Mysterious Family • W.M.

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I was sitting in a bar in New Orleans, having a taste of whiskey.

I sigh closing my eyes before looking back up and around the bar.

"Hi..." I look to my side to find a brunette smiling shyly at me, I smile back.

"Hello, beautiful. What may I owe the pleasure?" I said, British accent lacing strongly in my vocal chords. Her breath hitches, her heartbeat quickened. Her pulse quickening. I smirk.

"My crew and I, we're uhm-" she stumbled on her words. She looked confused, which only confused me more... it fascinated me as well.

"We- uh..." she laughed

"We can't seem to find a decent hotel here." She giggled nervously, I wonder why she was so nervous?

"You look like someone who's been here a while... do you by chance know anywhere we can stay?" She asked, I sighed.

"Unfortunately, no. All the hotels here are not the most luxurious." I smile taking another gulp of my whiskey.

"Who are you here with?" I ask, she points behind me, I turn in my barstool to see four men, and two women. Two of the men brunette, two blonde. One blonde woman, the other redhead.

"If you are looking for a place to stay, you can stay alongside my family and I. Our house is quite spacious, it would fit most of you." I smirk

"But you would have to room with me." I throw out a flirtatious comment which makes her blush.

"I think it would be better if I slept with one of my crew members, but thank you for the offer." She smirked, I like her.

"Oh come on, I'll let you have the top bunk." I wink at her, her confidence belittles and she's a heaping mess of red blush once more.

"But if you insist, I am all about consent my darling. I will show you to my home, it is only up the road, if you all do not mind walking?" I ask she nods.

"We certainly do not."

Walking up to your home, a few of the men seem to be curious of me and my generosity.

"You invite all new comers of the town into your home?" Tony asks

"I certainly do not." I say honestly

"But I am sure the Avengers would know to defend themselves if someone were to overstep boundaries." I say informing to them you knew who they were.

"You know who we are?" He asks

"No one can forget a face of the great Tony Stark, Iron Man. Or the incredible Steve Rogers, Captain America.." I say smugly, continuing to walk.

"You... you look familiar." Steve says quietly.

"Most people say that of me."

"You invite a lot of people into your bed?" Tony asks

"Stark!" Wanda yells

"No, it is quite alright Miss Maximoff... it is mostly women who lay in bed with me Mr Stark, although I feel as though you can relate?"

"I certainly can, any special women laying in bed with you lately?" He asks

"Not of recently, although I am feeling quite compelled towards a certain..." I pause looking towards the 'witch' before smirking "energy." I complete my sentence before walking up towards my house and unlocking my door.

"This is your house? Were your parents royalty?" Romanoff says, I smirk.

"Not quite, this house is quite... old." I say before shutting the door.

"I only have a bit of advice towards everyone, take what you will. Walking around inside the house, is fine. You are safe, no room is closed off. But... please I ask of you to not step outside after dark." I inform them, but I am looking towards the Maximoff girl.

"What happens when we step out-" Mr America begins to speak but I speak over him.

"You do not wish to know. I beg you all, to stay inside."

"How do we know your not bluffing and your setting us up to be killed? Like a lunatic." Tony says

"Because I am an enemy to no one. I am advising you to not seek out that door after dusk, if you choose to leave. I will not stop you."

They all nod and begin speaking to one another as I step toward the brunette.

"Promise me, you will stay inside tonight?" I ask, she nods.

"Say it." I speak a bit more frantically

"I promise, but I thought you said take the advice if we will?" She asks a bit curious and confused my change of demeanor

"That was not extended towards you."

"Why not?"

"You are certainly more important." I say looking down at the ground as I had grabbed her hand and fiddled with the rings on it.

"You've only just met me."

"Yes, Miss Maximoff. I have."

"So, why-"

"I am more than drawn to your 'energy' Miss Maximoff, I am more than intrigued by your looks. I wish to have you more than in my bed, it is in the prophecy, and before now... I never believed in it."

"P-prophecy... what prophecy?"

"The Scarlet Witch will enter New Orleans only to find a soul that matches one of her own, whom is only one third of her own. The great Scarlet Witch will then learn to share her soul, mind, and heart with thou who might accept it. Only this person whom matches such, may share a true love with the powerful Scarlet Witch." I explain. Suddenly a gust of wind appears and happens again.

"I must go, please, choose any room of which of your liking on the third floor. I will check on your much later to see how you've settled in." I smile before making my way to find my sisters and brothers.

I was in deep shit now.


This one was in my drafts, decided to just post it so y'all have a bit more to read.
Do y'all know what show inspired this one?

Do y'all have a little idea of where this is going?

I'm updating my Requests book this Sunday so if you read it, it'll be updated! Hopefully.

Oh yeah, and I have officially been diagnosed with Bipolar 1. Exciting right?

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