Okay • n.r.

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[Third Person...]

You and Nat have been arguing non stop for a few hours. Things were getting heated in her own head while you were now just getting irritated.

It took a lot to bug you, but do not mess with you once you get to a certain point and Natasha was damn near touching that point.

"You know what? Fuck you." Nat said, suddenly everything you were fighting away went out the window. Nope, not relevant anymore. She just touched that point, and Natasha knew this. Her eyes widened as she seen the certain type of smile go onto your face.

The 'okay' smile.

"Really? Ha, okay. Okay." You said with a smirk and laughing tilting your head and walking out of the room.

Natasha seemed a bit scared, so she ran after you.

"No wait, baby I'm sorry!" She said yelling down the hall making your twin brother and sister laugh as well as the rest of the crew.

The tilt, the smile, and the 'okay' were everything to indicate. Nat was sleeping on the couch, and she wouldn't be getting ANY for a few months. You could hold out for a year if you wanted to, but Natasha? That girl was like a rabbit.

Yeah. She was screwed.


This is short because I'm tired and my new medication didn't really agree right with me last night.

I kept waking up, and at one time I woke up and seen a shadow figure infront of my mirror... don't ask. I know I sound crazy.

But it also made me sleepy as shit throughout my day at work and i'm honestly exhausted. But other than that I've been feeling so weird, and I hate it. Like my mind goes into what I like to refer to as a 'tunnel vision' mode, and it's weird and scary all at the same time.

It's like my body is on auto pilot and my mind is stuck living in a dream but im interacting with people. Idk, it's extremely weird and I know a lot of you cannot relate haha. I don't mean to sound crazy, I promise I'm not. Just a bit mentally ill, if I'm even that.

So here's something little, my requests will be done soon on my other book. I PROMISE.

Anyway, that's that. I'm tired, I'ma head to bed. Y'all are amazing. Do y'all take any meds? Diagnosed with anything? Wanna talk about it? Comment here, we're here for you.

With all my love.

Nat x Wanda x Yelena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now