your privacy." She said hesitantly, i know she was dying to see who had texted me and what it had said. Yelena had trust issues, and I knew that. I want to put her mind at ease, and quite frankly I am too exhausted to look at the phone.

"Whats mine is yours, you can check my phone whenever you want, can you please read the message?" I asked

"What's the password?" She asked

"Be my Lova" I told her, she looked at me with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

"What? It's cute."

"It's dorky" she teased

"I don't care" I mumbled into her chest, she shrugged and went to my message apps to see the new message.

"It says 'Y/n, are you coming to the reunion?' It's from your cousin, Marissa. She sent it in your groupchat." She explained

"Tell them no." I said quickly nuzzling my face into her neck, and kissing the warm soft skin there, I loved her soft skin.

"She said she isn't taking no for an answer and she better see you there."

I rolled my eyes.

"Just exit out of the groupchat" I told her annoyed now

"There you go" she said about to hand me my phone but I pushed it away.

"I just want you." I said nuzzling even further to her. Suddenly I heard another ding, and several more following. I groaned.

"Read it again?" I asked

"Same person."

I groaned loudly.

"Your cousin Manny said to stop being a dick and actually interact with your family for once, you have time to spend with superhero's but not with your own blood... the girls are laughing and teasing you for being antisocial." Yelena said with furrowed eyebrows, I felt my anxiety rising but didn't want to lose it in front of Yelena, so I kept quiet for a few minutes.

"Tell them I'll be there." I said

"Okay." Is all she said, before I heard typing on my phone. And then some more typing.

"You're going off on them, aren't you?" I asked with a slight giggle.

"What made you think I wouldn't?" She said with a smirk, I just lifted myself up slightly and turned her head a bit by her chin and kissed her lips lovingly, pulling away with a smile.

"You wanna know something?" I asked

"What's up?" She said curiously

"You are the first person to ever defend me without any hesitation, others would have left it alone, teased me, laughed, or made me feel worse... not you." I explained.

"Not even my own brothers, or mom would defend me when I needed it." I said with a sad face. Yelena looked at me before kissing my lips.

"Never worry about that ever again, I'll always be here to defend you. No one will ever talk to you the wrong way ever again." She said before kissing my lips once more. I was content, she was about to pull away but I pulled her in for another kiss.

When we finally pulled away, I said three words we hadn't said yet.

"I love you, con todo mi alma." I said in my native language, Spanish.

"What does that mean?" She asked curiously

I translated for her.

"I love you, with everything I got." She smiled widely, i never seen her smile so happily before. She gave me a passionate kiss before responding back to me.

"Ditto" she said with a huge smile spread across her face, I giggled before pulling her in for another kiss. My phone kept dinging so I just silenced it and threw it on the ground while I continued to kiss the love of my life. I loved her with all of my heart and soul.


That cousin conversation did sorta happen to me, just differently to fit the story. But the same context.

Also fans on tiktok for Yelena are annoying the shit out of me. No one can make a POV tiktok for Yelena without a comment saying 'she's asexual'. Guys she's also a fictional character. LIVE ALITTLE, I'm in love with Yelena lmao!

If I ever see one comment on here saying she's asexual again, I'm going ballistic.

I respect asexuals, but this is a fictional character

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