Late Night Tick • y.b.

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Caution for my readers with ticks! Please continue with caution if you easily pick up ticks.

I personally do not suffer from Tourette's, although I do have this anxiety tic where my body shivers, it is the only way I can relate in the slightest, not that that can relate to any sort of discomfort, pain, or anger you may go through within your ticks.

But if I get anything wrong, please do not be afraid to comment!


Tonight was a particularly bad night for my ticks, they started off a bit quieter at first, but I only knew they would get worse through out the night. Yelena, my girlfriend, usually wanted me to wake her when they started up but I felt guilty for doing so.

So I sneakily and quietly got out of her grip, I was laying on her, she usually liked to sleep with me laid on top of her, her arms wrapped around me.

She'd lock her hands onto my back to help me through the night if I had light ticks. But I could only feel my ticks getting worse by the minute.

I snuck out of Yelena's arms and snuck into our bathroom, once in the bathroom I closed the doors and the ticks began worse than ever. I sat on the floor.

"Holy shit, mother of a cow." I said before slapping my hand onto the cabinet.

"Ow." I winced

"Jackass!" I screamed, I flinched hoping Yelena didn't hear that yell.

I slammed my knuckles onto the cabinet a few time, having to endure the pain that shot up my arm.

"Ah" i whispered in pain.

I didn't notice I had cut my hand during the slamming, blood trickled down my arm. I looked at it, that triggered more of my phrases.

"Nine - one - one!" I yelled

"Help! Oh! Help me!"

"I'm bleeding out— fuck." I winced again as the same hand with the cut decided to form a fist and slam against the cabinet once again.

It felt unusual, and weird for phrases to be spewing out of my mouth without my control, no matter how long I've been doing this throughout my life. The feeling never eased up.

"Uh oh" I said as the blood began dropping to the floor

"Uh oh... uh oh..." I repeated

I heard hard footsteps running towards the bathroom and the door was yanked open. There was a scared Yelena.

She did a once over on me and seen my bloody arm, which the cut wasn't as bad as it looked now. Possibly a few stitches, nothing major.

"Oh, baby... why didn't you wake me?" She asked grabbing a towel and wrapping it around my bloody arm.

"Mom! Ha! Mom! Mumsy is dead." I said

I start jerking my head forward, and my anxiety rises. I was afraid my tic attack was going to get worse, it was bad enough I woken up my girlfriend, what about the rest of the floor or the floor below us?

I was also anxious about hurting myself badly, I had already caused a cut. Well, my ticks caused it.

"You're a fucking whore." I say to Yelena but shake my head after, I hated saying things like that to her.

"I need my pet octopus— Wanda stole it!" I yelled slapping my hand against the wall.

"Agh!" I yell out of frustration, tears brimming my eyes. I just wanted to sleep, to normally cuddle with my girlfriend, and to do things without worrying if a tic will ruin it, or if a tic attack will start.

The same fist I had the cut on was slammed against the wall out of rage and frustration, further hurting the cut.

Yelena quickly grabbed my hands and held them.

"Let's get you to Bruce." She said helping me stand up. Just as we were about to walk out of the bathroom, a tic happens to where I kick the wall as if it were a soccer ball.

"Goal!— Agh!" I yell in pain, tears rolling down my cheeks. Yelena picked me up bridal style and took me to the med bay informing Friday to call for Bruce.

She set me on the bed just in time for Bruce to walk in.

"Jolly green giant, boom!"

"What happened?" Bruce asked ignoring my comment.

"She cut her knuckles, and I think she may have sprained her toes." She said putting on restraints on my hands and feet to keep me from hurting myself further more, or anyone else.

Bruce came over and looked at my wounds.

"I'm giving her a sedative so I can patch up that cut, but I think you may have to look into getting restraints or something to help with when tics get bad like this. He offers, Yelena nods.

"I'm not an expert on Tourette's but i know Tony and I are working with experts to find out what we can do for her." He explains

Soon enough, I was asleep. Yelena stayed by my side, when Bruce was done she carried me to the bedroom and laid me down. She laid me on top of her and wrapped her arms once again around me.

I don't believe she had much sleep this night.


If anyone can educate me a bit on Tourette's I'm trying my best to look it up, but I know sometimes online sources aren't the best.

If you can DM me on what you go through or a family member or friend, it will help a lot!

Thank you!!

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