I'm back • W.M.

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[Third Person...]

Wanda had lost everything, coming back to nothing. You had risked everything to get her back, when you had jumped off the cliff of Vormir, you only thought of her and only her.

When she returned she was heartbroken to say the least.

And here she is now, alongside Natasha, Bruce, Bucky, Steve, and Sam awaiting for Steve to leave for his journey to out the stones back in their rightful places.

"Wanda, how you feeling?" Natasha asked coming up from behind her, standing at her side.

"I'm fine... she would be proud." She said with a small smile looking down.

"She hated all of us except for you." Natasha smirked

"Are you kidding? She admired you all, well except for Bruce, no offense buddy."

"Oh, none taken." He said with a bright smile preparing to send Steve off.

"How did I not know this?" Nat asked her friend

"She was too closed off, she tried but it was like she couldn't, her mind would shut off." She explained

"I'm surprised she landed you, then."

"Well, we both were going through losses. We helped each other." Wanda smiled lightly, Natasha nodded understanding exactly what Wanda had meant.

Bruce was ready to send Cap, they all counted down before sending him off, Bruce tapped his button for him to return but ends up going past his time stamp, Wanda and Nat look at each other nervously.

"Bruce, where is he?" Nat asks

"I don't know, he blew right past his time stamp, he should be here!" He says

"Well then try!"

"I am!"

"Try harder!" Wanda yelled

That was when they heard a car engine coming toward them, Wanda looked over to see Steve getting out of the car.

"What took you so long?!" Sam asked

"Sorry, I uh- I was picking up a missing package." They all looked at him confused as the other side of the car opened.

You stepped out immediately looking for your one and only person.

She seen you from afar and gasped, tears immediately welled up in her eyes.

"Baby... m-my baby." She said just before running up to you and tackling you in a big hug wrapping her arms tightly around your neck afraid you would dissipate into dust just as she had, but somehow she knew you wouldn't.

You held on just as tightly having not seen the love of your life since before the snap, you both took a big breath through your nose wanting to take in each others scents. Wanda lifted her head a bit to kiss your lips deeply and desperately.

Her eyes screwed shut as she pushed her lips unbearably closer to yours, you did not mind as you parted.

"Hello, my love." You said, tears in your eyes.

"It's really you..." she hiccuped

"Yes, it's really me." You said with a smile, she smiled back caressing your cheeks.

"My baby, my love, my- my soulmate." She cried

"How?" She asked

Steve answered.

"I traded the stone for y/n... a soul-"

"For a soul." Natasha said smiling, happy to see one of her two sisters back. Wanda finally let you go wanting Natasha to be able to see you as well, she ran up to you caressing your hair.

"mladshaya sestra..." she said crying

"Never save my life like that again you fucking idiot." She said holding you tightly, you laughed

"Did Alexei cry?" You ask sniffling

"Like a freaking wailing baby." Natasha laughed, it was weird laughing about how you're father took your grief, i guess it was because you weren't dead anymore, so everything seemed funny.

"You owe me twenty bucks..." you laughed, you and Natasha had made a bet on if Alexei would cry if one of you died, you made two bets, if Natasha died, and if you died.

Alexei was always very tough on you, he only ever showed his emotions to Melina and Yelena, so when it came to you and Natasha who he was more tough with, being you both were oldest and middle. Natasha said he wouldn't.

Natasha finally backed away, you looked at Wanda who only seemed to have such daydreaming eyes on you.

"I think it's time we go visit my family..." you tell her

"I'd love that." She smiled wide, you hugged her again tightly before going up to the others and saying your hellos.

You were home.


Should I do a part two where y/n finds out Tony died and Wanda meets your fam??

Nat x Wanda x Yelena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now